No antibiotics yet - our vets know nothing about them and refuse to give them!
My bunny had Plasil only once, it made him eat but felt crappy afterwards.. Randy (from this forum) prescribed Metacam, which we have, but no vets here will give it to my bunny, saying it will make gas worse, it's so frustrating!!
The bunny is "ok", I worry mostly about his refusal to eat his food and decreased quantity of "stuff" produced. The only thing he wants is.. paper..!! I don't want to let him eat it, I don't think it's a good idea - although it'd be something "solid" going to his belly? :O
And he keeps moving his mouth, like "chewing", but no food in it. Maybe 'cause it hurts�
His food has been basically liquid, and about 2 bites of fruits and alfalfa daily

He can still play, though. I guess anyone hearing a bunny won't eat for almost 2 weeks would think he's not alive anymore. Maybe all the love we give him has to do with it. He knows I'm trying HARD to find a solution. I won't give him to any vet here who can barely speak their mother tongue - all I found so far!!!! :O
When I ask about dental procedures, they say it's risky and my bunny may die.. I'm looking for someone who does this procedure in RABBITS and not only other bigger animals. Also I take account of how many pets I ask about and died. Lots.
I'm praying I find someone skilled here and thank you all for your help. Maybe my bunny wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for you!