Abby Mattimoe-Harris
Glad you got a new bunny and he is doing well. We all make mistakes but if you learn from them then it is all right.
I may be a little late posting but wanted to possibly add this about the plywood box that I didnt see anyone mention. When using plywood for cages or boxes you have to make sure that you don't use Treated Plywood as it is Toxic for animals tgat might chew on it. So you might double check to make sure your box wasn't accidentally or without knowledge that it should be made with treated plywood.I recently had a 8 month old bunny pass away form bloat, and I was wondering what all can cause it. He had plenty of hay, he never exercise after eating he would just hop up on his box and lay down. He ate nothing out of the blue so I’m just so confused on how he got bloat. My grandad made him a large wooden box made out of plywood, and he used glue to hold it together. My bunny hickory chewed on the box a little but never ate any of the wood, and where he chewed it had no glue in that spot. Can consuming a little plywood cause bloat in rabbits? I just want to know if I did something that could have led to his death so I won’t do it again. I didn’t change his food abruptly and I didn’t give him any iceberg lettuce so I have no idea how he got bloat! And I want to make sure he didn’t get it form the box my grandad made him so my new bun won’t chew on it and get bloat. Are their anyways to prevent bloat in rabbits?
It was untreatedI may be a little late posting but wanted to possibly add this about the plywood box that I didnt see anyone mention. When using plywood for cages or boxes you have to make sure that you don't use Treated Plywood as it is Toxic for animals tgat might chew on it. So you might double check to make sure your box wasn't accidentally or without knowledge that it should be made with treated plywood.
That is woderful that treated plywood wasn't used. But I also was hoping to get the word out to others that may read this that are not aware to not use treated. Thanks for letting me know yours was not..It was untreated