Thats soo terrible for anyone to go through thatmuch pain, especially a young child, and it must be even worse for youto have to sit there and know theres nothing for you to do. Iam soo sorry for your little girl. Thoughts and Prayers.
Thank you all forkeeping Sebastian's Little Girl and our family in your thoughts andPrayers. I told Carolyn I could feel the love and the power so much theday we all lit candles for Buck. It gives me comfort to know it'sinmotion for SLG.
I know how strong the power of positivethinking is. I will take one day at a timeandyourgood hearts will help give me strength and hope.
I know I already posted in Raspberry's thread,but I think it's important to keep you knowingthe good vibesto you are stillgoing!! Most of all through everything, keepa positive mind even if it seems like it might be really bad and youcant imagine it will get better, thats when it will get better and youwill be amazed at the power your mind has over your body. be strong,SLG, and it will be okay! the same goes for you, Raspberry, I am sureyou are at a pro at this by now but I knowthat doesnt make itany easier and i hope you are given some comfort knowing everyone onthis board is rooting for SLG's quick recovery!
Prayers sent to you from Oklahoma.What a cutie you are, I'm sure my 4 girls would love to play withyou. We hope you feel better soon, and hope for a peacefulnight with good rest. I will be sending a special prayer fora healing touch. Hope you don't mind.
Good happy, healthy, positive thoughts beingsent from here in North Carolina. My brother in law lives with thistoo. His wrists are shot and he's had platesand/or pins butin them.It'sso disheartening to see someone youlove struggling with the pain and limitations that can occur.I'llbe keeping you all in my prayers!!!
Raspberry and SLG,
I will kee you in my prayers. I just love your pics., I haveto tell SGL you look just like my niece who I love dearly the 2 of youcould pass for sisters or twins.
I know that RA is horriable my Dad has it and his mom did too, so I will send lots of prayes your way
Me and my zoo are sending lots of love, prayers,bunny kisses, dog licks, cat rubs, guinea squeaks, birdchirps,piggie grunts and fish bubblesyourway. Your spirit is soooo big you will be flying in no timeat all!
Dear SLG, you are such a special personand have so many great things left to do that I just know you willstart to feel better soon. I am putting in extra prayers for a fastrecovery for you. Make sure you spend lots of time with Sebastian, Iknow nothing makes me feel better than cuddling up with my bunnies ordogs or my little ones when I don't feel my best. I wanted to sharethis poem with you because I think it is really nice and so true of agirl like you.
I called SLG tonight to see how she was feeling and tell her I love her.
She answered the phone, very weak and weary. She couldn't get to sleepuntil midnight last night and woke up this morning at 4:00 in painrelating to her arthritis. She was able to doze off until 6:00 in themorning, but that was it.
Today was a long, hard day for SLG. She's going to bed; she's absolutely exhausted from the pain.
Please, take a moment for this precious child and ask your Higher Poweror the Universe...whatever your belief is...for a miracle and a cure.
I am so sorry SLG is hurting so bad.There is nothing worse in this world than to have your child hurtingand not being able to make it all better. Raspberry, both you and SLGare in out prayers. We love you SLG and pray you are able to get somemuch deserved sleep tonight.
I hope by the morning you are able to feel a little better andread all the good wishes that everyone has written to you. Weall love you very much and want you to feel better so we can see yourpretty smiling face again.
I've tried to talk your mom into making another special littlegirl like you just for me, but she says you are so special that therecan only be one of you in the whole world. Your mommy is soright about that.
When I don't feel good, Ihug my rabbitVashand thenI feel a little better. Maybe you can hugSebastian when you feel bad and he will give you some kisses so you canfeel a little better too.