So many updates!
It's been beautiful weather, so the buns have been outside every day. Their poops are so nice looking when they have access to real grass all day; it makes me look forward to the thought of possibly moving to a place where they'd have fresh graze virtually all year long.
I found a cool toy that is basically a ball with a smaller ball inside of it, and a bell inside that little ball. The buns both seem to love it.
I also have started making a new weekend meal for them - bunny chop. It is basically my effort to get them to eat varied hey. They'll eat timothy and feed hay, but not things like orchard grass, oat hay, botanical hay, bunny brome, bermuda grass, etc. I bought several different kinds, mixed them all together, and to get the buns to eat it I put it through a chopper with leafy greens and a little bit of either fruit/veg to make a nice treat. I realize this eradicates the benefits of different length strands, but my interest is more in the varied nutritients from hay to hay. So far it is working great and they LOVE it!
Fosters & Wildlife Patients
So much is going on here!
First of all, the opossum has already put on a good deal of weight and eats big, healthy meals three times daily. He does, however, have fleas and probably worms, so I'll be treating him for that this coming week.
I went out hiking at the release site of the assassin bug and saw a ton of his species there, so I'm really hoping that he's survived and is out there breeding now

Here's two adults mating in that area:
The snapping turtle is outdoors in his pre-release enclosure and doing well. I filled it with duckweed, fallen leaves, etc. to make it closer to a pond and have him eating 100% live prey - and I don't plop it in front of him either. He seems to be doing well so far and is actually a scootch TOO fat; they're supposed to have extra weight at release since they typically lose weight orienting, but he's put on a bit too much.
The red eared slider is slowly and steadily improving. He is up to two pounds, which is close to a decent weight for a turtle his size. His eyes are still slowly improving, and there's no signs of a URI at this point. I do think he'll be a long term project though; still not self feeding, and not healed from all of the skin lessons yet. I did take him out for some nice UVB exposure today, though!
The gecko has taken a few steps back. It threw up two meals, was losing weight, and I noticed I was seeing just urates, no poo. I force fed some daphnia and soaked him in warm water, and he finally passed a very hard, sandy poo. I suspect the previous owner kept him on sand, only compounding his issues. For the sake of better hydrating him and amping up his nutrition more than roaches, I have made a custom gel diet out of my insectivore slurry and will be feeding that until further notice. I'm hoping it'll be easier to digest, and I'll be dusting it with probiotics as well.
The rat is still slowly, surely warming up. Zero bites for interested adopters. She figured out how to open the doors on top of her cage; I found her sitting on the lid shredding up the towel that is draped over the cage. She grabbed her mouthful of towel fluff and dashed back inside when I caught her. All doors are now clipped shut to prevent further incidents. Sneaky rattie!
I have no betta/goldfish updates other than: goldfish leave for upstate in about three weeks, yay! The foster bettas have no interested adopters at this point.
But finally...
Yeah, that IS a young sulcuta. I found it in a local park yesterday, probably abandoned since it's so far from housing developments that I have to question the likelihood of escapees. Having already found two abandoned pets this month, I called my fiance and made him come look at it because I was desperately hoping there was some NY turtle species that looks JUST like a tortoise and I could put it back where I found it. No such luck. I'll be fostering this guy only most likely, as they're darned hard to care for as they grow.