Please Keep Sebastian's Little Girl In Your Prayers

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SLG was having ahard time falling asleep, so I read out loud all the messages to her.She said "Thank you for all the nice things you all said. Thank you fornoticing me. It's nice that so many people have me in theirprayers."

Her primary problem right now isadjusting to her medications. They are hard on her stomach and probablymake her tired as well. She woke up three times last night to run tothe bathroom to be sick.

She has never had much of an appetite,but she will have to learn to eat a little something each time shetakes her pills. That will help.

Momma has already gotten back into aterrible habit... When she was little I let her sleep forever....until she was nearly six years old. Her Daddy andI never minded her sleeping with us as a baby, and then when she gotsick with the RA the first time we just kept her with us all the time.It took me forever to let her sleep in her bed. It wasn't her, it wasme! She is like MY Blankie!!! It didn't do any harm. It made her feelloved and secure. Anyway, when she doesn't feel good, and with herDaddy working nights, she's right back in my bed again.:?
dont be sure SLG loves sleeping inbed with you.. i couldnt think of a more comforting thing...and im sureshe also has a stronger sense of security....and as for you, you areright there when she needs you to kiss andhold herwhen she is in pain and anything else she may need. ;)
If having SLG in bed with you helps Gofor it. I was the same way with Jeremy ever since he was young he wassick all the time and slept in my bed. As old as he is he still does.Dale has spent many a night on the couch when Jeremy is sick.

I am so sorry Slg is feeling so badly. I am continuing prayersand positive thoughts for her and you and your family. I wish there wassomething more I could do.

:hug:and :kiss:to both of you.


:?I still like to crawl into bed with my mom when I don't feel good. There's just something reassuring about it.
Even at 24, when I get really sick or have a badathsma attack I call my mom. Just to hear her voice helps merelax.

Or I just whine to my husband and tell him I want my mommy :p

I dont think it is a bad habit, I think it is more of a comforting presence for both of you
SLG, I am so sorry that you are going throughthis (and your mom too). My mom suffers with RA and I know how awful itis, but even more so with you just being young. I will be thinking ofyou and keeping you in my prayers. Pernod and Perry send lots of bunnykisses.

Dearest SLG,

I can't tell you enough how much hearing of you this way breaks myheart. I am praying for you always! Buster and Tucker, and Daytona sendall the love thier little hearts can hold to you.

I do hope you feel better soon, and there's NOTHING wrong with mummy,and SLG time! Keep huggin' that little angel with all you've got.

all the love in the world to you sweetie,


There is Absolutelynothing wrong with Her sleeping in yourbed when she is feeling bad ,Cassi My 8 yr old still does itevery now and again , especially when sheis woken from a baddream or if not feeling well ,and sometimes just because she knows itaggravates me lol , She has donrthis since she gotherown Big Girl bed , Shehas never been allowed to sleep all nightw ith us on a continuing basis, so every now andthen itsa security treat . I wouldntworry about it , Go For It , Ithelps all concerned in the long run .:kiss:
Don't even feel an ounce of guilt or any thingelse for letting her back in your bed. I let Brooke sleep with me whenshe's not feeling well or I pull out the couch bed so we can sleeptogether. As a matter of fact she's been sleeping with me all week asthe hubby has been gone (training for next deployment).

And at 27 I still call my mom whenever I getting sick. There is justsomething about hearing her voice that is relaxing and in a way helpsme feel better. I know if we weren't 900 miles apart she'd be here in aheart beat to take care of me...thats reassuring. The power of a mom'slove is a great thing!!!

Will continue to pray that things get better!

Dear SLG, I wanted to let you know thatyou are still in my thoughts and prayers and that I really hope you arefeeling better soon. I also thought you might like to see thesepictures, I thought they were pretty neat I hope you do too!

Nothing better than a BIG Tiger hug!


This one is pretty silly I think:p


This one is defienetly the strangest cloud I have ever seen andI have always loved to look at the clouds. Wish I could have seen it inperson but this is still pretty cool!


Lots of Hugs and Love


I'm so sorry to hear this. SLGis so beautiful. I can only imagine as a mother, how hardthis is. I have one daughter who is now 15 and there arestill some times, that I don't mind if she comes and sleeps in myroom. Of course she thinks shes out grown that. Butevery once in a while if we've both had a really bad day or something,the little girl comes back out. So I don't blame you forhaving her in there with you.

I'll put her on my prayer list in Georgia! I believe in the power the prayer!

Were you able to get some rest SLG?

I have been thinking of you all day. I found a turtle thismorning and thought of you and Shelly. I hope you are getting some restand relief Sweetheart. We are praying for you. Jeremy even got all thebunnies to say bunny prayers for you. We love you and are thinking ofyou.

I pray that SGL is felling bettertoday, I will say a prayer for her at church tonight. I have to say ifher sleeping with you makes her and you fell better then thats ok( heyI did untill I was 19 when I felt bad) I know I'm weird but nothingmakes you feel as good as hug or snuggle with your mom when you feelbad or sad.
Send lots of love and hugs. Kim
P.S. my boys still sleep with there dad and me.
Just want to wrap arms around you, SLG,andhold you close ...just want to let you know how muchyouare so much a part of all of our lives.....and especiallyhowyouare the most sensitive, deep thinking andloving person. Whew! And you're howold!!! You have touched so many lives....did you knowthat???? And Buck was one of them!!! How he lovesyou and his star is shining for you!!!:star:
Helen wrote:
Just want to wrap arms around you, SLG, and?hold you close...just want to let you know how much you?are so much a part of all ofour lives.....and especially how?you?are the most sensitive, deepthinking and loving person.? Whew!? And you're how old!!!? You havetouched so many lives....did you know that????? And Buck was one ofthem!!!? How he loves you and his star is shining for you!!!:star:

* * * * * *

:pray: Amen. :pray:

* * *

We'll get through this, SLG and Raspberry.

As you sleep, someone, somewhere will be praying, loving, and thinking of you.

This forum is international and when you're asleep, others are awake and praying for you.

Love Always,
Keep us updated. I hate to see such a sweet child go through these things.

Ed:eek:rangepansy::purplepansy::pinkpansy::pink iris::rose::4hearts:

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