Here goes again...
The morning of Pippi's death was awful....i didn't take it well at all.
You know..i knew this day had to come some time soon,but i still never managed to prepare's not easy to lose a bunny suddenly or to know that your bunny is not well and he will eventually feels EXACTLY the same way,so i'm not understanding how people say it's a worse feeling to lose a bunny suddenly.
I lost my Strawberry suddenly...and i lost Pippi over time...and you know all hurts just the same,no matter how each and every bunny feels all the same.
It was boxing day when Pippi died,and there was absolutely nothing open,Adelaide is the only state in Australia that stays closed for boxing day.
Anyway,i made my decision that i was going to get Pippi cremated....but i had to get him to the vet that day......i wasn't up to feeling like going anywhere at all,i just wanted to stay home and drown in my sorrows....i didn't want to leave the house.
I knew the vets wouldn't be open...but i still hopped in my car and drove to the Paralowie vets....closed it i drove to the Broadview vets where Pippi was seeing Dr Lee....closed it said.....i was so distraught that day that i just hopped in my car and started to drive home,i was in tears the whole time while i was driving around.....i stopped at the traffic lights when they turned red,and i sat there and broke down.....the streets were pretty quiet....there were hardly any cars on the road.....but as i sat at the traffic lights,i forgot where i was,i cried so much...until i heard someone beep their horn for me to move....the light changed green and i didn't see it
I finally got home...and my son Anthony says 'why didn't you just call the vets first'...i just didn't think.....i was in a big mess.
Then all of a sudden i remembered the emergency vet,which i knew would havebeen open....i actually did call them first.....they told me to bring Pippi down straight away.
So i got Pippi's body,put him in his basket and i drove the 50 minute drive with Pippi's body sitting next to me,the whole time crying and telling Pippi that i loved him so so much and that i will adore him forever
When i arrived at the vet,the nurse took Pippi from me...since the RSPCA was closed for the day..Pippi had to go in the freezer
The vets don't cremate animals...what they do is...they will call the RSPCA to come pick up Pippi's body,take him back to the RSPCA and cremate him there,then they will send his ashes of to my chosen vet...which is much closer.
I was looking....'trying' to look.. through all my tears,at all the different urn's...i picked this nice one and i chose the colour cornflower blue for him.
I could have chosen a plastic urn..which cost $205...or a ceramic one which cost $230...i chose the ceramic one.
I wanted to do that for my other bunnies as well,but i had always freaked out and quickly buried them.......i guess by now you are all realizing what a hopeless fool i really am.
I should get Pippi's ashesback some time next week.....really i don't know why it would take that long....i wanted him back sooner than that.
Gosh..because i was in such a state when i turned up,the nurse spoke with me for felt kinda good to talk to someone...i told her everything about Pippi,and again it just felt good talking about him.
The day felt like it was just dragging along.....i got home from the vet and just fell on the lounge and that is where i stayed all curled up for hours,just thinking about Pippi and everything that we went through together.
Gosh i still have so much more to say about Pippi,but will write more about him later.
I'm missing Pippi badly...the tears haven't even stopped yet....i found his syringe that had his glucose drink in it and he wouldn't even drink it that night....i got it and chucked it across the room in anger.
Watching Pippi go through everything for months and months has hurt me tremendously.....he was one brave little boy
:bigtears:i'm missing you Pippi
Your mummy forever

ink iris: