RESOLVED - She's better!!! Chalk's critically ill...

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I just spoke to the vet. She still hasn't pooed overnight, and she's not eating a great deal more either... He said that she still seems very bright though. He said that it's a toss up as to whether she'd be better off at home where she'll be more comfortable etc, or staying in there. So we've decided to try and bring her home, and see if she does any better here. We're going to pick her up after 1pm, when she's had her antibiotic and fluid injections.

I'm also hoping that if her and Mouse still want to know each other, that will help her too... I think I'll put a divide in the middle of the cage and see how they go. That will help to monitor the poop situation too. Good idea or not?

I'm so worried.... I just wish she would eat more and poo.... Like the vet said, she's not out of the woods yet.... :(

If you haven't got one already, get a Snuggle Safe. It's a flat plastic disc that you can microwave and it holds heat for a long time. Essentially it's an animal-safe heating pad. It can help keep her more comfortable.
I think bringing her home is a good idea - at least she will be in familiar surroundings with her family. Keeping her and Mouse together, but separated, would probably be a wise move, at least to start with - like you say, then you will know who's poops are who's.

Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way. C'mon Chalk, hurry up and get better.

Chalk came home this afternoon!! :D

I've put grids down the middle of her and Mouse's temporary cage so that they can be next to each other, but I can still monitor the poop situation. Well, Mouse hopped straight over those grids, and jumped up to see Chalk. She sat grooming her ear for AGES, I guess the bit where she had the IV in and it's a bit scabby.

Chalk has eaten some, at first just hay, but she's been nibbling the veg and PELLETS! that I put down for her.

She has pooped too!! But, they have been really tiny. Like REALLY tiny, about a quarter of the size of the nail on my little finger? Some more since then have been about twice as big, but that's as big as they've got. I'd say that there's been about 20+ of these tiny poops? Is that good? They've been a little bit sticky, but quite dry and hard as well, and not rounded..... :?

It's so nice to have her back again though, her and Mouse are still bonded, which I was sooo worried about. She's going back to the vets for a check up tomorrow morning, where she can get more injections if she needs, and she'll probably go back daily until she gets the all clear.

SO glad we had the insurance too, the bill came to £868 altogether. That's around $1700 US!! :shock:

Jen xx
Hooray for Chalk poops! I think even tiny poops are a good sign. If she hasn't been eating much, it would make sense that her poops are small maybe? Is she getting enough water? I think tiny poops can be a sign of dehydration. And I'm really glad that Mouse missed her sister and they still love each other. That's a relief! Though I'm sure they would have bonded again pretty quickly.

I'm so happy to hear that Chalk is improving! And I'm glad you had insurance too, wow! Of course she's worth it though, I would have paid the same for any of my buns. I don't have bunny insurance, but I do have Care Credit and that allows you to make payments over a period of time instead of ponying it all up at once. How does your pet insurance work? I might look into it...
I'm so happy for Chalk! I'd think any poo at this point is a good thing and with Mouses' TLC I'm sure a full recovery will be had. Good luck and please update later today.
I have found they usually start off like that and the more she eats the bigger the poops will get! Just keep a really close eye on her. SO glad things aregoing well :)
Told you ;)They did just like Bam-Bam and Wiggles did. I do think that it helps them destress a lot and that helps them tons :)Hopefully you'll be back to having lots of poop soon! :vacuum:
Thanks guys!

I know, it's crazy, I've never been more happy to see poo lol! I'm thinking that maybe she did them just to shut me up cos all afternoon I was saying 'come on Chalk, poo! Poo Chalk, poo!' at her :p

The poops have got a little bit bigger, still not full size though. As we're in the living room all evening we've let her and Mouse go in together, they were so desparate to get to each other before. I'm not sure if I should separate them to sleep, so I know in the morning who's pooed, whether I should sleep on the sofa and check on her in the night, or leave them together tonight? :?

Shiloh, our pet insurance is with a company over here called Pet Plan. They are the only insurance company that our vets bill direct to. It's about £15 a month ($30) and we have an excess of £50, so anything that comes to below that we don't bother to claim for. Then when we need to claim, we take a form along to the vets (we get some blank ones sent to us), fill it in, pay our excess, then the vet fills in the details of the claim, and it gets sent to Pet Plan, and then they send a cheque to the vets! So easy! You can also do it where you pay the vets and thenPet Plan can send you the cheque, but it's much easier the other way round. We haven't had Barney and Snowy insured yet, but we will do it now, it's proved so valuable, and the policy has paid for itself many times over now...

Jen xx
Oh good! I hope her poos get bigger. I know it's so terrifying but I think if you can keep her moving around and eating and drinking, she will come through this!

I'm only just able to get online! Stupid mobile data card thing, that uses GPRS that we can hardly get online with...

Anyway, Chalk's still doing loads of the little poos. They've got bigger, to about half the size of my little finger nail now, or justa little bit bigger, and she's picked at some veg, hay and pellets but not very much.... The vet has given a new antibiotic, Septril? I might be spelling that wrong... It tastes of banana, and it's actually something she'll take through a syringe for a change! Is it any good? I've not heard of it before...

She still isn't eating much... I'm just about to try some fresh pineapple as recommended by Shiloh and the vet to see if that helps, but I'm worried about her not eating much. We're giving her time on and off with Mouse, and then keeping them next door to each other at other times, to keep an eye on the poos that she's doing.

Is this ok to do?

She's very inquisitve still, and likes to be hopping about the living room etc, but I just wish, wish, wish that she would eat some more! :(

Just a couple of things to check on with you:

  • Is she drinking plenty of water?
  • Can you add something to it to get her to drink more?
  • Does she have a bottle or bowl? Bo drinks much more now that he has a bowl.