Well, I never really get sick in the winter, but I certainly make up for it with allergies :XI figure that all the people that are sick right now (due towintery germs) will hopefully feel heaps better once spring (thensummer!) rolls around.
Yeah, I've been living with it fora little over amonth now.Dwarf_Angel, It's great that you've only been sick once....too bad it was long-term, though. The inflammation of the chest jointsthing sounds horrible! And then to have it stick around for a fewmonths..... awful! I hope you're feeling better now! I figure that allthe people that are sick right now (due to wintery germs) willhopefully feel heaps better once spring (then summer!) rollsaround.
Yeah, I've been living with it for a little over a month now.Itsounds as bad as it is LOL! Put feeling like having a heart attack andasthma in one. Chest pains and shortness of breath when walking justshort distances. Its one of those things that coems and goes likeeverything else you have your good days and your bad days. I've got atleast about 2 to 3 months to deal with this. The bad thing is ya haveto let it run its course so theres no antibodics, just pain relievers.I can only imagine what it will be like when allergies kick in! Maybethats why my 'brain' told me to go 2 days a week next term rather thena full week!
Anyways, enough about my illness!
I hope you get to feeling better Annie!
I love it!
I hope you're feeling better soon, Annie. I am on antibiotics right nowmyself, part of the reason why I haven't been around as much lately.Sicker than a dog, so they say.
I'm still coughing a bit and blowing my nose a lot, but my bodydoes need to get rid of it somehow, right? Doesn't help that I blow mynose a lot anyway due to allergies.
I hate being on meds though.Carolyn really nagged me to go in though, which I'm glad she did.