Sorry for not updating sooner, both of us have been up and down like yo-yos!
Today has been a good day, though. Yesterday Pipphadstopped nibbling on her veggies again, so I prepared aslurry for her (which takes close to an hour), but by the time Ibrought it into the room, she was back munching. I think shewas just putting me through the hoops. (Or she heard theslurping noise as I sucked the slurry into the dreaded syringe, and shefigured she'd better eat or else).
This morning she ate a good breakfast (she's been living on bits ofkale and dill, the only veggies she'd eat), and even ate some of herregular pellets and a little grated broccoli and carrot.:eats:
Andwe have a bunch of good looking poops.:litterhealthy: :happydance
I've been debating whether to make a dental appointment for hertomorrow, or wait until Monday. The spur isbothering her, but as long as she's eating and pooping, I think she'llbe fine until Monday, and it may just end up going away on its ownagain.

The poopy butt is in check, but it's not gone entirely, so she's still not getting oats or other treats.
Offspring, I was going to try the thicker slurry with the spoon, butshe started eating again,butif she stops again,that's the next thing I'll try, thanks!
Haley, the slurry has acidophilus, I guess I should try and figure outhow to slip it in her veggies, too, seeing as that's now her mainintake. (And I've been drinking echinacea tea).
PB, great suggestion re: mixing up the syringes (although at thispoint, she's not liking ANYTHING from a syringe other than water, whichis unusual for her. And btw, she's been chewing the tipsoff!)
Thanks again, all!