Resolved!-not eating, drooling, not pooping...

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** my vet's opinion is the same: operating the bunny without knowing his general condition. I'm in Brazil and we don't have savvy vets here. The clinic of this "general" vet I took my bunny to until yesterday happens to have basically all pets I asked about dying, and today this dental vet had pets leaving the place alive... that's why I chose them to do the procedure (whatever it is, no one knows). To make things better Monday is a holiday... hopefully everything will be alright! I've been searching vets for almost 2 weeks and this is all I found. GOOD LUCK to my bunny!!

Thanks for all the suggestions!

** Thanks angieluv - yes, the probiotics has casei, and also lactose - is this lactose safe for the bunny?
Lactose is a milk sugar which is not ideal for a bun but in your position i would give this anyway as it is the best that you can get and will probably help anyway. lactobacillus casei is what you want and this product contains it.
Did the dentist facility say that they know specifically how to do dental procedures on a rabbit as the anesthesia is different for rabbits than for dogs , cats etc. ??
Angieluv: they said something about having my bunny breathing the anesthesy, which is a different procedure from cats and dogs. hopefully they'll know what they're doing. At least the dogs I saw today were operated this morning and left well, all alive - different from the "best" vet of the country (that I was seeing), where all died.

Pipp: No, they don't seem to know what's in the x-ray as well!! That's asking too much here. They said they'll sedate my bunny and take a look at his mouth to see if there are spurs, and do what else they think needs to be done. I searched mostly all vets in this city, and these are what I found. It's a hard decision, but there's nothing better and my bunny needs to be treated. I'm hoping for the best, believing in miracles... it is a miracle that he hasn't eaten real food for 2 weeks and is still alive... so maybe another one will happen and he'll be ok after the procedure tomorrow. Hopefully those people will give him the antibiotic shot too. They didn't tell us much about the procedure. It's gonna be "wait and see" - like everything here...

Thanks so much for the support!!! You're ALL AWESOME!!!!!
BTW: probiotics rule!!!! I wish I had found them before!! I gave them to my bunny this afternoon and now, at night, he's eaten some and produced bunny "stuff" like I haven't seen in many days!!! Not big quantity, but more and "better" than what was produced before.

I just hope my bunny comes out of the procedure alive tomorrow. The probiotics will help him recover fast. You all rule, thanks for all the posts!
hotmaildeal wrote:
They said they'll sedate my bunny and take a look at his mouth to see if there are spurs, and do what else they think needs to be done.

This sounds promising! The spurs may well be in most pressing initial problem, although at 5 years old with no spurs history, there's likely to be more to it that that, tooth roots are more likely the culprit.

If they see that the nodule on his chin and/or the molar roots are abscessed, the proper online research should show them the wisdom of injected penicillin combined with an oral antibiotic. PenG or Convenia (the latter needs to be given more frequently to rabbits than cats and dogs, every week or so) and something like Zithromax or Chloramphenicol Palmitate.

Its crucial to check the most recent studies and recommendations, though. A few years ago antibiotic beads were the promising treatment, but they didn't really pan out all that well. Prior to that, it was surgery or nothing.

Pretty much all the up-to-date rabbit 'experts' recommend that protocol now.

Zithromax alone will probably do wonders. If your vet isn't comfortable hanging the decision on a bunch of loonies on one forum, try checking out the huge and awesome UK forum, Rabbits United/RabbitsRehome and search Zithromax on there. Entirely different set of members and experts.

You said it all, Pipp!!!! I agree with you 100%, and when I posted here I also tried an UK forum, I guess it's the one you mentioned, but I'm following this one more.

Everybody in DECENT countries agrees with the antibiotic combo - except for "vets" here (more than one)!!!
I don't know what I can do to convince these people how back in the past they are. Then they pretend to be ok, like, "I'll do it if you REALLY want", then never give ANY answers or treatment anymore.

They NEVER answered when I asked what form of penicillin is available for animals in this country. Maybe they don't even know. Never prescribed anything AT ALL for my bunny, or gave a diagnostic!! What a shame. Kill pets. I wish you guys came here to teach these dumb "vets" here all your knowledge. Our vets NEVER mentioned probiotics (!), and these made my bunny almost brand new again - I learned about them HERE! I wonder after the antibiotic, how good he'll be! How I wish you were here!!!!!

For now I'll do what I have at hand for the spurs, then I'll surely keep on trying to find someone who'll give him the antibiotics. My family is pressuring me too, saying the bunny won't stand much longer like this... so we'll do at least the spurs tomorrow. I, myself, am not sure if I'd do it so soon... but I agree the bunny can't wait too much.

It took some time to find the probiotics or this pet dentist, I may take some more days or even weeks to find someone else who'll give him the antibiotics, but I'll keep trying and won't give up!

I guess tomorrow they'll rasp the spurs and give my bunny assistance for hydration and pain management.. then I may ask them again for the antibiotics ;)

I'll print the forum posts and take them with me. I hope they see the light of reason.

Thanks for all and I'l keep you updated about my bunny
I'm back home with my bunny, ALIVE!!! :D

I'm so happy he didn't die. The pet dentists gave me pics of my bunny's mouth, he had 4 teeth that were not ok - 2 spurs and 2 elongated. NO extraction done -I wouldn't let it be done anyway, even if they wanted.

I'll post the pics they took of inside my bunny's mouth when I can, in case you want to see them.

The guys who did the procedure don't talk much (almost not at all), don't let us ask much either... I asked about the antibiotic combo and - wow - they KNOW about it!!!! I was SO HAPPY!! finally found people who know something, although they don't talk much... the problem is: they told me THEY saw no abscess, therefore, NO combo for my bunny. END of the conversation. :(

I WILL KEEP ON LOOKING for someone willing to treat the abscess. I believe in everybody from this forum and will do what you said. I praise your knowledge and above everything, I THANK YOU for all the support and help! If it wasn't for you, I'd have believed the other vet who said the problem isn't dental and my bunny would die!

** My bunny is already eating and jumping! :)
Glad everything went well. I would still insist on the meds and something for pain as well. Call them back. Give them some literature about why you are asking for the meds. Or talk to your vet again.
People are so stubborn here.. I'd rather go look for someone else who seems to be more open-minded. There must be SOMEONE - like there seemed not to be a better place like the vet I was seeing before and yesterday I found this place where my bunny had the procedure done. Gotta keep the faith!
So, they filed down his teeth?

Why did they say there was no infection?

I'm glad he's eating again, sorry I wasn't able to help yesterday--a bit of an emotional day for me because of the poor health of my elderly hamster.
OMG I am so happy :Dthat he came through it.I did not have high hopes.

\The dual penicillin drug is sold in the US in farm stores. ithas to be refrigierated. it has many names here like Combi -pen, Dura Pen, Duopen ,Twin pen etc and on the back of the vial you will find that it has 150,000 u of procaine G penicillin and 150,000 u of Benzathine g penicillin per ml. The procaine is fast acting and the benzathine is longer acting. The injections are done subqutaneously (under the skin )and the drug should be diluted with a solution so that sterile abscesses won't form at the sites of injection

There must be farm stores in Brazil or veterinary supply places. This drug is primarily marketed for cattle.

In my town in Wi the vets are not familar with it (and with Randy's guidance) I have bought the drug from tractor supply, (0ver the counter)bought syringes and needles on-line and also a diluent and treated my own rabbits.

I think that it must be available for livestock over there; if you can find it we can help you learn how to give it.

if you combine that drug with the azithromycin that one vet said that he had in stock you have a very (preferable) treatment for abscesses. and infections.
I sure hope that he improves...

So very happy that he made it....:hug:
tonyshuman wrote:
So, they filed down his teeth?

Why did they say there was no infection?

I'm glad he's eating again, sorry I wasn't able to help yesterday--a bit of an emotional day for me because of the poor health of my elderly hamster.
Sorry about your hamster Claire :(
Now I don't know if this is normal because of the anesthesia, but my bunny hasn't yet produced even 01 bunny "stuff" (feces)!! I haven't see him peeing as well.

I gave him some liquid today, and he ate, too. Not too much, but enough for producing "SOMETHING" at least. I gave him probiotics some hours ago and still he produced no "bunny stuff".

The last time he did it was 20 hours ago, before the surgery. Now he looks VERY tired. It doesn't look like he'll do his "stuff" soon, not before a good rest err least?
Maybe he has to sleep more? I can tell the anesthesia effect is not yet completely gone. He can't calculate movements too well, he's still dizzy.

Is there anything, except the probiotics, that could help him go potty?

He produced lots of "stuff" last night (compared to the nights before) after I gave him the probiotics. I wonder why nothing now.

My bunny seems to be under the "Jekyll and Hyde effect". He arrived here dizzy and wobbly (still is a little), some minutes later was eating and happy, then laid down quiet and "introspective", then happy, then not too friendly anymore… all changes all of a sudden, with the bad (or quiet) mood predominating.

I know my bunny won't be perfect today, but as he was great for some minutes I thought he was sort of ok.

I just want to know when he'll do his bunny stuff, or if it's normal not to go potty for this long. I'm still worried despite the fact he came out of the clinic alive…

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