Ringo and his Ongoing Story of Hope

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Ok well Ringo is standing more with out falling over! Not good enough for me. He still has some balance issues.

I need somethingthat can help him. I don't know whatelse todo for him.
JadeIcing wrote:
Ok well Ringo is standing more with out falling over! Notgood enough for me. He still has some balance issues.

I need somethingthat can help him. I don't know whatelse todo for him.

i have the same problem. i made a make shift brace for tabetha to runwithout falling over but i guess i have to keep her on steroids andwait for time to tell.

do you give him any meds??
This is more than likely one of the hardest things for me to write. Ringo has not seemed to bounce back from his last relapse. Or at least bounce all the way back. He is still his active hyper, piggy but lazy self. The thing is he is having more or less non stop rolling episodes. Some of them seem worse than when he first came down with head-tilt.

Ringo rolls and its not just one. It is multiple non stop. If we can't get to him he usually stops when he hits the side of his pen. We start calling to him from his first roll and most times he will for some reason gain control. We wonder if when we call he is concentrating more and that helps him. Whatever it is we keep on.

He has used some of the best meds and is still on some meds. He has had the cultures done before (May be taking him in for a new one as soon as I can.). Everything the vet can do has been done.

First I want to post a few things from a few sites.

Site 1

A. MUST make a LONG TERM commitment to the care of the rabbit. None of these diseases are going to be "quick cures". Many will take weeks to MONTHS to see any positive results.
B. Problems to watch for:
1. Decubital ulcers ("bed sores" from sitting in one place too long or from soiling by stool or urine) Solution: Keep pet on soft absorbent bedding and move positions often. Use protective creams or ointments and bandaging as necessary. Bath anal area as needed and dry thoroughly after the bath

This is not a problem for him. Well he does get some urine stain that I wash him for. He has some areas he has alittle trouble grooming.

2. Damage to eye(s) when rabbit is falling or rolling Solution: provide cage padding - cover wire floors and walls, use eye ointments as needed to protect eye and treat dryness. Remove toys or items that the toe nails could get caught in - keep the nails trimmed - experiment with using smaller cage or exercise areas until the pet is more stable.

Nothing in his area that can harm him. He has a 7ftx4ft pen, in a smaller area he does NOT handle well.

3. Joints become stiff or muscles atrophy. Solution: You will not be able to counteract all of the damage because if there is no nerve innervation to the area, the tissue will eventually contract and become hard and useless. However, physical therapy several times daily for a few minutes can be very helpful. Gently flex and extend the joints at least 20 times at a session. In addition massaging the muscles prior to stretching helps to "warm them up" and loosen them.

He is able to run and jump on his own keeping his body in good condition.

4. Handling - can be stressful to the pet especially if there is a loss of balance Solution: Short handling sessions and minimal handling until the pet adjusts to the condition. Many pets over time actually get calmer when certain people handle.

We don't lift him if not a must. Though he does handle it pretty well.

5. Cecotropes - some rabbits cannot reach the anus to eat the cecotropes which are necessary for a healthy diet Solution: You will recognize these vitamin rich droppings because of their shiny mucous coat, stronger smell and unusual shape. Collect these whenever they appear and place them in or near the food area. Most rabbits will eat them on their own. Many rabbits learn to find them on their own in the cage. This is another reason not to have a wire cage floor which will allow the cecotropes to drop out of the rabbit's reach.

He has ALWAYS been able to get those. Trust me I have seen them in his mouth. Bleech!

6. Food and water containers. Solution: Experiment with what is most comfortable for your pet. It might be necessary to attach these containers to the side of the cage so the rabbit doesn't keep pushing them around. Some rabbits can no longer use water bottles, so provide a bowl with shallow water. It may be necessary to elevate or use wider mouthed bowls to make feeding easier.

Not an issue he is just fine.

7. The ridicule of family and friends - hopefully this doesn't happen to you, but if it does, be assured that you are providing the best possible home for your pet. Solution: Tell them they don't know what they are missing by having a close connection with an animal that needs special assistance. If you are in doubt about whether or not you are doing the right thing and whether or not your pet is suffering, keep in mind some signs to look - pain in the rabbit can be exhibited in a number of ways, but some of the more common ones are: not eating, not willing to move (even the partially paralyzed bunnies will still try to move), sitting with eyes half closed all the time, hunched whenever it is sitting, extreme lethargy. Work with your veterinarian and have him or her tell you what is happening medically and then do carefully observations of your pet so you can see what is going on "spiritually".

This I thank god that only a handful have not been supportive. Between my parents, brother and grandma I have the biggest support on everything that concerns him. Plus this forum and other rabbit groups.

Now the other site.

neurologic damage is often permanent. Therefore, affected rabbits usually need special care to make them comfortable.

I have been caring for Ringos head-tilt for 2years and 8mnths.

Preventing further injuries: Especially in cases where there is facial paralysis, the eyelids may not be able to close and the eyes will need to be protected. Litter which may contain excessive dust should be removed. The eyes will need to be protected with ointments or artificial tears, and the nails should be trimmed. The rabbit may also need to be confined to a smaller cage to protect her from injuring herself due to incoordination or rolling. Any protruberances in the cage that could cause injury should be removed and blankets and towels can be used to provide soft surfaces.

The first part is just fine. I can not keep him confined to a small area because he gets worse.

Rabbits that are severely affected and are unable to move to a great extent can develop decubital ulcers (bed sores). In an effort to prevent these, make sure the rabbit is on a soft surface and turned from side to side multiple times each day. Urine or feces on the skin and fur can cause inflammation, pain, and result in secondary bacterial infections, so keep the anal area clean and dry.

The rabbit should be encouraged to exercise, if he is able, since this may increase the appetite, help with digestion, maintain good muscle tone, and prevent joint stiffness. Gently flexing and extending the limbs during several sessions each day, as well as massage, may also be beneficial. Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have also been tried.

Again not an issue for him.

Providing food and water: Some rabbits with head tilt will not be able to eat, or may have a decreased appetite. Supply plenty of fresh vegetables and greens to entice them. Some may need to be fed by syringe. Have your veterinarian or veterinary technician show you how to do this. Improper syringe feeding could result in aspiration of the food and pneumonia. A medication called Meclizine (Anti-Vert) may be prescribed by your veterinarian to reduce dizziness and the accompanying nausea.

Not an issue. He eats like a pig and is given more to make sure he can maintain a healthy weight if he was to get worse.

As you may know, rabbits pass special droppings called cecotropes which they eat. They differ from other droppings in that they have a a mucous coating and are generally passed as an elongated mass. It is necessary for rabbits to eat them in order to more fully digest their food and obtain more of its nutritional value. Depending upon the severity of the condition, a rabbit may be unable to reach the anal area and the cecotropes. The cecotropes can be collected and placed in an area where the rabbit can reach them.

Not an issue.

The rabbit should be monitored for his ability to drink. He may be unable to use a water bottle, and the water bowl may more easily be tipped over or become contaminated with droppings. The rabbit will have less control of his head movements, so do NOT use a very large or deep bowl, which may make him more prone to aspirate while drinking. Instead, provide a heavy and shallow bowl. Food dishes, too, may need to be shallow. Observe the rabbit to determine at what height the bowls should be to provide the best access.

Not an issue.

Having patience: Recovery from head tilt may take weeks, though there should be some improvement after several days of treatment. Some rabbits may fully recover, others may not.

Rabbits who are permanently disabled are not necessarily unhappy.

Ringo isn't at least not that I see. He is angry after rolling. He will glare after an episode, shove at his blanket, knock over his stuffed friends.

If your rabbit is eating and drinking, trying to groom, and moving about as best he can, he is showing signs he is recovering and enjoying life.

ALWAYS. Ok so his grooming is alittle harder and not what it used to be but he is good.

If however, he has no appetite, is lethargic and depressed, and unresponsive to you, you should consult with your veterinarian to determine if the rabbit is in pain, what the long-term prognosis is for the rabbit, and what will be best for him.

This is refered to as the three A's -- Appetite Affection Alertness

Appetite - He always has an appetite. Always eating. He will roll and still hang onto whatever he is eating. Sometimes he even keeps chewing.

Affection - Always. He craves it. Will shove at you till you are petting him.

Alertness - He is alert. He isn't lethargic or depressed. He is a little spit-fire. He can run with the best of them. He has his own type of binky.

Ringo rolls so bad it scares me. I cry everytime I see him like that. I go to work with so much fear that I will come home and he will have hurt himself. If he is not penned he seems to do so much better. For so many reasons him being loose would not work. The biggest being how do I monitor his movements? How do I make sure he is eatting, using the bathroom etc if he is freerange. How do I keep the area safe for his special needs?

I recently was very ill. I was so dizzy I actually fell. My head was spinning so bad I couldn't fuction. I was being helped even to the bathroom. It made me feel so guilty because that is what my sweet little boy is going through. How can I continue to make him go through this? How Do I make it ok?

I am going to be very honest here yes. We are starting to consider if it is best to let this continue. It hurts so bad to put it out there. I am in tears as I write this. It makes my hurt ache, I mean literally my chest hurts so bad at admitting it. We are going to be trying a new tactic with meds and special care. I won't get into treatment because that is not the case. He is getting the best. We plan on doing this until at least January than reevaluate. That is as long as he does not get worse.

I have to consider what is right for him. NOT me, what is best for my sweet little boy who has been so through so much. Not what is easy or best for me. I have to put him first before myself.

oh my i am so sorry that you even have to contenplate this. I admire that you want to do what is best for him and not you, sometimes that is so hard for us to do for our babies. I am glad to see that you are at least giving it sometime and then reevalutating it. I am so sorry and HUGS to you guys and especially to Ringo.
JadeIcing wrote:
I recently was very ill. I was so dizzy I actually fell. My head was spinning so bad I couldn't fuction. I was being helped even to the bathroom. It made me feel so guilty because that is what my sweet little boy is going through. How can I continue to make him go through this? How Do I make it ok?

I am going to be very honest here yes. We are starting to consider if it is best to let this continue. It hurts so bad to put it out there. I am in tears as I write this. It makes my hurt ache, I mean literally my chest hurts so bad at admitting it. We are going to be trying a new tactic with meds and special care. I won't get into treatment because that is not the case. He is getting the best. We plan on doing this until at least January than reevaluate. That is as long as he does not get worse.

I have to consider what is right for him. NOT me, what is best for my sweet little boy who has been so through so much. Not what is easy or best for me. I have to put him first before myself.

You are facing the necessary questions as best that any loving owner can manage. I applaud you for your courage and especially your unfailing love of/care for Ringo. What you've done for that sweet boy for so long is absolutely amazing.

My positive thoughts/prayers are with you and Ringo. :pray: I'm sending mental (virtual) hugs to both of you. :hug2: (I'm also mentally cradling Ringo in my arms, offering him extra kisses--although he already knows how well-loved and blessed that he is.)

Oh man, this is themost impossiblething to go through. I'm so sorry for you and Ringo. You have my sincerest admiration, regardless of what happens. You have done everything possible for him.

You have really given this a lot of thought. And giving Ringo and yourself til January is a good idea. You have both been through so much. Take it one step at a time.

:hug: {{{HUGS}}} to you (and Ringo) during such a rough time...
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
oh my i am so sorry that you even have to contenplate this. I admire that you want to do what is best for him and not you, sometimes that is so hard for us to do for our babies. I am glad to see that you are at least giving it sometime and then reevalutating it. I am so sorry and HUGS to you guys and especially to Ringo.
Thank you. I think I mostly posted this for support and to let everyone know. I will be keeping it updated with his progress or lack there of. Right now he is sleeping in his litterpan.
Jenk wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
I recently was very ill. I was so dizzy I actually fell. My head was spinning so bad I couldn't fuction. I was being helped even to the bathroom. It made me feel so guilty because that is what my sweet little boy is going through. How can I continue to make him go through this? How Do I make it ok?

I am going to be very honest here yes. We are starting to consider if it is best to let this continue. It hurts so bad to put it out there. I am in tears as I write this. It makes my hurt ache, I mean literally my chest hurts so bad at admitting it. We are going to be trying a new tactic with meds and special care. I won't get into treatment because that is not the case. He is getting the best. We plan on doing this until at least January than reevaluate. That is as long as he does not get worse.

I have to consider what is right for him. NOT me, what is best for my sweet little boy who has been so through so much. Not what is easy or best for me. I have to put him first before myself.

You are facing the necessary questions as best that any loving owner can manage. I applaud you for your courage and especially your unfailing love of/care for Ringo. What you've done for that sweet boy for so long is absolutely amazing.

My positive thoughts/prayers are with you and Ringo. :pray: I'm sending mental (virtual) hugs to both of you. :hug2: (I'm also mentally cradling Ringo in my arms, offering him extra kisses--although he already knows how well-loved and blessed that he is.)


Thanks. He is so loved. Everyone who meets him falls in love.

[align=center][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]Something I wrote on his second gotcha day[/font][/align]
[align=center][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]Ringo Starr today is your day. You have graced our lives for two years. We have cried and laughed with you in that time. Some of the moments we were not sure if we would have you the next day. I held you in my arms never letting go. For two weeks I slept an hour here and there making sure you stayed with us, I would do it again with out a second thought. Some how you have always pulled through, showing us your strength. [/font][/align][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]
[align=center][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]We watched as the others have rejected you yet you still continue to seek them out. You have never let anything change your spirit. Never a [font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]mean action from you just love. [/font][/font]
[align=center][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]Each time you see us you go insane. Bunny 500 hundred could not describe your joy when someone visits you. Demanding does not cover how much you want to be petted.[/font][/align]
[align=center][/font][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]I know you were not my first choice but you were ment to be part of our lives. You will always be are first child. The one that needs us the most. We will always move heaven and earth to make sure you are cared for.[/font][/align]
[align=center][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]Iknow you miss Samantha and how she would lay near you when no one else would. I am sure she is watching out for you and waiting for the day you guys can trully be with each other. Just make sure it is a long way off.[/font][/align]
[align=center][font="Comic Sans MS,sans-serif"]Ringo Starr are little miracle pig, our first, and no way are last we love you more than anything. [/font][/align]

[align=center]Something I wrote on his third gotcha day...[/align]
[align=center]Ringo Starr

Today is your day Ringo Starr. I have said time and again, I have called you my little miracle. You are a miracle. You are one to me and to all of our family. Also to so many who have never met you. All they have heard is the words I have posted. All they have seen is the pictures I have posted. With just that you have captured their hearts, the same way you do with everyone who has met you.

Three years ago I was so upset because I would soon be leaving my home and had to leave my family dogs behind. I looked into getting a dog but it didn't seem like it would work out. So I made a call to Dave's Pet Food City. I had heard they sometimes carried rabbits, and turns out they had a few. Since Daddy kept saying he wanted one, why not.

So when Daddy came to pick me up, off we went to check out these bunnies. I first saw this little lionhead, but he was taken. So I went over to where daddy was looking at these bunnies. I saw one that had more black on him but daddy had eyes for only you. So home you came with us. You sat on my lap as we drove to our new life.

In those three years so much has happened, but somehow we have made it through. You are a bunny who has a family that spans the whole world. From our CT to Alaska. From Canada to China. From the UK to New Zealand. You are loved, nothing can or ever will change that.

Happy Gotcha Day!
Ringo Starr

Dingo Butt

Ringo Dingo
BlueGiants wrote:
Oh man, this is themost impossiblething to go through. I'm so sorry for you and Ringo. You have my sincerest admiration, regardless of what happens. You have done everything possible for him.

You have really given this a lot of thought. And giving Ringo and yourself til January is a good idea. You have both been through so much. Take it one step at a time.

:hug: {{{HUGS}}} to you (and Ringo) during such a rough time...
It is. We have both sat here in tears so many times the last few weeks. My husband almost shuts down and just climbs into his pen with him. I think he is taking this ALOT harder than I am which is not easy.
Oh gosh. I am so sorry this is getting so bad. I think when they are happy, and alert and all that - it's so much harder to know what to do.

I will say this: Ringo has had a far better, much longer, extremely loved little life since you took him. You gave him all you could and more! When you know for sure - keep with you that he didn't suffer alone, or uncared for and that his life meant a lot to others. He has touched so many people all over the world.

I think that you are doing everything possible for him and beyond...........

I'm not sure how you could safely have him free-roam when he could start to roll at any time

I am wondering if you would consider getting someone to come into your place while you are at work to check on him? Would that be possible?

you are doing a fantastic job ..really great! You are extremely knowlegeable about his condition
I also would be sharing the same concerns re. the future as you are.

maybe post more often for support :hug:
You're a wonderful bunny mom!!!:)
Oh no, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. :( I wish there was something I could do to make it better for you! I know that Ringo is so lucky to have you. He gets so much love and care, I don't think that he could have ended up in a better home.

I really, really hope that things improve for him and you don't have to think about that decision, but if you do, you know that we are all here to support you no matter what, and we all think you're an amazing bunny mum.

I'm keeping you and Ringo in my thoughts :hug:

I am so sorry Alicia its a decision I had to make with Dido and it was a horrific decison to make but at the end of the day i felt it was unfair to him as I couldn't be on hand to take care of him because of work.

No matter which decision you end up making just bear in mind his life with you is wonderful and you are acting in his best interests. not many would go through what you have with him :hug:

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