Well-Known Member
So I had someone contact me about purchasing some bunnies from me. I told her I would be willing to do trades cause she mentioned she had flemish giants. Not peedigreed but I dont care, I just want them to be pure. My BEW dwarfs are pedigreed and come from great lines so the are not garbage. She insists that the flemish babies are pure and she even sent me picks of the supposed parents and the babies themselves. Anyway, when someone contacts me I always "check them out" to see if they have a site or whatnot. Well, it so happens, she did. And it seems that shes lied to me. She has two litters up on her for sale page. One is an Am Chin mix mom/flemish dad cross...and posted under it is the same pic of the light grey babies she sent me. Under the next litter is pics of a sandy flemish mom/grey flemish dad with 3 -3 week old babies...these are the parents she sent me pics of stating that they were the parents of the light grey kits...which apparently they are not. I dont want mutts...nothing against them butI have no room or use for them. I asked her again if they were pure and she insists they are. I know shes lying but Im not sure what to say...shouldI call her out on it? Im not trading nice pedigreed animals for mutts....sigh. Any advise? I have pics that she sent if anyone wants to take a look.