Critter Keeper
I had the pleasure of meeting Alicia (JadeIcing) and her critter family yesterday
My medical treatments are an hour away in CT (hence the three hours a day - an hour drive there, an hour in treatment, and hour home), and incidentally only about 45 min from Alicia's town. So long as my day was already going to involve a silly ammount of driving (I had a different, seperate doctor's appt that morning that was also an hour away), I figured why not drop of the foster gecko at her lovely new home? 
Alicia is an absolute sweetie and what gorgeous bunnies! I wish I'd brought my camera. I got to meet her fuzzy new lionhead foster, the little girl who was going off to her new home, as well as all of the residents - including the famous Ringo! All of her bunnies were absolutely beautiful and very well cared for, which is refreshing to see since locally Steve and I are about the only half decent rabbit owners I've encountered. I also finally got to meet Jax and Bo, who I've heard so much about, in the flesh. Seeing how healthy and happy they were gives me every confidence that Isadora is in a FANTASTIC home.
I think that for all its flaws, the internet is especially wonderful on one regard: it allows people to connect with others of shared interests that they would have never encountered otherwise. I've met so many awesome people via the web, and placed many animals in excellent homes as a result. Nice to finally meet one of the good people of RO!
I have basically no personal updates. I've been too busy to think, forget take photos of critters or even make any meaningful observations aside from "You guys alive? Healthy? Eating? Ok good." I hate being this busy. Today I start overnight pet sits, which should calm things down a bit as a certain fiance won't be able to vamp all of my time.
Alicia is an absolute sweetie and what gorgeous bunnies! I wish I'd brought my camera. I got to meet her fuzzy new lionhead foster, the little girl who was going off to her new home, as well as all of the residents - including the famous Ringo! All of her bunnies were absolutely beautiful and very well cared for, which is refreshing to see since locally Steve and I are about the only half decent rabbit owners I've encountered. I also finally got to meet Jax and Bo, who I've heard so much about, in the flesh. Seeing how healthy and happy they were gives me every confidence that Isadora is in a FANTASTIC home.
I think that for all its flaws, the internet is especially wonderful on one regard: it allows people to connect with others of shared interests that they would have never encountered otherwise. I've met so many awesome people via the web, and placed many animals in excellent homes as a result. Nice to finally meet one of the good people of RO!
I have basically no personal updates. I've been too busy to think, forget take photos of critters or even make any meaningful observations aside from "You guys alive? Healthy? Eating? Ok good." I hate being this busy. Today I start overnight pet sits, which should calm things down a bit as a certain fiance won't be able to vamp all of my time.