She's in south west Wi. on the border of south east MN and Iowa. I think that she would be easy to bond as I have tried several of my male bunnies with her and she has been very receptive to all of them .
I wish so much that you were not so far away.

I think that I just found out how she should not be handled.
I usually place her in an extremely large pen in my upstairs living room is almost the size of the room. I place a hidey place, toys water food and blankets in there and she just binkies all over. I spend a lot of time sitting in the pen with her and she is used to me , crawls around on me and lets me pet her . I leave her in the pen for hours sometimes and when it is time to take her back to the cage I just swoop her up and take her back with no incident.
We are having a technican to the house today to fix the satellite dish on the roof so I couldn't let her out yet today.
Her cage (large dog airline crate) is inmy huge bathroom and today while I was taking bath I thought I would open the door and let her explore the bathroom.
When I was ready to leave I had to grab her to put her back. She wasn't ready as she hadn't been out long enough..she tried to bite my hand (not hard) so I moved her so she couldn't reach it.
I think this is the type of problem the people that surrendered her had.
They probably had her out a short time and then grabbed her to go in and she proceeded to rebel against it.
I think this problem is basically easy to handle if she is given her own space and allowed enough time out.
She doesn't respond well at all to quick movements. ..otherwise she is a sweetie.
I have let Julie name her so her new name is EmmyLee