Ronnie has head tilt

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Oh gosh! I've been so busy lately, I haven't had much time to read posts on the forum so I'm just seeing this! I'm so sorry Robin, and so glad all the best on here jumped in to help you so much. I love this place.

Anyway, just wanted to say my prayers and thoughts are with you and Ronnie for a full recovery. And your post is a good reminder to me to start looking into pet insurance. After learning how expensive surgeries can be on top of tests, x-rays, etc for these little guys, for $30 a month ($5,000 coverage yearly), it would pay for itself with just 1 yr vet check up and routine tests practically, if not needed for big stuff :).


I'm glad Ronnie is having no more bad days :)

Just to let you know, my Tilly has been having Convenia and it has shown improvement (thus meaning she still has/had an infection) and even though that has shown improvement, it has not made her straight. However, something that has helped is the neck/shoulder massages. You can see a visible difference before and after, and she holds her head far better after. Just thought that might be on interest to you.

Something else that might interest you is that when one of Tilly's bonded friends was really ill they had a snugglesafe in there (basically a heat pad but safe for animals) and whilst her bonded friend didn't use it, Tilly could always be found lying with her neck on it, so it seems that heat felt nice for it. So maybe a rice sock or something might benefit Ronnie?

I don't know if this will benefit Ronnie, but if he is a type of bun that when you give him food he takes it and runs away, then it might be worth a shot. Tilly does take food and run (mainly because she is one of three) and when we gave them a whole carrot between the three of them, she picked the carrot up and ran off with a completely straight head and it was amazing. She was clearly using her muscles properly and we now use this as another way to give her physio (as well as a treat ball, scatter feedingand also waving food around her head to make her turn her head in different ways).

Just thought I would share my newfound experiences with you :)

Tracy (AKA Flashymagoo but in the process of getting the accounts merged).
Raspberry82, thank you for your well wishes :). I'm thinking we're going to have to look into pet insurance soon too, seeing as how we've paid $270 for our first vet visit and another $160 for a follow up visit :X. They also charge us $15 for every tiny bottle of medicine whenever we need a refill so that adds up. Chris just spent $1000 on his car to get it to pass inspection so that means that all of the vet bills (which I was previously contributing 60% to) will now be 100% my responsibility. YAY.

Tracy, thanks for all of the advice you've sent me though PM and on here. There's so much I want to do for Ronnie but my time has been disappearing lately! I feel like I can get a certain amount of things done and then it's suddenly the end of the day and I have no clue where all of my time went :?. I've been forced to bring over school work every day that I go over to take care of Ronnie, but hopefully when that clears up I'll have more time to try all of the things you've suggested. Poor Billy hasn't been let out of the cage for three days and is now growling and boxing the cage door! :shock:

Also wanted to say a belated thank you to Peg and Alicia for your previous two posts which I never got around to responding to, and your continued involvement in this thread :hug1

In a few days we should be talking to the vet to discuss our treatment plan with Ronnie so I'll update with more details then.


Little Bay Poo wrote:
Also wanted to say a belated thank you to Peg and Alicia for your previous two posts which I never got around to responding to, and your continued involvement in this thread :hug1

In a few days we should be talking to the vet to discuss our treatment plan with Ronnie so I'll update with more details then.

Peg and I know what it can be like. It is not a walk in the park. More like running from an avalanche.
We've been trying to get in touch with the vet for a few days now with no luck. The first day the vet was in but timing was off and we missed the call, then they missed our call later. Today they were not in, but they will be in tomorrow so hopefully we can get in contact with them. It's not critical at this point, but we do need to talk to them by Friday to know what kind of treatment we should be doing over the coming weeks. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week are no shot days, and although our prescription has technically run out for Pen G, we do have extra needles to resume shots on Friday.

Ronnie is doing well, although his head is still on crooked. Even though people say Baytril is ineffective, I think it has helped to bridge the gap on his days without Pen G, because Ronnie has not had any relapses since. The Baytril has a funny side effect though, in that it makes Ronnie want to chew anything and everything...and he was not a chewer before. I read that Baytril is very bitter and can cause this Pica like reaction. Ronnie goes crazy for a salt lick due to the bitterness of the Baytril, but we only allow him about 5 to 10 minutes of salt lick time per day so he doesn't overdo it.

Ronnie has gotten a lot better with keeping his balance, and the only time he rolls is right after we put him down from his bunny burrito after medications. Most of the time he gets out of his burrito fine though and doesn't roll. When he does roll, he regains his balance himself now, only rolling once and then getting up normally.

Although Ronnie has lost his desire to hump, he still circles me like a madman. I'll sit with him petting him until he goes into a dead bunny flop and looks like he's content. Then, when my arm gets tired and he looks comfortable enough that I can sneak away, I quietly get up and try to leave the room. Sometimes I can't even get out of the room before he is running circles around my legs as if to say "HEY, Where are you going? You're not done yet!" Occasionally I can get out of the room but when I look back I inevitably see Ronnie sitting up and looking at me with his crooked head and oh so pathetic look on his face.

Whenever I approach the kitchen, Ronnie runs up to the edge of his room and looks at me eagerly to come in. He's afraid of the kitchen so he won't come through but he likes to give me pathetic looks from the other side. When I fall for it and go in to see him he goes back to running circles around me. :foreheadsmack:

He's such a needy little guy, or at least he likes to portray himself that way. At least I know he's feeling better though :p

I will update again when we finally get to talk to the vet to figure out where to go with Ronnie's treatment.

I'm glad he is doing well. You sound more positive today than you have done for a while and that's nice to read :) I hope you manage to get in touch with your vet to work out where to go from here :) Oh and if Ronnie wants to move in here, I have a two girlfriends and their boy waiting to meet him (one being Tilly my tilty bun, and her girlie friend and husbun, both of whom are very nurturing to Tilly, so Ronnie will fit right in). Just let me know when you're sending him :biggrin2:
It's good to hear that his rolling episodes are at a minimum. It's also great to hear that you are getting happy circles around your feet. It's just plain funny to hear that you are getting the sad Ronnie face from across the room. :p What a funny boy :D
Little Bay Poo wrote:
The Baytril has a funny side effect though, in that it makes Ronnie want to chew anything and everything...and he was not a chewer before. I read that Baytril is very bitter and can cause this Pica like reaction. Ronnie goes crazy for a salt lick due to the bitterness of the Baytril, but we only allow him about 5 to 10 minutes of salt lick time per day so he doesn't overdo it.
You should ask your vet if you can get the Baytril compounded. I had some compounded with Pina Colada flavor and Scooter just loved it. It's a little more expensive, but well worth it if it makes giving meds easier.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
So you're saying that bunnies tend to have a taste for the alcoholic foo-foo drinks? ;)
Lol, I had a friend visiting who knocked over a glass of Baileys on ice in Sparky and Scooters pen :)disgust:just don't ask). Scooter went nuts trying to lick it before we got it cleaned up. Fortunately, the glass was almost empty. I would have hated to waste too much Baileys.
Short update from Chris, who talked to the vet today over the phone:

The vet will not prescribe any more medications for Ronnie unless we take him in for another $70 check up. I'm still not certain if she will want to run tests or just eyeball him, but if tests are run the bill could be in the mid 200's. According to Chris, she would not really discuss anything other than to say, I have to see Ronnie in person to give you more medication.

I'm a little annoyed because I get the impression that if we didn't have the money they would say...too bad you don't get any treatment. I'm not sure if this is all standard vet procedure because I don't have much experience with vets. The previous visit I got a little peeved when we were charged $30 for the vet to put a dipstick in a urine sample, and what we thought would be a $70 check up ended up being over $160 due to lots of extra fees.

Anyhow, it looks like we're going to try to schedule something for Saturday because I don't want to randomly take Ronnie off all medications just because we are low on funds. I'm not sure how you tell if the infection is gone and if it's okay to stop Pen G, but that's something we can always discuss with the vet.
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Short update from Chris, who talked to the vet today over the phone:

The vet will not prescribe any more medications for Ronnie unless we take him in for another $70 check up. I'm still not certain if she will want to run tests or just eyeball him, but if tests are run the bill could be in the mid 200's. According to Chris, she would not really discuss anything other than to say, I have to see Ronnie in person to give you more medication.

I'm a little annoyed because I get the impression that if we didn't have the money they would say...too bad you don't get any treatment. I'm not sure if this is all standard vet procedure because I don't have much experience with vets. The previous visit I got a little peeved when we were charged $30 for the vet to put a dipstick in a urine sample, and what we thought would be a $70 check up ended up being over $160 due to lots of extra fees.

Anyhow, it looks like we're going to try to schedule something for Saturday because I don't want to randomly take Ronnie off all medications just because we are low on funds. I'm not sure how you tell if the infection is gone and if it's okay to stop Pen G, but that's something we can always discuss with the vet.
It's standard vet procedure with the ones I see.....:grumpy:
We took Ronnie to the vet yesterday for another check up. The vet said he looked really good (aside from his obvious tilt) and that he was well hydrated. Ronnie did lose a bit of weight from his last visit (something like 16 grams) so we have to feed him Critical Care more often during the day. He went back on his pellets once, but is now off them again although he is capable of eating (he likes oats and hay). I'm a little confused about why he won't eat them and thinking we should try some Oxbow because maybe he doesn't like the taste of Manna Pro anymore after being on Oxbow's Critical Care.

We are now off Baytril but are still giving Ronnie Panacur, Meclizine, and Pen G shots. The vet wanted us to go off Pen G shots too, but I told her that we had so many mishaps with the shots last round that we technically got 2 days in him, 3 days off, 2 days on, and 3 days off again. She said that wasn't good and Ronnie needs a full 7 days for the shots to be effective because they build up in his system over that time. If we screw up and he doesn't get his shots for a few days we are essentially starting from scratch.

I asked how do you know when the infection is gone, and it's pretty much a trial and error thing. You take the bunny off all antibiotics and see how they do, if they get progressively worse you put them back on the antibiotics again. Not a method that I'm particularly fond of, but I guess it's all we can do.

So now we have a prescription for 2 more rounds of Pen G shots, and Chris is going out of town for Thanksgiving but I will be here. This means that I have to learn how to give Ronnie the Pen G shots by myself. It looks like it's going to be another busy week for me with going to classes, doing my average of 20 hours of homework a week, and driving over every day to help with Ronnie and learn how to administer all the medications myself.

I really need to make a post in this thread dedicated to Pen G shots because we've had so many mishaps. Yesterday the vet tech tried to show us how to do it and accidentally shot Penicillin at the ceiling when it got stuck in the needle, so it's not just us :p. Apparently a lot of others have been having trouble with administering the shots too because they are now using a compound meant for humans that clumps and gets stuck in needles very easily. But yeah, I'll get around to that post later, after I see how the shot goes today...
Ronnie has improved a lot over the past week. Some days his head looks pretty good, like it's getting less crooked. His dizziness seems to be gone and he's just left with the tilt now. We were able to successfully get the whole 7 days worth of Pen G shots in him this time which probably helped. I'm starting to get the hang of giving the shot, but tenting Ronnie's skin is still tricky because he has no meat on him and is so small.

Ronnie is about 3x as active as Billy...I've never seen him sleep and he's constantly running around when we let him out of his cage which means he burns a lot of calories. He's back to eating his pellets but we bought him Oxbow BBT because he looked like he didn't enjoy the Manna Pro anymore. Ronnie will look for other things to eat and go to his pellets last so we are going to try to switch him over to the Oxbow slowly. Maybe he will like it better especially since he likes Timothy hay so much and the Oxbow smells like hay. We are still giving him some Critical Care during medication time because he is so active. I also give him a bit of celery (we tried at least a dozen fruits and veggies over the past year and celery is the only thing he will eat). We're going to look into either getting a baking pan and fastening it to our current letter/envelope scale or buying a new larger scale from Wal-mart to keep an eye on his weight.

I had gotten some video of him but never got around to splicing the clips together and to be honest he looks the same as he did before. It's too difficult to tell his progress in pictures and kinda have to see him in person to really tell the difference.

That's all I can think of to update right now...I'm feeling pretty worn out today and I have a lot of studying to do this weekend. I'll update again when I can. Although I am on the forum a lot reading threads I just don't have the brainpower to write anything most days. I've been doing too much schoolwork lately and feel like staring blankly at a wall :?

It's great that he is doing so well, and that you feel he is improving :)

Sounds like you need a break and some TLC. I hope you start to feel better soon.

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