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Active Member
Jul 5, 2006
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, Ontario, Canada
Freckles has always been terrified of dogs...As far as I know, he didn't have a bad experience to bring this on - I think it's just instinctual.

I've had a couple friends bring their dogs over...

My boyfriend brought his Basset Hound over and he completely ignored Freckles - I don't think he even knew he was there! But Freckles did! I keep his cage up on a table and he peered out with wide eyes as the dog sniffed all around the room and played with me. Freckles kind of darted around his cage when the dog came too close.

The next time my assistant brought her Lab X over and didn't notice Freckles for awhile, but Freckles noticed her and acted the same way as the last dog. But then the dog noticed and went up to the cage and sniffed, and got startled and jumped when Freckles darted around the cage. She barked a couple times and it seemed to scare Freckles. He thumped his feet a few times, and then I covered his cage with a towel and he still thumped a bit. It's more like stomps though - not like Thumper in Bambi. Each stomp is about 15 seconds apart.

The next time I had to bring a client's Bulldog to my house for a couple hours and same thing as the last dog, only this time Freckles seemed more freaked out. He wouldn't stop thumping his feet. Even after the dog and I left the room, about 20 minutes later I could hear him thumping. Poor guy...

Well, I'm going to be taking care of a couple client's dogs again soon - this time for a week straight, one dog at a time. I really want Freckles to get used to having a dog around because I will be getting my own dog very soon.

Does anyone have any advice as to how to deal with this?

Should I try to get Freckles used to the dog? Should I introduce Freckles to the dog to show him there's nothing to be afraid of? I've seen tons of videos on Youtube of dogs and rabbits getting along, but I know that's not usually the norm.

Or should I just let nature "run it's course" and have Freckles be afraid due to his natural instincts? Maybe eventually he will get used to having the dog around and not be afraid?

Of course I don't want Freckles to get "scared to death" of the dogs, but I'm getting a dog no matter what so I don't know what the best way to handle this is. I don't really have a room I can put Freckles in that the dog wouldn't be in - my house is small. The only place would be the basement but I never go down there and it's cold and dark - and I don't want to do that to Freckles.

Please help! Any advice would be appreciated! Sorry for the long post haha. Thank you!!
Foot thumping, regardless, means the rabbit is sending off a warning signal that it doesn't like something.

When they "squeal" is when you should worry. Rabbits only squeal when they're incredibly stressed out, and that's the only time I think you should worry. :)
KirstyBaby_18 wrote:
I really want Freckles to get used to having a dog around because I will be getting my own dog very soon.

hello! i have 2 choc labs, mum and daughter brandy and whiskey. brandy was very maternal and gentle from the start and grew up with our rats and hamsters.when we got the bunnies we did the first meetings holding the buns higher than brandy.gradually we increased the time spent with buns on the floor and in the garden. buns and dogs have separate areas. even so, we supervised any time when they were 'together'. after nearly 6 months or so of this we were pleased to see them grooming each other one day. we work from home so the dogs are not left on their own for hours on end to get bored and destructive.

her daughter whiskey grew up with bunnies literally from day one. again it was constant supervision and training from us and brandy.

the dogs know their place tho' the reinforcing never stops. i also dog sit for a westie, jack russel and golden retreiver. the latter was raised with chickens and buns and knows her place in the pack.not so the first two. the buns are secure in their bunnery for the few hours thes are in the house!

my dogs are constantly reminded that im in charge - the pack leader if you like.

i dont know what breed you are getting but socializing dogs and buns depends on the breed and you.brandy was 3 when the buns arrived - 3 years of training and socializing a very maternal and gentle dog.

hope im havent sounded too negative! when it works it works but dogs are hard work as you know. dont know if you've heard of cesar milan the dog whisperer but he had dealt with interspecies bonding in some of his shows.

good luck:biggrin2:
Rabbits are a prey animal and as a matter of survival have the instinct to fear dogs. Some rabbits never overcome their fear and others- through uneventful interactions can learn to overcome that fear. By uneventful, I mean the dog is in the room but not near the cage. Allow your bunnies cage to be his sanctuary- the one place that the dog never gets to actually reach. My daughter had a bunny that was just terrified anytime a dog walked in the room, after about 4 months of allowing the dog (under my control) to enter the room- but never go near the cage- the bunny finally settled down and would ignore dogs unless they invaded her 'safety area'. So as a rule dogs are not allowed in the kids' bedrooms unless invited. Some animals just have to be kept separated.

On the other hand some rabbits will adjust very well. The issue is consistency. What you have been doing is bringing in different dogs and so each dog is a new threat to your bunny. It would be different if it was the same dog each day.

If/when you get a dog keep in mind that having a dog and a bunny in the same home is a lot of work. Even the best trained dog should never be left unsupervised with a small animal such as a bunny. That being said I have always had dogs and have had rabbits for quite some time. My dogs and rabbits -for the most part- get along well. I have had my angora Torvald running loose around the house with the dogs and the cats - under close supervision- without issue, the bunny follows the dogs and the dogs follow the bunny. The key is remembering the nature of each animal in your home- dogs are a predator and a pack animal. They need a leader- as long as you are that leader and they have your respect you can train them to bypass their instinct.
Bunnymom,K wrote:
If/when you get a dog keep in mind that having a dog and a bunny in the same home is a lot of work. Even the best trained dog should never be left unsupervised with a small animal such as a bunny. That being said I have always had dogs and have had rabbits for quite some time. My dogs and rabbits -for the most part- get along well. I have had my angora Torvald running loose around the house with the dogs and the cats - under close supervision- without issue, the bunny follows the dogs and the dogs follow the bunny. The key is remembering the nature of each animal in your home- dogs are a predator and a pack animal. They need a leader- as long as you are that leader and they have your respect you can train them to bypass their instinct.
:nod:yeahthat: i couldnt agree more. i sometimes think that my furkids are more work than my skin ones:biggrin2:

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