(RIP) UPDATE: Luna has stones in both kidneys

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myheart I feel your pain. Chase did the same thing on Saturday. We finally gave up giving the sub q's because she was so upset. Things I tried was the burrito. I wrapped her so the towel was open on top and the vet tech pulled the towel a little loose around her neck and stuck the needle in there. There was probably only about a two inch spot open from the towel on her neck. Other things we tired was taking her to a new area. We were giving them on the couch but she knew the floor was right there and kept going for it. I tried to move her to a spot where she wouldn't be sure how to excape such as the kitchen counter and I have tried the bath tub. Neither worked enough to get the full amount in. I think there will be good days and bad days. I wouldn't worry to much if one day you don't get the full amount in. There will probably be days where she is just not going to take it. Try not to be to hard on yourself about it. You are doing a great job.
Little booger!

Have you seen those carriers that have a door in the top? Put her in that, open the top door and run the fluid needle and tubing through there, then gently put the door down, maybe holding it with your hand so it doesn't squish the tube. Then Luna can't get anywhere.

I know I've seen them at Pet Supply Plus down here, but Petco/Petsmart might carry something like that too.
You know, when my friends' daughter was sick with leukemia, they used to have to do blood draws and they would put something on her skin a couple of minutes before they did the stick - I think it's lidocaine? could you get some of that? or is it safe for her?
I bet lidocaine would be fine. They have it in aloe for sunburns. You might want to wash off the skin afterward though to make sure it doesn't get licked up. My only concern would be having to get all the way down to the skin (ie having to shave a small area, which Luna probably wouldn't like) to apply it.

One of those carriers would be perfect--I got mine at Petco.

Hugs to Luna and her crew today~~
Lidocaine was used to pre-numb Karla's nostril/lip crevice area so our vet could lance a built-up abscess (possibly from a sharp hay strand to her sensitive nostril opening). The vet watched so Karla would not lick the applied amount, and the tech and I were holding her because she detests anything applied to her body/skin, and counters with ... "Get that ****/bandage OFF of me!" Bunns sure have their way of being resistant. WRT lidocaine, our vets were cautious so their own skin would not go numb. Good suggestion if that would help the insertion delivery(?).
Is there a difference in the angle used for inserting a subQ needle stick?
I hope that Luna will get calmer; both of you need our hugs and verbal support.
We just had a minor degree of success....

I used the cage that Katie used for her dated (Naturestee and TreasuredFriends will remember it). It actually has a divider panel that can be used to make the cage as small a necessary for potty training a puppy. I used that to make the cage as small as Luna could fit without hurting herself. I also closed Patrick and Zappa in the room with us. Both seemed to help as we were able to get most, if not all, of today's dose in.

Maybe she just needed the support of her bondmates.... sings "I get by with a little help from my friends. ...."

TreasuredFriend wrote:
Is there a difference in the angle used for inserting a subQ needle stick?
I know with dogs and insulin shots, it is best to go in at a 45[sup]o[/sup] angle versus a 90[sup]o[/sup] angle or any other angle, for that matter.
myheart wrote:
How will I be able to provide the comfort she needs when I am the one inflicting the pain?!!!

I definately feel for you there. I am the meanie that administers all the unpleasant stuff with the buns - meds, force feeding, nail clipping, etc. I think that's why they love daddy better than me :(.
I had to make my last post a bit short with trying to get last minute things done before work.

As I was saying, I think that having Patch and Zappa in the room really helped Luna stay calm. When I left her out of the cage, she didn't seem as agitated as she had been. Luna was more inclined to hang out and not be in a tizz about getting out or showing aggression.

I was walking past the bunny-room less than five minutes after we finished with fluids and this is what I found....




My trio providing comfort for each other. They sat this way for the entire hour prior to my leaving for work. I think Luna just needs her companions to support her during those five minutes of fluids. Poor Patrick was beside himself though. He wanted her out, and kept coming to me to get my help. He was so agitated himself, he didn't know what to do for her. He just wanted his true love with him.

I feel so bad for having tried to isolate her from the rest of the household thinking that quiet would be best. Luna just needed to know that somebun in the room loved her and waited for her.

Aww. Sweet little bunners.

Don't feel bad about separating them before. It's whatyou thought was best and I'd have done the same thing. Sometimes it just takes a little trial and error to find the best way to do something. At least you know how to keep Luna more calm now!

Oh, and Loki gets upset just like Patrick whenever I'm doing something with Mocha like brushing her or clipping nails. Since I'm usually standing, he'll start digging at my feet and legs to get his little girl back.
It just makes me cry to think what Patrick will ever do without Luna. They really were in love at first sight.Patch will have Zappa, but she isn't his first true-love.

I know I shouldn't think that way. I need to stay postive, but this is a totally different situation versus bladder stones. Bladder stones would have been delt with by now and Luna would be completely recovered. It's just not fair to Patrick...

No phone calls as of yet. I will call tomorrow to see if the results are back and also to see if I am able to get a bit more of the Tramadol. I don't think I will have enough to get Luna through the entire weekend, and I don't want to run out at a time when calls can't be placed and meds picked up.

Luna does seem to be doing a bit better. I think my new system of giving Luna her fluids is working, at least for the second time. I might have to tweak it to give her even less space. She gets antsy toward the end, and the tech said she would because the skin starts to get tight and uncomfortable. But Luna really seems much more calm about it when she is done. She even circled the cage today to check it all out. Not is such a big hurry to get away, and readily took berries as my apology.

I will give her a break from fluids on Thursday because we start going every-other day then. She will still get the pain and anti-inflammatory meds for comfort.

Luna was so alert and sun-shiny this morning!!! My baby girl just warms me up to no end.

kherrmann3 wrote:
At least she's not giving you the druggy bunny butt or biting you!


There should be a postive side to everything... :wiggle

btw... How are your kids doing with their new bond? I must check out your blog for photos and antics.

myheart wrote:
btw... How are your kids doing with their new bond? I must check out your blog for photos and antics.
They are doing well! Thanks for asking! I did start a 2009 blog. It's called Blog for the Bun-Buns - 2009 Version. I have a few pictures on there! :) I started it on 01/01/09, which was Emma's first day with us. :)

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