Yeah, no distended belly that I can see from the photo, but boy, rabbits are sure tiny without all that fluff. And she was really fluffy before getting clipped.
That does look like it's a pinworm. Glad you caught that, it would have been easy to miss. Usual treatment is with fenbendazole. I'm not sure what brands you have there, but Panacur 100mg/ml liquid suspension or Panacur paste for rabbits would be the most common brand and type used.
It's given at a dose of 20mg/kg, once a day, and I would give it for at least 5 days, based on a 5 day treatment stated on the mercvet site. You should be able to get it from your vet and they can tell you the right dose to use(you may be able to just call and pick it up instead of bringing your rabbit in), or it may be available online or over the counter where you are, which is usually the cheapest option. This is the rabbit paste and the box will have the correct dosing instructions.
Panacur paste for rabbits
Just regular cleaning is needed. Once you start treating her for it, I would clean out the litter box, clean up her area, and wash any blankets or pet beds she uses.
And hopefully that takes care of it. Pinworms can be a bit difficult to clear up as the rabbit can re ingest eggs when licking their bum, but giving for at least 5 days is supposed to be enough to clear it.
Once she's treated, there's a good chance all of these gas and digestive issues will clear up, and she will likely start keeping and putting weight on better. After treatment, I would suggest maybe increasing pellet amounts a little. Her poop color looks really good, so it means she's getting plenty of indigestible fiber in her diet, so as long as she's eating a pile of hay the size of her body each day, I think a little more pellets would be helpful in helping get her to a healthy body weight.
That does look like it's a pinworm. Glad you caught that, it would have been easy to miss. Usual treatment is with fenbendazole. I'm not sure what brands you have there, but Panacur 100mg/ml liquid suspension or Panacur paste for rabbits would be the most common brand and type used.
It's given at a dose of 20mg/kg, once a day, and I would give it for at least 5 days, based on a 5 day treatment stated on the mercvet site. You should be able to get it from your vet and they can tell you the right dose to use(you may be able to just call and pick it up instead of bringing your rabbit in), or it may be available online or over the counter where you are, which is usually the cheapest option. This is the rabbit paste and the box will have the correct dosing instructions.
Panacur paste for rabbits
Just regular cleaning is needed. Once you start treating her for it, I would clean out the litter box, clean up her area, and wash any blankets or pet beds she uses.
And hopefully that takes care of it. Pinworms can be a bit difficult to clear up as the rabbit can re ingest eggs when licking their bum, but giving for at least 5 days is supposed to be enough to clear it.
Once she's treated, there's a good chance all of these gas and digestive issues will clear up, and she will likely start keeping and putting weight on better. After treatment, I would suggest maybe increasing pellet amounts a little. Her poop color looks really good, so it means she's getting plenty of indigestible fiber in her diet, so as long as she's eating a pile of hay the size of her body each day, I think a little more pellets would be helpful in helping get her to a healthy body weight.