We typically care for more than 10. We're established with our DVM clinic as Sanctuary for special needs' buns, and foster/rescue when space and time permits. All receive daily exercise, and vet care.
@Nancy McClelland -- you likely know the amount of effort and finances that go with caring for more than 6
@BinkyLouie, a couple years ago a person emailed about their netherland dwarf they were unable to care for any longer. A network friend fostered, and foster-failed. Her special needs' bun had passed away two years earlier, and she was ready to welcome another bun. He grooms her and her husband every day!
Velvet kisses is the term used for the smooth feel of bunny licks.
It's perfectly fine if you and Louie are bonded. Special bonds as you described are priceless.
You are wise to factor in extra costs especially if one bun needs treatment for GI stasis, cecum gas, xrays, subQ fluids for diagnosed disease or ailments, et al. We buy bales of hay and bales diminish quickly when you care for 12+ (er, 29 at one time when 3 abandoned rabbits resulted in 19 from 2 pregnant, captured females prior to their spay appts. $3600 flew out of hub's wallet pretty darn quick back in 2006 with our DVM giving us a slight discount.
Treasure your groomers. Velvet kisses are special! Whether one or two feel your enduring TLC. My apologies for the photos that I often don't get time to post due to care of the current crew.
Enjoy the bonds you have with furry family members!