Question on how to deal with a lying breeder

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Upstate NY, , USA
So I had someone contact me about purchasing some bunnies from me. I told her I would be willing to do trades cause she mentioned she had flemish giants. Not peedigreed but I dont care, I just want them to be pure. My BEW dwarfs are pedigreed and come from great lines so the are not garbage. She insists that the flemish babies are pure and she even sent me picks of the supposed parents and the babies themselves. Anyway, when someone contacts me I always "check them out" to see if they have a site or whatnot. Well, it so happens, she did. And it seems that shes lied to me. She has two litters up on her for sale page. One is an Am Chin mix mom/flemish dad cross...and posted under it is the same pic of the light grey babies she sent me. Under the next litter is pics of a sandy flemish mom/grey flemish dad with 3 -3 week old babies...these are the parents she sent me pics of stating that they were the parents of the light grey kits...which apparently they are not. I dont want mutts...nothing against them butI have no room or use for them. I asked her again if they were pure and she insists they are. I know shes lying but Im not sure what to say...shouldI call her out on it? Im not trading nice pedigreed animals for mutts....sigh. Any advise? I have pics that she sent if anyone wants to take a look.
Exactly. Just say you are not interested in her Flemish. And if it isn't already in your sales policy, I would state that you reserve the right to refuse to sell any rabbits to anyone for any reason.
What color flemish are you wanting?

I'd contact bluegiants here on the forum and ask her for recommendations since she's in your general area.
I thought about Kathy but shes far from me =( Im just looking for a house pet with the flemie...color isnt important.

About how much does a flemish weigh at 8 weeks? Can someone tell me?
Heres pics of the babies that she sent me...what do you think?


whaleyk98 wrote:
I thought about Kathy but shes far from me =( Im just looking for a house pet with the flemie...color isnt important.

About how much does a flemish weigh at 8 weeks? Can someone tell me?
What I meant was - she can give you recommendations of maybe someone in your areas that you could trust...
ROFLOL - they look like my light gray girls when I have does (young ones).

Remember the light gray in flemish is the chinchilla coloring in other breeds...
I hope I don't come across as mean or critical - because I honestly don't mean to be that way.

I read your comment about not wanting mutts - and I do understand that perfectly.

But I have some half flemish from an accidental breeding over a year ago - and while they are smaller than my full flemish - a couple of them in particular have the flemish personality almost stronger than the full blooded flemish.

I'm not saying you should get a mixed breed - please don't take it that way as that isn't what I mean at all.

But sometimes a half/half breed will show the characteristics of one parent.

And one of those babies has really huge paws!!!

By the way - I'm NOT recommending the trade. I wouldn't want to get a rabbit from someone I couldn't trust...
Peg, your opinion is valued. I do understand. I didnt mean for it to sound judgmental if it did. Im just P-Od that she is out and out lying to me.Esprcially whe she wants to trade good stock for them... I think these babies are adorable...but I want the massiveness of the flemish. She says they are 3 lbs at 8 weeks....thats not very big is it? Or is that how much they normally weigh?
I personally would never trade nice quality pedigreed stock for lesser quality/unpedigreed stock. The animals in question would have to be equal value, or close to it, for it to be a considerable trade.

Just let her know that you changed your mind, and are looking for something pedigreed afterall. ;)


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