RESOLVED - She's better!!! Chalk's critically ill...

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Yesterday she drank loads of water- our buns are not ones to drink a great deal but she definately drank a lot yesterday. She has a bowl not abottle- they used to have a bottle but when we gave them both a bowl won out...

Is there something we can add for her to drink it more? The probiotic is being added to the water now (although we haven't given it yet due to her not drinking so much and notwanting to put her off too much!) but she still isn't drinking a lot at all...

I've heard that some bunnies like something like juice added to theirs. Bo doesn't like that..... we did the same with him bottle and bowl - bowl won!

I added a little vanilla to the water of one of my fosters after his neuter to entice him to drink. He seemed to like it; atleast he drank a lot of water.

I'm sorry to read about Chalk's health issue and also sorry for not being able to log in and answer earlier (I was unable to post for about a week now due to the website problems...).

Maybe the probiotic that is added in the water has a taste that Chalk dislikes? Try giving him also cool water without any flavour in, maybe the water intake will be better then? What about fresh, wet veggies? Rabbits get a lot of water from eating moist veggies.

Recently when Penny was having gut troubles, I added a bit of cranberry juice to her water and she loved it. I just added a little bit to make it just a light pink and that is all it took to get her to drink more. I've also heard apple juice works.

The other thing with Penny's recent gut troubles is that it really took almost 2 full weeks for her to return to normal. It was very frustrating for me and I worried constantly but very gradually she returned to normal.Hang in there, it sounds like she's on the road to recovery.
Is Miss Chalk a poopin' machine yet? Has she been drinking? Pets for her and hugs for you!

Well I've not had chance to get online all day... sooo busy :(

Chalk wasn't too good all day, she didn't really eat much... I called the vets this afternoon, and the receptionist said she would get a vet to call me back, but they didn't. I called back and they had closed!

She did have a good nibble on the veg that I put down earlier though... and she has drank, just not a great deal. She didn't want any of the pineapple I put down for her! :X

I'm calling the vet and going to take her in tomorrow... She's still doing little poops, but not big ones yet, and not a great deal of them.. I guess it could just take a while to get better, but I'm still worried and I want to make sure!

Marietta, all the veg we've given her is wet, and she has one bowl of water with the probiotic in, and the other has just plain water in lol...

I guess, on the plus side we're just about able to get the antibiotics into her... I'm about to make up some critical care, and try and give that to her....

Thanks everyone!

Jen xx
C'mon, Chalk! Get better! Heck, her whole ordeal is stressful for me, I can only imagine what it's like for you :( Poor Chalkie. Sorry to hear that the vet didn't call back, hopefully they'll call first thing in the morning or else you can call them again! I will be looking for updates.

There are tooooo many sick bunzos on the forum right now :(
We just got back from the vet, with some metacam for the weekend. She's been eating some hay and grass today (they went in the garden this afternoon) and I've seen some little mini-poops, not normal size yet though! I was worried, and the vet agreed that she's not had pain relief for a couple of days now, so that may have been making her feel worse, and staying still, not eating etc.

So we're gonna try that over the weekend and see how it goes. We've got an appointment for Monday morning already, so that's one thing sorted, and the vet said to call any time over the weekend if we're concerned as her colleague is there. They apologised profusely for not calling us back last night- the vets never got the message, so it might have been too late in the day and they went home, or the other receptionist might not have passed it on. Either way, I'm glad it wasn't the vets, cos I love them, and it would have been a shame if they'd messed up! :p

The vet also suggested tying to juice some veg for her as well, like carrot/lettuce, etc etc to see if that works. I've not heard of it before. We've got a juicer, good idea? :?

I feel so bad that this is pretty much the only thread I have the time to post in at the moment, it's just been such a hectic week with Chalk, the move and there's been so much to do at the other house to get it sorted so we can get the deposit back. Hopefully after the weekend I can be posting a bit more!

Thank you again everyone!

Poor Chalk, I really hope the pain meds help.

I dont think the juiced veggies can hurt, but if it were me I would just stick with critical care or crushed pellets watered down if I were going to syringe anything. That combined with pedialyte/water has been a godsend for me.
Jen, sweety, nobody would expect you to post in other threads, whilst you are in the middle of achange and anew environment with million of things to do plus this terrible situation with Chalk...I just pray that God gives you a break and Chalk is back to her normal self, so that you needn't worry also for her...

In regard to the juice, I guess the vets think that the liquid form of the veggies would be easier force fed, since she has no appetite to eat. It wouldn't hurt to try, it's not bad for her, but I don't know if it would work. I wish it does. In regard to Metacam, now this has a lot of chances to work, since a rabbit in pain and/or discomfort doesn't eat or move a lot.

If Metacam helps her and she starts eating again, please let us know.


Edited to add: Yes, what about Critical Care? doesn't it work at all?
:pray: I'm thinking good thoughts/ prayers for your sweet girl.

Please don't feel shy about singing to her. I find that when my Zoe experiences the pain/ discomfort of stasis, softly singing to her seems to help her relax and possibly to feel better--at least in the moment.

How is my Chalkie today? Is she pooping yet? And I second that you should not feel bad about not posting in other threads! You have a ton of stuff going on right now.
Is Chalk any better?

Bo had some really hard and tiny poos yesterday and not very many. So I gave him a big bunch of wet cilantro. He munched on it and a piece of banana and drank about 1/2 cup of water last night and he's got better poos already!

I hope she comes around really soon..... I know it must be maddening right now with the move, her illness and your back still healing!

Woosh! Again, I've only just got chance to get online for a few minutes...

It's good news! She's eating! Loads!:biggrin2: She ate quite a bit of the breakfast this morning and then kept nibbling throughout the day and then Steve said she ate as soon as he put the bowl down this evening! She's currently munching away on pellets as I type... the first time she's really eaten pellets since she got ill....

So, I'm thinking it was definately pain related and the metacam has worked? She's got more tonight too, I guess we'll just give her a dose every night as instructed until Monday morning when we see the vets, when I imagine she'll tell us to decrease it? Gosh, she's eating loads of pellets! WOOOO! :p

Her poops are still smaller than normal, but not far off. Is this ok? Will they get bigger the more her guts start to work again?:?

She seems a lot more alert too, she's looked bright the past few days really, but she's been hopping about, nibbling, and playing etc a lot more than before today as well!

So glad I can come on here with good news for a change! :D

I'm so glad to hear that Chalk is eating better! I'm sure the pooping will follow soon, since what goes in must come out! :biggrin2:
mouse_chalk wrote:
Her poops are still smaller than normal, but not far off. Is this ok? Will they get bigger the more her guts start to work again?:?

How great news! Bravo, Chalk!!!

Don't worry about her poops, it's normal that they were small, as she hasn't really been eating these days. They'll get into their normal-bigger size soon, now that she started eating again. Give her a big kiss for getting well! She certainlygave everybody here a heart attack!
