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Here's Sebbie onhis way to Gypsy or Caroyn... I think SLG will be soon to follow. Ijust have to find a biggerbox!


RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Here's Sebbie on his way toGypsy or Caroyn... I think SLG will be soon to follow. I just have tofind a biggerbox!

:nonono:You're forgetting me. Dale said we have a refrigeratorbox that would be perfect for SLG and Sebbie. I have lots of crittersfor SLG to play with and I could pamper my love, Sebbie. So when can weexpect them....

Tina & Zoo Crew

I see you're getting Sebastian ready for his trip to Canada! I'm surehe and Kiara will get along great and I'm sure SLG would love tobe able to play with Kiara, Mocha, and Spice. :D
Oh, no, Sebbie and SLG need to comehere. I have a couple of wardrobe boxes that should fit SLGvery comfortably. And there are tons of critters here whoneed loving from a sweet little girl and her adorable bunny.AND the mailman gets here first!!!

:rofl: B Baytoo funny , How isour Beautiful Little Girl Feeling ?

OH OH!!! I know We can all haveTime Share with SLG and Sebbi .
Gypsy, thank youfor asking. ;)She started school last Thursday, andshe is okay with that for the most part. As I said in on of our otherthreads, I'm a bit concerned as far as fatigue and such goes, but wewill take it one day at a time.

I'm also really worried about her and her"Daddy Time." She and her Daddy have always been extraordinarily close.Since he owned his own company, which is a construction company, itgave him a lot of time home in the winters when she was little. It alsoallowed him to take her to school every day, go to all her schoolevents, be home every evening for dinner and all the family events,games, etc. They are just very close. But when he started the secondshift job, in addition to his construction job, last October, shereally had a tough time with it.

She had some behavioral issues and someadjustments to make. Through the advice of a therapist we handled itthis summer by her going to work with Daddy every day in the mornings,if it was a job site that it was feasible.

She loved it! She got a paycheck and thatwas a bigdeal! She got to say she helped pour concrete withDaddy and her brothers, and she got more than 15 minutes a day with herDaddy.

Now that school has started again, wewill be back to the way it was before and she has already hadtwomelt downs. :(It's so hard. She doesn't feelgood, she misses her Daddy, both of her brothers are going away tocollege this fall... It's a lot of changes for her.

Keep her in your thoughts andprayers...
Ohhhh poor Baby, its so darned hard on the little ones. They have no concept of havingto work , too bad their wasnt a choice ofwanting to and needing too .. as thereis withso many other challanges inlife . SLG'S age isnt helpingwith this kind of transition either , she is atthe age of Daddy's Girl and growing up. Such a hard time for her .Tell Her I sendbig big hugs and bunny kissesto her .
Send that rabbit to me...and his little girl too!

Carolyn wrote:
Send that rabbit to me...and his little girl too!

:XNuh uh Carolyn, you've already had mor ehtan your fair share of the both of them! Send them HERE!
I wrote this foranother thread, but I thought I'd put it here since it is the story ofhow I got my first rabbit. ;)

My best friend Steve, and I, oftenaccompanied his father, tothe localSaturday morning odd and end auction.OneSaturday, when I was probably 12-13 yearsold,maybe a littleolder, we saw a very large,intimidatingman carrying in some rabbits. He was walkingacross the auction yard,arms by his side, two rabbits,onein each hand, hanging by the ears. They were kicking andstruggling, I remember Steve and I just stopped in our tracks andwatched, dumbfounded. The man opened acage and shoved therabbits inside and stepped a few feet away.

Steve and I sneaked over to peek inside. As we were watching therabbits we heard the man telling someone they would make good"fryers." We ask Steve's Dad what that meant and he explainedthat people often bought rabbits to eat. We were so mortified!

Long story short, we pooled together our money and bought those tworabbits. No plan, no cages, and no idea of what a rabbit needed. Twokids who just didn't want to see two bunnies get eaten.

Steve's Dad bought supplies and made us a cage, we bought pellets, wenamed Thumper and Smokey... and then we continued to return to thatauction every time that we had saved up enough of our lawn mowing moneyand allowance to save another rabbit.

We had to mow a lot of yards to keep building cages... we had everycolor and kind of rabbit you can imagine. Babies turned up now andagain too, bunnies that had been bred or ended up bred after we hadthem. By the time a year or so went by, we must have had 50 rabbits. Wehad no avenue to sell them. We lived in a very poor neighborhood and noone wanted them as pets. We damn sure weren't going to take them to theauction! So we just kept them all!

In the end a neighbors German Shepard's got out and tore through ourhutches and killed most or our rabbits in one night. That was the firsttime I heard a rabbit scream. Several of them escaped into the fieldsbehind our homes and we saw them for a season or two afterwards. Weonly had a couple left and we didn't buy anymore.

I guess the reason I'm relaying this story now is this; it's reallyeasy for a kid especially, to get in over their head. And it could befor all the right reasons. Now, I know their are plenty of them that doit for the wrong reasons too, but I just want to remind you to keep anopen mind in the future when you hear about people who end up with toomany bunnies.

Oh poor SLG!! That sweet little one,she misses her Daddy so much. It's got to be so hard forher. My Dad was gone all week and only home on the weekendswhen I was little, it was tough. Please give her some hugsfrom me and bunny kisses from my buns.

Being indoors year'round isn't enough... He has to lay on the air-conditioner vent allday too! Life ishard!


Why haven't I received himyet???

I've been checking the mail EVERY DAY!
