Ringo and his Ongoing Story of Hope

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I bought the echinacea capsules at the grocerystore. The brand I got is Nature's Resource and it says:Echinacea - 100 capsules, 350 mg Aerial parts. It was under $6 for thecontainer.

One of the reasons I did this is I use the Rabbit Medicine Chest stuffw/ R2 (I've used it with the others) but when he started to relapse itwould pull him out within 8 hours. I read the ingredients and thought,"Hmm...echinacea is the first ingredient and looks like the main one -let me try it."

I gave him the food mixed w/ echinacea every couple of hours (I givehim a higher dose than that if he is just starting an episode and thenback down to that dose) and I'm finding that I can usually pull him outof a rolling episode within 12 hours if I do that and push pedialyte.

However - to those reading - I am NOT saying "do not go to your vet".But my vet is not overly knowledgable about this and when we talkedabout it over the phone before bringing my first case in, she evenmentioned that I might be more up on the topic than she was and sheencouraged me to try what breeders had told me to try if I feltuncomfortable stressing the rabbit more by a 70 mile one way trip tothe vet, etc.

If you have a good vet- go see them!


JadeIcing wrote:
Yay more things to try. I will start that ASAP.

Ah ha...Connor never got the tilt....

He had similar symptoms but something different. Also started meds alot sooner than Ringo.

Sadly Ringo suffered do to my not knowing anything.

Help?(update) <---More Details. I need to type up my latestnotes. Yes I have binders full of research. I am a dork.
JadeIcing wrote:
Help?(update) <---More Details. I need to type up my latestnotes. Yes I have binders full of research. I am a dork.

jadeicing: you are not a dork. you are very smart for having all thatstuff. i have binders full of stuff also. its good to have a lot ofstuff so you know what you have and if you ever need it.
TinysMom wrote:
R2 also will tilt when he goes in his cage but sit prettygood when he's out of his cage playing. I find that if he is given atleast 4 hours per day out of his cage- he does better at nottilting.

Same here. Peanut's head tilt getsdramatically worse whenever she's confined. Regular exercisehelps her strengthen and maintain balance, and since she's been wellenough not to need the support of an exercise pen, being 'cage free'has been really great for her.

Peg, that's interesting about the echinacea capsules. I'll have to check those out...

I wish I could leave him free roam or give him more time out but with 8 rabbits I can't.

I am working on this now as we speak.

Playtime groups or how ever you want to see this.

1)Dallas and Teresa



4) Elvis

5) Desi

6) Wyatt

7) Ringo
Well I have made some changes. Ringo's Cage is diffenent. I will post pics of that later. For now I figured the more out time.

I blocked off the hallway for him. I can not let him just run aroundbecause I have the four going through bonding in the living room inthere bonding pen.


He is having a ball in there. Zipping around at top speed.


My Amy (<---pic) had the same problem.

From what I saw on the video your bunny is able to run around and keepthe balance while doing that. So it is not too bad. The medicationmight not get rid of it right away but as long as it doesnt get worseand he can walk and eat..no diarrhea he is good for now. Some bunniesheadtilt needs a longer time to get better even though they might havedefeated the virus.

Amys head sometimes got a little better and when she sat it didnt lookthat painful anymore..when she walked it didnt look that good and ittook some time until she dared to run around again.

In worse cases bunnys just lay on the floor and spin in circles. Amywasnt able to walk at first and just turned around in a circle.

Does your bunny get Worm paste..?(what they get when they have worms)it helps the bunny poop out the bacteria. I forgot what antibiotic Amygot..it was suposed to be the best responding to E.Cuniculi. I couldcheck.

Btw. my rat needed 8 months until she was able to hold her head well and keep balance but she became old :)

Im sorry gotta go now..hope your bun gets better!


Amys Story:

Oh Jade Icing I just saw Ringo is your bunny..I thought he looked familar (from your avatar)
Wasnt paying too much attention..I wrote quick.
Well anyway..then you know Amy! And Im optimistic Ringo will beat it :)
I think that's a really good idea, Ali! :)

I agree...ya gotta work with whatcha got...and you're doing a wonderful job. :)

Ringo is a really happy boy, that certainly radiates through everypicture and video I see of him. You're doing an awesome job,Hun! :D

Hugs to everyone!
Well went to Target and the grids are on saleagain! Just till saturday. I found solid ones! So we are going to usethose instead. I am doing it tonight. I almost cried when I saw them.Its to much. :tears2:
Oh, that's wonderful...I'm so happy things arecoming together for you to do this for your baby boy. Hedeserves it, too.


You're such a wonderful mommy...:)

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