RESOLVED - She's better!!! Chalk's critically ill...

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Thank you everyone!

She was out in the garden with Mouse for about 6 hours today, and she BINKIED! TWICE!! :biggrin2:

We went to the vets this morning, and they are really pleased with her progress. She has about finished the antibiotics now, but can carry on with the metacam for a few more days, and then start decreasing it, just so that she doesn't end up in pain and stop eating again. Her nails desperately needed trimming, and I had been meaning to get her booked in for it before all this started 2 weeks ago, so the vet did it then for us. She doesn't want to see her back unless we're concerned for her again... Woo!

Remembering Peg's words well, I took hundreds of pictures of her outside. I remember when she first went into the hospital I wanted to see her so I went to look at some pictures and was so upset with myself when I realised that the most recent pictures were over 2 weeks old.:(

Anyway, she's doing so much better still, and we're so relieved! I don't want to jinx it or anything, butI guess a mod could remove the 'Urgent' from this thread? :)

Thank you SO much everyone, you really all have been so supportive and I don't know what I'd do without this place! :hug:

Jen xx
WOOHOOOOO! :bunnydance:I haven't been able to access the forum in the last 2 days, so I'm just reading this......and I'm so happy, I wish I could do a binky!!!!! :happyrabbit:I've been praying for all of you guys, and have been worried since I couldn't get on for any updates. The care and love that you gave Chalk made a huge difference in recovery, I'm sure. :great::yahoo:
HORRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I was so worried! im still praying for her though. :weee::happyrabbit::rofl:A Toast to Chalk!!!!:toast:

Thanks guys!

I've not been able to get on pretty much all week, we've had endless problems with getting a permanent internet connection, and it's still not fixed, so sorry!

Just to update, Chalk's poos have been officially back to normal for about 4 days now! WOOO! :DShe's eating as soon as the bowl goes down and lots of it, and just generally hopping around and being her cheeky old self again! :biggrin2:We are so unbelievably happy!

She's been getting Metacam every day this week, as per the vets instructions, but now we've just started giving it every other day, to wean her off of it. She's due a dose tonight after not having it since Friday night, and where a few days ago she'd be displaying signs of pain, now she's perfectly happy, chinning everything and sooo happy!

We can't believe that 2 weeks ago we weren't sure if she was going to make it. We are so, so lucky to have her with us still, let alone being back to her old self again. It breaks my heart to know that so many people wont be/aren't as lucky as us, and it's something I'll never ever forget. When she first had surgery I prepared myself for the worst, and was convinced we'd lose her. I just can't believe that she's still here with us! I don't think we ever did, but we will never ever take this special bunny for granted.

Thank you all so much!

Oh, and, as an added bonus... *touch wood* since she's been home, her and Mouse have been using the LITTER TRAY!!! NO WEE ON THE FLOOR!!!!! YAAAAAYYYYY! :biggrin2::yahoo:

Jen xxxx
:grouphug:big kiss::clapping::yahoo::thumbup:toastingbuns:dancingorig::party::highfive::pinkbouce:

:pink iris::bunnydance::pink iris:
:great:Keep the good news coming! I'm so glad that Chalk is doing so well....I think having such wonderful slaves who care so deeply helped with the recovery....way to go!!!:woohoo