Please think of Dotty!

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Dotty is doing pretty well this morning.

We didnt pen her in the end- we had the pen upstairs but she wasnt moving much so we figured best to just leave her where she was on the cushion. To pen her we'd have to move her litter tray and bowls etc and she seemed happy to just lie by them. She laid there all night, only moving a little bit every now and then. Before we went to sleep, I put a towel warmed from the airing cupboard over her and she snuggled underneath it and slept there, bless her.

We gave her pain meds this morning and she took them very easily- not a fight like with the others!

She's been drinking loads, and she has been pooing and peeing, although not as much poop as usual so we're keeping an eye on that.

She's eaten tons of herbs, carrot tops and lettuce, and a bit of hay, although not much, and she's not interested in pellets at all.

She seemed to perk up a bit after the pain meds and she's looking more alert and comfy now. Steve is upstairs working and keeps going in to sit with her and feed her some more lol :)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
"airing cupboard" :huh


I'm so happy to hear she's doing well! YAY!
LOL! Erm..... linen cupboard- where we keep all our bedding, towels etc. But it has the hot water tank in it as well so it's all toasty and warm in there. It's on our landing. Dotty always sleeps in front of the door to it because it's nice and warm :)

Our linen closet is in our hall, and it's not designed to warm things but our furnace exhaust runs next to it and our blankets are all nice and toasty in the winter!

She went for her post-op check this morning! The Saturday nurses and receptionists are all different and they loved her! They were all crowded round her carrier saying 'Oh WOW! She's such a big rabbit!' and asking all kinds of questions. It was a locum vet in as well, an Irish lady, and she was lovely. Her wound looks great and the vet is really happy with her. She said to continue with the Metacam for another couple of days, as she feels its a big op that can't go without pain meds. I like her!

She's eating loads, resting herself well- she's moving about but not going crazy or anything. Pooing peeing and drinking tons.....

Altogether we're really pleased! *knocks on wood*

Thank you guys!

Awwh thats really good Jen!!

Glad everything went well, you have a very super bunny there!! With super powers to make people bow down over her cuteness and largeness!
mouse_chalk wrote:
We heard a small noise earlier so I dashed up there and she was chilling in the same place I'd left her in. I swear she must have just knocked on the floor to scare me!

...or Buck, reminding you to check on her.


JimD wrote:
Was it conventional surgery or laser?

Stitches? Glue?
I don't think it was laser- I don't think our surgery does that. She has internal dissolvable stitches I think, and glue on the outside. I should get a pic of her wound. It's a whole lot smaller than the others, especially considering she's a big bunner. Jenny, the vet, is the one who stitched up Snowy's ear so neatly, so she's good at incisions and neatness like that.

I've just been upstairs lying with her having cuddles and OMG is she licky! She was licking my face for a good 15 minutes non stop. I was trying to take pictures of us together and all I have is her kissing my face lol!

I will post some soon :D
Becca wrote:
Awwh thats really good Jen!!

Glad everything went well, you have a very super bunny there!! With super powers to make people bow down over her cuteness and largeness!

I agree! Glad she is on the mendin the care ofa veterinarian who is considering any pain she may be in...

Hugs to Dotty!!!

(A small PS... found a Checkered breeder here in the States... she has bred does and hopes to have Checkereds to go by April... while not soon enough for me, I can at least imagine my little ones are reality in production! I will have to have them shipped but I am finally seeing light at the end of the long tunnel!)


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