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Her newnameis Lily but you're right about Venus..the names of the others were ridiculous tooand I had nothing to do with naming them.
"Our boss" named them after the planets and we all hated it but couldn't change it

Even the vet told me he had never encountered a pet named "Earth"
As if thesepoor little creatures don't have it bad enough living their firstmonths in a shelter..they have to be saddled with terrible names too:D

Mercury isn't horrible.. and instead of 'Earth', you could call her Gaia.

i actually really like the name Gaia... of course, i've also been called a hippie once or twice. :D
angieluv, They are adorable too. I know whatcha mean about bunns with brunette haircolor.The agouti fur.

Plain brown, black, white seem to stay longer because of their hair shade. Whether in rescue or shelters. Wecherish the cottontails in our yard so much, so an agouti coloredkiddo has all the binky traits of their wild brethren.

RegardingBG & Cuddles the*abandoned* adults, my hubby asked, "how do you tell the difference between a cottontail and a domestic?" Well, Cuddles' white tipped paw was an easy callout. When he saw Marietta the white rabbit pulling a banana peel from a garbage sack, it became more apparent these were outcasts!! BG has the Mac truck look w/more compact face. Cuddles has a dutch look. I stare at all the plain rabbits in the avatars. ;)

Hooray for the name suggestions coming in! :inlove:Gaia.

Am sending good thoughts the brown ones, and monster-ette (Emmy?) will find guardians. We are equally enchanted by those from Angela's shelter. Hope theyALL will be given a chance and live LONG and LOVED lives.
I have not been able to respond on this site since this AM..don't know if its the web or the site???

Anyway ..Julie...yes that is the flooring from Menard's that I learned about from Angela. It is really great rabbit flooring because the little ridges in the finish give the rabbits traction.I think Angela has the darker color.

I also wanted to say that I am not getting ANY negative behavour from Lily. I am sort of surprised about this. I had her out to exercise in a really large area and she ran around doing binkies and was just too cute for words. She also lets me pet her.
We'll have to wait and see.
Thanks,angieluv angel. I'll keep this in mind. Especially Lily's angelic behavior.

If there's a way she can join a fosterhome in the SRR network and eventually be adopted through rescue assistance, that'd be terrific. 'Til then all the visuals bring smiles and hope.

Nice to see you posting gentle giants. (I run short of time to read every topic...) Currently doing some rescue-shelter communicationas several prospective adopters are looking for particular sizes of neutered/spayed kids to consider adopting. Knowing lots on each fuzzbops' personalitymakes a good match-up. t/c.

Lily knows the loving hands of Maureen.:sunshine:
I am perplexed

This bunny is perfectly sweet but does not like to be held for more than a moment (totally normal)

I am thinking of asking the shelter to post her on the website but have people go through me.

I think there must have been some issues with the adopters because the only thing I am being with her is respectful.

I can't see any issues with her at all.................I'd love her myself but I know I don't have room

unless I foster her for Julie if something occurs where her life is in danger.

just an idea
The shelter is hesitating over placing her back on pet-finder :(:grumpy:
I've got to find an home for her myself so I called the people who adopted her brother and they may possible consider her ..they'll call me

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