An update before I collapse with exhaustion for the night:
Between LoriV's health and my finances crumbling, we've exceeded our limits. We appreciate those offers to foster if we could help provide financial assistance or time limits, but we're not in a position to take anyone up on those offers.
We've found foster placements for four more rabbits, if we can get them speutered in time. Wish us luck. If you live in the Rockford/DeKalb/Quad Cities/Crystal Lake areas and are looking to adopt, please drop me a note and I can put you in touch with the fosters who have them. Most of the nine adult rabbits and eight baby rabbits we've gotten out so far are in foster homes, not permanent ones. They are safe, but getting them into real homes is not only better for them, it's better for the rabbits still at the shelter waiting in line behind them.
As of late last week, we've gotten all the non-rabbit small animals into foster placements. I believe the last count was:
- 17 adult gerbils
- 1 litter of 4 young, furred gerbils
- 7 anticipated litters of gerbils
- 2 Syrian hamster females, 1 is a teddy bear
- 2 litters of baby Syrian hamsters
- 1 adult male Syrian hamster
- 2 dwarf hamsters who survived living in the same cage as the Syrian male
- 1 mouse
Virtually all of the above were infested with mites (which do not appear to have spread to the rabbit room), which LoriV and an angelic foster home are treating before we place them. Again, if you're interested in any of the above, contact me.
Now, for another rabbit-related urgent situation, which doesn't involve Chicago Ridge but doesn't yet justify its own thread. I am supposed to take in a rabbit that is currently living in a house abandoned after its owner was evicted. (He was going to be released into the snow!) A panicked cousin is going over to try to retrieve it. Does anyone have a sample surrender contract I can use? I've written a few people I know, but this is coming up very suddenly and they're all busy with their own rescue efforts so may not be able to respond in time. I know very little about this rabbit, except that it is "small, black, and male." I pray the cousin gets to him in time. I'd drive there tonight if I had any idea where the house is. Looks like the supplies I bought to donate to Chicago Ridge are going to be used here, if I'm lucky.
Oh, and if you want some very sweet and attractive fancy rats, yep, got those too...
Now if you all will excuse me, I'm going off to cry, bang my head against the wall, and cry some more.