Please Keep Sebastian's Little Girl In Your Prayers

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She went into remissiononce. It can happen again.Ibelieve in the power of positive thinking and in the power of prayer.
I absolutely believe that this will happen. I'm adding my prayers foryour little girl, as well as for you Raspberry...I cannot begin toimagine how stressing this must be. I had a young cousin who wasdiagnosed with JRA when he was around 2 as well, and it was a verytaxing time for the family. But like Carolyn said, I willpictureyour little girl as healthy and happy and running,dancing...visualization is very powerful.

My prayers are with you...


I really sorry to hear she isnt doing good. Will keep her in my prayers and thoughts.

Thanks everyone! I did not know I wasthis loved on theforum.

Sebastian's Little Girl


To know you is to love you, My Dearest Girl.

Of course you're loved by all of us - all around the World.


HI Sweetie. I am so sorry you are notfeeling good. All of us here at Apollo's Acres are praying for you andsending nothing but good thoughts your way.

To know you is to love you Sweetie.

Tina, Jeremy & Zoo Crew
yoursuch a beautiful little girl i really hope u feel bettersoon. Rasberry u have my prayers but i know u wont need themjust keep your chins up the pair of you xx hugs xx


Sorry to hear about this. A goodfriend of friend of mine is a Rheumatologist although he moved toChamapaign IL. They really know their stuff and the newermeds are a lot better. He helped me with a lot of my kneepain when I started riding seriously. Also helped me do myown physical therapy when I boke my collar bone and couldn't straightenmy arm out after the sling came off.

Those guys know their stuff.

I send my prayers.She's such a beautiful girl and sweet looking.I hope she gets better.
Hey SLG...Buck's star:star: is shining verybright for you right now. He knows what is happening to youand is going do his best praying to God that you will kick butt and getthrough this hiccup in your life. Reach out and grab some ofBuck's love and prayers and hold them close to your heart.He's also praying for your Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters.

You all are so loved!!! Prayers are being said around the world for your healing and good health!!!

We are all here for you, kiddo (that's a Buckism)! :star:

I love you, SLG!

Love, Helen