(RIP) UPDATE: Luna has stones in both kidneys

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Thanks Jim D and TreasuredFriend for the good thoughts and well wishes. They are so appreciated at this time.

I just don't know who needs the wishesmore to get through the nervousness of gettingused to the new procedure. I did the first sub-q drip thingy today and hated it. I think we did okay, but I still had to call the vet when we finished because Luna pee'ed a bit and there was blood in it. The vet said the blood was present because of the infection in the kidneys caused from the stones. So, I guess it will be normal for her until the infection is pinpointed and the proper antibiotic is perscribed.

The only thing is that Luna hates me now. I thought it was bad enough making her take Critical Care.... Now it's pain meds and sub-q's which are a whole different animal. I went to take a look at her before leaving for work, and Luna gave me the bunchiest scared look she could muster. :(I felt so aweful after seeing her posture and her face. How horrible of me to poke her with needles, especially after she had learned to trust me. How will I be able to provide the comfort she needs when I am the one inflicting the pain?!!!

myheart wrote:
How will I be able to provide the comfort she needs when I am the one inflicting the pain?!!!
I always find this really difficult too. I have a rabbit with trust issues that also had a bunch of GI problems the past year. There are a few things you can do to make this easier on them;

I always try and distract as much as possible. When giving sub q injections or fluids, it really doesn't hurt them very much. But if you let her chew on a treat as you do the injections it works as a positive distraction. If she hates critical care you can mix some of her favorite treat in it to make it more rewarding.

I think the things that bothers rabbits most (if you think like a rabbit) is not the procedures themselves, but the act of dominating them, picking them up etc. Can you possibly do some things from the floor? I trap the buns between my knees and a blanket so their head pokes out- they stay on the floor yet I have control over them. Staying on the floor makes the whole experience more positive. Of course it won't work with things like sub q's.

Try to do it as close as possible the same time everyday. That way the rabbit can get into a bit of a schedule and not stress all the time wondering when it will happen again.

If possible, try to get someone other than yourself to help. If one person is doing the same thing all the time, it seems like the rabbit will relate what is happening with the person. If other people are there though, they serve as a distraction.

I don't think Luna is going to hate you permanently. I have *never* seen a rabbit hold a grudge against a human that was treating it. It may take a little while for her regular personality and behavior to return but I am sure it will especially once she is feeling well again.
myheart wrote:
How will I be able to provide the comfort she needs when I am the one inflicting the pain?!!
I can totally relate with you. When my mum's dog got older, we had to start giving her insulin shots. She HATED them. I hated to do the morning shots because of the look she would give me. You know, the sad eyebrows, the brown doggy eyes. It was terrible. I felt like such a rat. After awhile, she got used to them, and would give me kisses again. It took awhile, but she wasn't mad for too long. Those were just itty-bitty insulin needles!

Luna will forgive you. You are the one who gives her salads daily! ;)

Chase has been getting her sub q fluids about a week now and she is already doing so much better with not being mad at me afterwards. The first few days after the fluids she went crazy. Thumping and digging. I felt awful anytime I went up to her she ran or turned her back on me. She still doesn't like to get them but gets over it very quickly. I give her a treat and give her some special run around time upstairs where she doesn't usually get to go and she forgets all about it. Tonight after her fluids she was binkying all over. It will get better I promise. I really do think they get use to it, though I don't think Chase is use to it yet she is getting there.

I also think a routine is a good thing to have. Right now she isn't sure what is going on and why it is going on. But if you do the same thing everyday at the same time she will realize that when that is over she is done and can go have fun. I really think it is good to have something positive after the treatments. They seem to forget sooner.

I had and still do have the feelings you are having. If you ever want to vent or talk let me know. I am proud of you. You are doing such a great job of taking care of Luna. She is so lucky to have a mother like you. I couldn't even give Chase the fluids. I hold her but a vet tech comes and gives them to her. I can see a difference in Chase activity and she is peeing like crazy. I am not sure how much you are giving Luna but Chase gets 150ml a day.

I know it's hard now but Luna will forgive you and she'll get used to it in time. Maybe you can give her a treat during or after the fluids? I know she likes oats and sunflower seeds, and I also mentioned flax seeds last night which I'm sure she'd love. Put a little bowl in front of her with her treats, then put the needle in. Make a routine so she knows what to expect and doesn't have to be afraid.

You're doing a great job with Luna. You really are!
Luna will get over it in time...........

She will associate the good things that you give her also.
Beau should hate me as he gets bicillin injections QOD and eye salve twice a day (which he hates) but when I bring in the cherry pedialyte or pumpkin and banana he forgives me immediately and forgets.
I am fairly convinced that they learn in time that we are trying tohelp them...

Thanks every one for the votes of confidence. I don't know how much it will help at this point because I can't even think about her without crying my eyes out. I had such a hard time this morning just giving the oral meds and trying to stay calm and cool for her. Instead, I ended up crying all over her burrito toweland all the more relieved when I could let her go back to cuddle with Patch and Zappa.

I know I could easily do all of this for a dog, maybe a cat, but for my little blue girl I am just at a loss. I was taking pictures of them today because they were all cuddled together in such a way that Luna looked like such a little matriarch. Then it struck me that all of the pictures I take of her now will be for memory's sake. I don't even think that way when I take pics of Patrick, and he is older.

I just want my little blue Dutch girl with all of her excitement over her snacks back. I so wish I could relay the look on her face and the shine in her eyes when she was about to get something she really likes. Her excitement is so contagious that even I can't wait!!! Now it just seems to take more effort for her to "wake up." I know her body is adjusting to the meds and stuff, but I am not used to seeing her like this, and it breaks my heart.When does the crying stop...?

It's really really hard..
I know exactly what you are saying.
It is so difficult to see an animal looking sick or slow when you are so used to them being bright eyed and ready to go..
hopefully it will get better and if it doesn't you will adapt to the changes in time
it is the down part of loving a bun
Oh hun. [[HUGE hugs]] I've never had to deal with anything like this. Try to focus on enjoying your girl, her special personality, her role as boss of the bunnies, and her special place in your heart. She has come a long way from a bunny whose owners couldn't be bothered to buy good food for to a bunny whose mom loves her and gives her everything her little heart could need, including fluffy friends to cuddle with and the best medical care possible. The pics may be for memory's sake, but the memory they will bring back is one of a wonderful bunny who loves you very much and who you gave a wonderful life to.

Janet, I have a hard time with sub-Q fluids. However the vet clinic will let me bring anybun in to have their vet techs do the fluids, which soothes our nerves -- and the bun reading our body language. Perhaps this is an option for you and Luna, to take a small stress load off of everything going on right now...
Could the vet clinic refer you to an individual who is more relaxed with the sub-Q administration? Just a thought.

I have never been in your position with my buns, but I can imagine how heartbreaking it must be. Luna knows that, deep down, you're not doing any of this to hurt her.

:hug: :clover:
You know how to find me if you need a shoulder to cry on.:hug:

One thing I learned with Dora is that you can't spend all your time worrying. Bad stuff happens and you're doing all that's possible and then you just need to leave it be. I'm sure Luna doesn't want you to mourn her while she's still alive. If nothing else, find some good distractions. I watched some random movies that I barely remember when I was on Dora death watch the one night.

Come to my house and shoot zombies on the Wii.:biggrin2:
Things went a bit better today. It does take so much to be able to take a deep breath to relax before doing anything for her. It just boils down to the fact that this needs to be done for her comfort.

She only has to have one unit of the sub-qfluids (not sure how that is measured out). I timed the process as only taking about four or five minutes. I tried to give her some sunflower seeds to distract her. She is too smart to fall for that... I have to suck-up after the needle comes out and so far a blackberry works. The only thing is that I still get the evil look from her. I don't think I will ever be able to make itup to herwith all of the needle-pokes she may need.

Every once in a while I do see a glimpse of her normal self.Luna was so excited this evening for her pumpkin, that I just had to stand there wishing that I could hold ontothat moment forever. It was like watching a child on Christmas morning. That look of excitement on Luna's face is that priceless to me. I would give anything to have that experience every day!

Thanks again every one for trying to help me through this. Never thought anything like this would ever happen to any of my babies. Things like this are meant to make us stronger. Right....?

Or to appreciate and love our little bunnies/other pets/kids/life a little more?

Sure feels like crap tho. :cry2
Luna seems to be feeling okay. I think she has spurts of energy at times and is more like herself. Other times, she seems distressed or distant.

Not sure what to think or do at times,but I have deffinitely learned to be thankful every day I get out of bed and see her sun-shiny face looking back at me as though nothing were wrong. She can be such a character...!

myheart :sunshine:& my sun-shiny Luna Belle
Arggggg!!!! She makes me so mad some times!! It probably isn't really her, it's more the situation...

So I had to takeLuna from Patch and Zappa (they were all cuddling up together) which totally broke my heart because they were all so content. I brought her into the bunny-room to give her the sub-q stuff, put her in place, inserted the needle with more confidence than usual, and started the fluids. I tried to keep her calm by stroking her cheeks and it was working... Then all of a sudden she gets the bug up her butt to jump out of the kennel. The needle comes out and spurts stuff all over. Only half of her dose went in. So I gave her a break to calm down myself.

I went back to give her the other half of her dose, and the little monster went and did it again. She just does not want to do it. I did both sticks with confidence and with success on the first try. The second time, I even tried to place a towel over her head to try to keep her calm for two minutes. That is all I needed from her was two minutes of her time to get the ordeal done with for the entire day!

What do I try next? It's not like I am able to do a burrito for this procedure... Any suggestions? Treats won't work... I need to be able to do this myself because I want her to trust me especially if this is going to happen for the rest of her life. Maybe I need to pick a different time of the day. Maybemidafternoon isn't good for her.

I know this won't help you with the sub-q fluids, but it will help your nerves! The "fighter" kind of patients are the ones who make it through tough things! It's the fighters who can get really sick just to make a full recovery. I can just imagine how much of a nervous wreck you must be after that! I'd flip!

EDIT: Is there any way that you can do a bunny burrito with the area that you need to work with exposed? I've never had to do sub-q fluids before, so I don't know. Maybe sacrifice a towel for a bunny burrito, but cut a hole in the side that you need to work with. It would have her safely burritoed, but would have a little opening to make your life easier!

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