Well-Known Member
When is the deadline on the 4-h raffle, again? Iknow I've probably got the p.m. with the dealine in my folder, butfiguring out which p.m. it is might be the tricky part! 
The show is April 2nd and the only 4-H meeting I have before then is onMarch 8th. If its here before March 8th then I will take it to themeeting and show the members. If its not here before March 8th then Iwill allow it to be a suprise. So whenever is best for you.When is the deadline on the 4-h raffle, again? I know I'veprobably got the p.m. with the dealine in my folder, but figuring outwhich p.m. it is might be the tricky part!![]()
The show is April 2nd and the only 4-H meeting I have before then is onMarch 8th. If its here before March 8th then I will take it to themeeting and show the members. If its not here before March 8th then Iwill allow it to be a suprise. So whenever is best for you.![]()
OMG Look at his tummy!That's adorable
I just got the portrait of Wrigley and I must say it'sabsolutely beautiful!!! I can't wait to get it framed this weekend!
Thanks so much, Annie!
So cute!!
aww thats soo cute!![]()
yourwelcome! i just LOVE your paintings! lol
Please, get your rest and put your health first. My father always usedto say, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." It'sso true. I know it's an old saying, but one we tend to poo-poo until wedo get ill or have troubles. Please make it your priority to get back100% before you continue on.
We've all waited all this time to get a portrait done of our babies,and Lord knows, we never expected to have one - if ever. I'm sureeveryone will agree that they can wait until how ever long it takes.
No pressure, no rush. Your health and state-of-mind is much more important than a rush to get out our portraits.
Feel better and best to you, your family, and your buddies with the long ears.