tonyshuman wrote:
Any news?

Nothing different.....
I did get to talk with Luna's vet, Dr. Travis. Basically, it will be a diet change for Luna. I asked about all of the tests, including the CBC and EC titer, and he believes that there will be no new information gained by performing the tests. He will do another x-ray on the fourth of February and run a blood panel to check for kidney function. He had said that at the time of the last panel done for her dental last year, her kidneys were functioning just fine, so there were no indicators of a problem. He said that if there is a change in panel values, there would be nothing to do for her anyhow because she would be going through renal failure which would beirreversable.
The development of kidney stones is probablytied togenetics. He had said that out of all the rabbits he treats, he has had only one other case of kidney stones. That rabbit's stones were found by "accident" also. An x-ray was taken to determine the cause of stasis and the stones were found. No other indication of stones were presented in behavior of the rabbit, as with Luna.
The urine sample he took indicated calcium crystals, so there will be no alfalfa or pellets in her diet. We are trying to stay away from the kale and parsley, but I know she misses her kale because she is being fuss about eating the Romaine and green leaf lettuce. Cilantro and carrot disappear in seconds flat...
Dr. Travis will perscribe the Tramadol for her, but he is having a difficult time getting his hands on the elixer, which will have a shelf-life of a year. Compared to the suspenssion they could make up from pill-form with a shelf-life of a month. I am hoping he will get the elixer in by February fourth so I will be able to have it on hand for any pain relief.
He also said that although the x-ray does not distinguish individual stones, he thinks they should be small enough to pass on their own. He had said that if the stones were too big, her kidneys would look swollen. At this point, they have a normal shape, size, and function.
Not sure what else to add, other than she seems to be doing fine today. She went through another bit of stasis this weekend, so I can only hope she passed another stone. Today Luna was so excited to get her berry-snack for breakfast and she hung out with Zappa all morning. I love seeing her feel good... she is like a ray of sunshine when she is happy!

It just brings tears to my eyes to see her enjoy life.
So this is where I get to ask every one for their help... Please send healing thoughts and vibes to Luna. I am asking for her to be healthy and free of stones, and any damage they caused, by spring. Spring will be the best time because the spring solstice is in March. The end of March will be Luna's first gotchya-day!!!! I want her to go outside, when the weather turns nice, to enjoy the sunshine with Patrick and Zappa.
Thanks to every one, especially Randy, for all of your help. The information and the links were most helpful to myself and hopefully others with similar problems with their bunners.