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Poor turtle!

There's a little pond at the park I take my dog too, and there are always turtles there - it's full of RES's that like you said, aren't native to this area. :grumpy
That sounds like an awful condition for that poor turtle to be in! I'm so glad you were able to find him and take him in. Hopefully he's gonna recover and live a happy rest of his life!
The rattie is adorable! Hopefully she comes around.

And I really hope that turtle gets better..I swear turtles are the most abused animal!
Patti, in the US there haven't been any recorded case of rats spreading rabies. Less than 2% of wild rat bites result in even an infection, and fewer still in something like "rat bite fever." They're already looking very clean, so I don't think I'll need to worry :)

I got the rattie set up in a better cage, and convinced her to accept some cheerios from my hand today. I think she is very scared as opposed to vicious. My hope is that she'll calm down enough to start being handled so I can place her in a home with another rat. I have pics I'll upload once my dad wakes up of the cage, as well as of the turtle.

The turtle is... ungh. Still alive, but honestly I don't know if that's ideal for him. The "good" eye, aside from being slightly gooey, looked better this morning than it did when he arrived. However, the "bad" eye, which is more of an eye socket, completely filled back in with pus again. I cleaned it out which was REALLY stressful for him, and managed to get a little bit of food in him while he was snapping at me. I'm hoping he'll eat on his own now that he got a taste of it though; it's a mix of bananas, kale, fish, and krill all blended together with some vitamins. I'm hoping my vet can fit him in today or tomorrow as I suspect he needs injectable anti-biotics, and I don't know that I can get the kind I need over the counter.

Here's the rat's cage. It's still very sparse, but I had to throw it together quickly last night. I'd like to add a lot more in the way of toys, maybe some climbing ropes, etc. and also put down some fleece on the top floor. She seems to be exploring a bit, as this morning I found one of the foraging toys pulled down to the bottom floor and emptied. I'm hoping the combination of a safe, enriched environment and lots of treat bribes will slowly win her over so she can go to a new home or even a rescue. I hate burdening rescues, but I've also only fostered all of about three rats and don't consider myself savvy enough in their behavior to definitely rehabilitate her, so if I don't see progress over the next few weeks it may be an option.


Here's the poor turtle. Sadly this is AFTER firsttreatment and he still looks that bad. I cleaned out the bad eye again this morning so it's not a massive white oozing globe like it was when this was snapped, but I sadly suspect it'll fill right back up again. My vet is supposed to call me with a slot over the next day or two but said she is quite booked this week. I feel helpless; all I can do is clean, medicate, and hope.

Here's a few pics from our hike yesterday, btw. Not ALL of it got ruined by tragic turtles.





I love that last picture! Very pretty millipede (did I get that right?).

Poor poor turtle....and I think that rat cage setup is pretty nice as it is! I mean there can never be enough toys, but its still pretty nice!
the picture of that turtle is SO sad.

and i would get a tetnus shot from the rat biting me just in case it picked up some sort of bacteria
Ok, so two positive updates:
- I was able to get an injectible anti-biotic for the turtle, and it received its first dose today. This morning, before it was even treated, there was less exudate from both eyes, which I'm happy about. But, even more exciting is that I just went in and found the turtle SWIMMING. This is a huge step in a positive direction for an animal that infirm. Here's hoping this is a good sign and turtle will soon start self-feeding to boot.
- The rattie is quite amenable to being petted, even though she does not wish to be picked up. She also accepts treats from one's hands. I think this suggests she won't be too hard to tame after all, and will be very eligible for placement. :)
DARN! I haven't been getting updates for your blog, so I missed all of the "rat action"!

Rats only bite when they feel super scared or threatened, so it doesn't surprise me that she's coming around now. I can't believe someone would let her go outside, poor girly! She is an adorable black hooded and she looks so sweet....she kind of reminds me of my Spice (RIP). I hope you can post on the GooseMoose ( rat forums about her, as there are a lot of NY/east coast members who would adopt her in a heart beat (can we say "suckers for sad stories"?!). Anyway...thanks so much for finding her and taking her in!

I saw a painting today for sale at an organic coffee shop in town and it reminded me of you :p...


Thanks Amy! I use GooseMoose for adoptions often and posted her there today to get a head start on finding potential adopters while she is being socialized. Great painting btw, thanks for sharing :)

The last few days have been a whirlwind of hecticness, hence the lack of updates. We're negotiating the terms and pricing of buying a business, I'm undergoing medical treatments that take a good three hours out of each day, work has needed me almost every day, wildlife calls are flooding in, and of course - daily husbandry tasks and keeping the fiance happy are taking up the rest. Sometimes I think if I stop dead in my tracks fast enough, I'll catch my head spinning.

At any rate: turtle and rattie alike are both improving. The rat still needs some work; if more than one person is in the room, she starts getting fearful and defensive. When it's just one person, she's very gentle and sweet, however. I'm going to have my family work with me to get her accustomed to more than one person being present during interactions.


The turtle still will not eat, but I'm very pleased to report that his eyes are looking much better and he's very feisty. He's been swimming (woohoo) and seems in better spirits every day, so I'm hoping his starved body can hold on long enough to survive until he's feeling well enough to feed. I can intubate, but from what I've read the stress of it can be worse than the nourishment is beneficial, so I'm giving him a few more days.


"Good" eye


Bad "eye"
He does look a lot better!

And the rat looks adorable!

What medical treatments are you going under? I can't imagine for 3 hours a day!
Aww that poor turtle! Even though it does look better it still doesn't look that great! I'm so glad you were able to take him home and make him better.