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I am very very happy that Julie (treasured friend) has accepted EmmaLee into Soulmate rabbit Rescue. Because she has been signed over to Julie's network she no longer has to be returned to life in a cage at the shelter.
She will stay with me in southwest Wi for now.
I have tried several of my male rabbits with her and I think that she isan easy bond as she like ALL of them although only Rudy and Gabriel like her.

She doesn't like to be held for long but she loves to be petted and loves to run around the very large pen in my living room doing binkies and just generally having fun.
She needs a bunny person, someone who is sensitive to her.and she will make a great companion.

Being so young she has a lot of time ahead of her and if treated well will certainly turn into a potential little princess.
More pics of the "princess" later today..why am I still up ???

She's getting even livelier and I have to cut her nails: they are like little needles.

How can I try to cut her nails when I am trying so hard to establish trust with her?
THANKS A MILLION to Angieluv, Haley, Naturestee -- everyone who can possibly help or circulate word on our rescue intentions.

Angieluv and I met in Tomah, WI, this past Saturday. Emmalee is a jumper, reports her "new mom" this morning. Emmy's new mom hopes to bond Emma' with Shamrock, an absolutely adorable English Spot mix boy adopted from a Wisconsin shelter approx. one year of age. Angieluv and I tried to capture some pics of the dating session.

Perhaps this thread will have a RESOLVED tag in a few more weeks? Once photos come in from EmmaLee's new mom.

SRR Julie

Those flying bun ears made her leap over the gate to be with her new beau!

I"m really glad that she's doing well with Margi and Shamrock. :D

She may have jumped the fence once here but I thought she got out from a place where the plastic is cracked. I thought she was too small to jump that far.

Anyway if she wants to be with Shamrock that is really a good sign.

I know that she's in a really good place but I do miss her.

I never did get a picture of them in thebonding session because I was trying to get them both... and EmmaLee kept moving around.

Anyway I sure hope that everything works out well with her really nice new mom and Shamrock :D
The woman that is planning on adopting her has 3 other rabbits.2 are from rescues and 1 of them was a stray. She successfully bonded one male-female pair but the bonded male absolutely hates Shamrock (the remaining male) who is a loppy english spot X that resembles EmmaLee. The plan is to bond EmmaLee with Shamrock as he is so lonely that he grooms a stuffed animal. Margi (the adopter) places the female in with Shamrock every other night so that he won't be so lonely.

Shamrockis a submissive little boy and EmmaLee is bolder so it may work out! I hope ! I hope!
Oh my gosh! I knew she was going to be listed through SRR, but I had no clue she had a potential home!

Im praying it all works out. Great work Julie and Maureen. I'll be praying we can write "resolved" on this thread as well.

Another bun who may not be here today if it werent for you guys.

Margi , the lady that adopted Emmalee has been e-mailing both Julie and i with her progress with bonding EmmaLee with Shamrock.

They bonded almost totally within a week and she sent pics.

How can I get a picture from an e-mail on this site?
There are photos of EmmaLee (and her darling man Shamrock) - provided by Margi on the Soulmate Beginnings page, accessible from our SRR Newsletter.

To save time, here's the direct link: EmmaLee and Shamrock are the last entry of snugglebutt photos as I type.

Maureen: What a wonderful new binkytrail you provided for Venus/Lily/snugglegirl EmmaLee!! ~ Bunny love is grand.

Many cheers to everyone you care for.
Thankyou Julie

That newletter is so great
All the buns with happy endings !!

But I have to say that EmmaLee and Shamrock are like an e-harmony .com commericial..... "they meet on the deepest level of committment"

For all of us who are discouraged with bonding this teaches us that there is such a thing as an "easy" bond"
Thanks Julie for taking her in to SRR. I had no idea that success would come so quickly with such a great owner like Margi.
Soulmate Rabbit Rescue is a super wonderful rabbit rescue . Julie has that certain special something with rabbits and people that bring everything together in just the right way.

Yah! for SRR:D
Wow what great news! I think we all need this :biggrin2:

Great work Maureen and Julie (and Margi). Shamrock and Emmalee look beautiful together!
angieluv's foster girl EmmaLee is on the FoxValleyHumaneSociety website; an RO alum from rescue to her forever home. Margi sent a quick update to Maureen and I on Friday.

Check out the bunnies in the basket, pictured with Margi. :):) schnugglers Shamrock and EmmaLee (tiny, but they've made some front page publicity!) :D

>> angieluv :hug:

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