Ringo and his Ongoing Story of Hope

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How about some webcams?

Oh gosh, I never even thought to suggest that, and yet I knew someone several years ago who had done that very thing for his dog. He worked away from home and his dog suffered from severe epilepsy...despite having him on all sorts of meds, every so often a huge seizure would happen. So he installed a webcam in the room where his dog stayed during the day and he monitored it, ready to take off and rush his dog to the vet if anything happened. It's not a bad idea if you can do it...

So. What do I say?

I still remember the day we brought Ringo home. Getting him set up in his first tiny cage. Looking back, I see all the signs we missed way back then. Many times I feel like I failed him. So many times I wish I could go back in time and try to treat his illness better, instead of just brushing off the sneezing.

I know he'd do best where he could just befree range all the time. But there's nowhere for him. My parents won't take an animal in, not permanently. And Ali's parents don't have the room for another animal, especially a full-time free range bunny. And we can't do it here. Not with all the others around too.

We've put the whole "putting him to sleep" option on the table, re-evaluating his health in January. And coming up with ways to help him heal. But.....I don't know.....

Losing Ringo is the hardest thing I can imagine. He's the only one I chose, he's the only one I bonded with......he's the only one I wanted.

Or maybe I'm just being selfish......

Ali's hubby-bunny

JadeIcing wrote:
Not the best one. Old but just picture that again and again.
That is actually pretty mild - like Ali says - picture them doing it over and over again and not being able to stop.

Hyacinth (and New Hope before her and others) will actually do a 360 degree roll several times if I'm not there to stop her. If she is in a basket - she'll actually flip up into the air and out of the basket- twisting her body the whole time to try and stop the roll.

Of course - she can go hours without rolling now - she seems mainly to start rolling as her meds wear off or if she's not drinking enough.

The thing to remember is....Hyacinth's head tilt is obviously from an ear infection (we saw the pus in her ear). Hers can be treated and she can hopefully recover.

Puck lived with head tilt for over a year - he looked funny - but other than two bad bouts - he didn't roll much at all - he just sorta looked funny and ran funny.

I've had head tilt bunnies mainly have "bouts" of a week or two where they roll continually - I haven't had to face it for as long a period of time as Ali has.....I honestly don't know how she has survived with it because it is so stressful.

I would offer to take a video of Hyacinth but the fact is - I don't want to be videotaping her rolling - I want to be stopping it - because her heart pounds really fast and she breathes hard and I just feel the stress and strain of rolling isn't good for her heart....
RPerrotti wrote:
We've put the whole "putting him to sleep" option on the table, re-evaluating his health in January. And coming up with ways to help him heal. But.....I don't know.....

Losing Ringo is the hardest thing I can imagine. He's the only one I chose, he's the only one I bonded with......he's the only one I wanted.

Or maybe I'm just being selfish......
When it comes to making such a "decision"--oftentimes whenwe feel as though we've noother choice--everyone is selfish in some way. It's hard letting go on so many levels. Even just considering the thought can be emotionally paralyzing.

My heart goes out to you, Ali, Ringo and Crew. I know how hard these "What-If" scenarios are, and my heart aches that you guys are experiencing such a moment in time.

Mypositive thoughts and prayers continue forall of you....:pray:


I just watched the video

I feel sad for him but especially for you ..

I can hear the love you feel for him in your voice (reminds me of myself)
I think you'll know when it's time for him
I'm so sorry.....
I'm so sorry Alicia. There's really nothing I can say as I've never had to make a choice like this. You know your boy and I think you'll make the right choice, what/whenever that may be.

Or maybe I'm just being selfish......

No, not selfish...I think it's that your heart is overflowing with love. Once touched with an unconditional love so deep, the thought of letting go causes immense heartache. Ringo has touched your 'heartlight'...:hug:

I'm still sending tons of prayers for Ringo, and for you and Ali...
wow i just watched the video and all i can say is wow, i would be so upset watching him go around like that again and again. I hope he gets better, but we are all here for you while you are going through this. He is a loved bunny that has had a great life, when others might have given up on him you didnt , and he has had over two years of loving care from you. You have done alot for him and we all know that you two love him to pieces. Hugs to the both of you and especially Ringo
TinysMom wrote:
I've been working most of today and not had a chance to reply to this.

Ali - I know you & I have talked a lot. I've had bunnies w/ wry neck that didn't roll - and some that did. Its really really hard when they roll constantly and there is always this fear of "what if??". I know exactly where you are coming from....but I have not had to deal with this for as long as you have dealt with it. I didn't realize he'd been ill that long....

I will say that Hyacinth has only been ill a little over a week - and I'm already emotionally and physically exhausted. The ups and downs of treating her and watching her get better - then start rolling again - is really taking a toll on me. I can't imagine how you are handling it.

I told you that today Hyacinth was going to be in a 1 X 1 NIC pen with a NIC panel for the cover. I also gave her pain meds before I left to work...so she'd relax.


It looked like she mostly slept while we were gone...and when Robin picked her up and put her on the bed - she drank a bunch of water and started eating cheerios and oatmeal and licking Robin's shirt. She's definitely doing much better than she was - and to be honest with you - it was a major relief to me to know that she was in such a small space and could not really hurt herself.

She was happy to see us -but she didn't seem stressed from her time in the pen at all.

You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers - and as always - my inbox is open...

Only you and your hubby can know what is best for Ringo - you are the ones who live with him and see him on a day by day basis. Sometimes - the kindest thing we can do for those we love - is to let them go. I never understood for the longest time and I still struggle with it now.

I believe you'll know what to do - and when to do it.

Yea its been a very long time.

We are going to make a mini pen maybe 2x2 for him with bumper.

We are going to keep trying. I don't see us giving up. I am just seeing that it is taking him longer each time to bounce back.
Pipp wrote:
I haven't had time to read through this whole thread, but what about baffles? Instead of clearing an area to make sure he doesn't bump into anything, put in a series of padded baffles so he can still run around but he can't roll more than a foot or two.

So sorry you're dealing with this on one hand, but on the other, I'm so happy Ringo has you to deal with it. He's in great hands.

sas :hug:
Thanks, I hate saying it because feels like I am blowing my own horn but I do know this where we got him he was lucky to have come home with us. I say a prayer every night for the other bunnies he was with.
undergunfire wrote:
That is scary, Alicia. I have never seen anything like that.
I pray you never do. It is so horrible. That is nothing compared to what he does now. I hope I get a new memory card soon so I can record what it is like now. :(
RPerrotti wrote:
So. What do I say?

I still remember the day we brought Ringo home. Getting him set up in his first tiny cage. Looking back, I see all the signs we missed way back then. Many times I feel like I failed him. So many times I wish I could go back in time and try to treat his illness better, instead of just brushing off the sneezing.
We both kick ourselves for the time wasted. I do say this the same day I knew it was bad I was calling vets and set an appt up.
I know he'd do best where he could just befree range all the time. But there's nowhere for him. My parents won't take an animal in, not permanently. And Ali's parents don't have the room for another animal, especially a full-time free range bunny. And we can't do it here. Not with all the others around too.
We also have to keep in mind he gets stressed if I am away to long.
We've put the whole "putting him to sleep" option on the table, re-evaluating his health in January. And coming up with ways to help him heal. But.....I don't know.....
We just take it one step.
Losing Ringo is the hardest thing I can imagine. He's the only one I chose, he's the only one I bonded with......he's the only one I wanted.

Or maybe I'm just being selfish......

I am telling Wyatt. :p Hey YOU wanted him. You held Connor and said yes. You agreed to getting Teresa a friend to bond with(Dallas). Elvis..ok that was me. Chibi me. Teresa that was both. Apple you said yes. Sam was your friends idea of a housewarming gift.

TinysMom wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Not the best one. Old but just picture that again and again.
That is actually pretty mild - like Ali says - picture them doing it over and over again and not being able to stop.
What she said.
Puck lived with head tilt for over a year - he looked funny - but other than two bad bouts - he didn't roll much at all - he just sorta looked funny and ran funny.
That is what he is usually like. Bad bout usually in June to July. Than good. I think it is the change in weather. Than when we lost power and had no air...I think it just didn't let him fully recover.
I've had head tilt bunnies mainly have "bouts" of a week or two where they roll continually - I haven't had to face it for as long a period of time as Ali has.....I honestly don't know how she has survived with it because it is so stressful.
I don't know how either.
I don't know if this is an option, but what about bringing a friend for him into the picture? I have heard that a "nurse-bunny" can really make life better for an ill bunny. I know he was bonded to Samantha, but I don't know if it's an option to rebond him with someone new that can take care of them. It's just that with Rex's passing I looked back at the blog and saw how helpful he was to Peanut when she had tilt, and I remember Randy talking about "nurse-bunnies" before, I think. Completely a shot in the dark, but I wonder if it might help.

In any case, you will know when it is time. He will tell you when the happy moments stop outweighing the bad ones. I want to give you and your husband support in this decision, because I know you are wonderfully caring bunny-people. :pink iris::hug1
tonyshuman wrote:
I don't know if this is an option, but what about bringing a friend for him into the picture? I have heard that a "nurse-bunny" can really make life better for an ill bunny. I know he was bonded to Samantha, but I don't know if it's an option to rebond him with someone new that can take care of them. It's just that with Rex's passing I looked back at the blog and saw how helpful he was to Peanut when she had tilt, and I remember Randy talking about "nurse-bunnies" before, I think. Completely a shot in the dark, but I wonder if it might help.

In any case, you will know when it is time. He will tell you when the happy moments stop outweighing the bad ones. I want to give you and your husband support in this decision, because I know you are wonderfully caring bunny-people. :pink iris::hug1

I think it could. We have considered it but so far only Apple tolerates him. She can not be fixed until January. :grumpy:I have to raise alittle more for her spay and raise my vacation time so I can be off with her. NO WAY will she go in and I won't be home for her. I have been with EVERY ONE so far and that won't change. Than comes into play he is not fixed. He um will try to mount and when he does it throws him off. He will mount anything.... his stuffed friends, the dog, your foot....your head.:biggrin2:

Thank you.


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