Please think of Dotty!

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She's home!!

We picked her up at about 3.30. Apparently she's been fine and eaten lots of her packed lunch, which is good..... She's currently lying just outside the bedroom door in the hallway, next to the snugglesafe and under my dressing gown lol. I put it over me because I was cold, and she snuggled next to me, so now it's over her!

She's very sleepy, and groggy, but she's still asking for noserubs and loving my company so seems good so far. No poop or eating since she's been home, but it's only been 45mins or so yet.

Here's a pic of her- I took it with the camera function on my laptop (so it didn't scare her) so it's a bit grainy:


Oh, and I just read through what I put last night- now I know why you are all recommending the pen etc! I don't know what I was thinking- it was very late and I was actually half asleep lol. I think I was just worried at her reaction to being stopped from jumping on the bed, or at least coming near it in the night. Of course we wont be letting her jump anywhere! Steps or otherwise! Sometimes I think I should impose a curfew on my posting so it's more likely to make sense lol... :shock:

I'm lying right in front of her in the hallway so I can keep an eye on her and administer medicinal noserubs lol :)
Awww Steve was worried about his girl, wasn't he? I'm so glad she's doing well and she's home! Poor baby looks pretty wiped out!

I'm sure you're all relieved it's over and now she can heal and be done!

I do the whole posting when my brain is off dutything! Don't worry! :hug:
Thank you! :hug:

She's eating! I decided to try and handfeed her a while ago, and she ate 2 massive stalks of basil, 3 HUGE stalks of parsley, some spring greens and a about 3 carrots' worth of carrot tops from my hand! :biggrin2:

She loves being hand fed lol....

She's still napping on the landing although we're about to cook dinner so she's going back in her.... OOPS I mean OUR room lol, where she has fresh litter tray, plenty of hay, more veg and a nice big soft doggie cushion to lie on :) It's nice and warm as well...

I'm hoping that because she's been eating her recovery should go well from here... We'll keep her warm and quiet tonight....

Awww! i love hand feeding bunnies! Bo likes it and so does Tony! Clover will take stuff but she takes so long to figure out if she really wants to take it or if it's laced with poison....... :rollseyes

I'm glad she's doing so well! YAY BIG DOTTERS!
I'm so glad to hear baby Dotters is okay! I read irishlops' thread about getting bunnies fixed and several people chimed in about their bunnies dying during speutering. I was hoping you didn't read that thread while waiting for the phone call from the vet. Phoebe Mae is officially old enough to be spayed now (6 months old), but I'm putting it off a bit longer because I'm afraid she won't wake up after her surgery.

Give Dotty noserubs from me!
Awww I know it's scary to put them under.

My vet did a test on Bo to see if he would be ok with anesthesia...
SnowyShiloh wrote:
I'm so glad to hear baby Dotters is okay! I read irishlops' thread about getting bunnies fixed and several people chimed in about their bunnies dying during speutering. I was hoping you didn't read that thread while waiting for the phone call from the vet. Phoebe Mae is officially old enough to be spayed now (6 months old), but I'm putting it off a bit longer because I'm afraid she won't wake up after her surgery.

Give Dotty noserubs from me!
It's funny, I did see that but I didn't really stress about it. I know that there's risks and all but if you have a rabbit savvy vet it's a fairly routine procedure for them. I am really confident in our vet's surgical abilities- the vet that did her has done more rabbit spays than any other vet in the group and whilst I'm not crazy about her on a personal level, she's a good surgeon. I guess I always usually know that it'll be ok, but it's still something you can't help worrying about. It just would never occur to me not to spay or neuter a bunny provided we had good vets at hand lol!

You'll worry when Phoebe Mae goes in I know, but I'm sure she'll be fine! :hug:
slavetoabunny wrote:
Poor Dotty! She looks so forlorn. I'm sure the she will milk the situation for all the sympathy and treats and noserubs she can get.
LOL! I'm sure she will as well! We heard a small noise earlier so I dashed up there and she was chilling in the same place I'd left her in. I swear she must have just knocked on the floor to scare me!

I gave her loads of fresh carrot tops and she nommed away very happily.... I'm very encouraged by how much she's eating :)

How did Cricket go at the vets Patti? Did she get spayed today? I was thinking about her!

Thank you everyone.... Dotty appreciates all your well wishes.... Although she wishes they came with grapes lol :p
Sorry I missed this, Jen.

So happy to hear that our girl is recovering well, and eating already. Hey, instead of her jumping on the bed with you, you and Steve can lay in the pen with her :biggrin2::p (I prefer the other sticky-out-tongue guy too)!

mouse_chalk wrote:
How did Cricket go at the vets Patti? Did she get spayed today? I was thinking about her!
Cricket's vet had an emergency today and couldn't do her spay. I have to drop her back tomorrow. The vet gives us such substantial discounts that we can't whine over minor inconveniences. Keep Cricket in your thoughts tomorrow.


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