Pipp Has Major Poopy Butt :(

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Oh sas, Im so sorry shes still going through all this. Ive been thinking of her all day.

I really hope it is just her molars. I'll be praying for your littlegirl. Youre right, when it rains it pours. I know how stressful it is.

Sending lots of prayers your way. :pray:

PS. maybe you should get some metacam, isnt it easier on their tummy than motrin?
Poorbaby tries to hide her widdle mouth in the towel so that big meanie with the fat syringe can't find it...



But things were looking up last night. :) Shenibbled on kale edges, carrot top and dill. (The soft stuff).

She really needs the pain meds, which is a typical molar spur thingwith her. (I had asked for Metacam, but the spurs weren't theissue then, and she wasnt' gassy, so the vet didn't include any in hermeds bag,but the Motrin seemed to work -- although she'sstopped eating again since, but I'm sure we'll get her doing a littlemunching again. Probably can't get the spurs done untilTuesday or Wednesday.

Hopefully she'll keep it up until then.

I always have a little less sympathy with the spurs because she'llstill eat oats, so it'sselective pain.:disgust:


If Pipp won't eat banana, apple or carrot, I call the vet.

If she won't eat oats, I call the undertaker.

Unfortunately given her recent poopy butt problem, no oats for her! :nono

sas :witch: (aka the big meanie)
Glad to hear at least she's nibbling on things. Shes such a little princess.

I really hope its just her molars, it just stinks you already spent somuch money on everything else if its just that. Did the vet not look ather molars when she was in?

Praying for her to get well soon!
Haley, it's the domino effect... ItWAS poopy butt, or cecal dysbiosis, mostly likely caused by her dietfluxuations when I was too sick to feed and monitor herproperly. :(

But I also had previously adjusted her diet to keep her molar spurs incheck, so that was a further progression. She didn't startshowing any spur symptoms until the day she went into thevet. Her appetite had been good, it was her output that wasthe problem, up until she stopped eating altogether well intoit.

I asked about the dental xrays, but the vet said he'd have to call inthe specialist, so I passed. I really wasn't sure at thatpoint.It's become very apparent since, though --which I guess is good news in that now I feelcomfortablejustbooking her for surgery without theadded cost of thexrays.

Considering I was expecting to have her spurs done every two months(which was how often they were starting to pop up) and I managed tokeep them in checkwithout the surgeryfor almost ayear, I guess I can't complain. I just hope I cankeep them downfor another year after this.


Completely agreed...I've been thinking about and praying for your little baby...

I hope to hear soon that her poor little system is back and running and normal again...

Poor sweetheart...send her our love...

pamnock wrote:
Glad to hear that she's feeling a little better.

Aww, at least she's eating a bit. Glad she's improving :D.

She reminds me of Pepsi when Pepsi wasn't feeling well. Or Pepsi wouldjust sit there with her teeth clenched and would keep moving her chinup when I tired the syringe. She was such a fussy bunny when she wasn'tfeeling well.
Well, we're back to syringe feeding every fewhours, although she did nibble at the veggies again thismorning. I was sick again yesterday (this thing just won't goaway!), so I didn't do the syringe thing more than once,andshe it appears she didn't eat anything on her own, soit was astep backwards. Her poops had been increasing, but now we'reback to just a few tiny bits.

The vet wants her to be in better shape for the surgery -- although shewon't eat on her own without the surgery, so it's a bit of a conundrum.

But she's not hiding under the bed at every opportunity anymore, so that's something.

If I can just keep on it properly, she'll be okay -- just not very happy with me.

Thanks for asking! (And Jan, sorry I've been tied up withthis, I haven't even had a chance to ask you about your trip!!)

sas :hearts
Have your triedthe method I might have mentioned in another tread forfeeding? After doing syringe feeding for a few days our Pennywould just stop chewing (being a little brat), so we decided to trysomething different. We would make the critical care with alittle less water, so that its thinker. Then we would scoop anice chunk with a plastic spoon, and scrape off the food on the topincisors (inside the mouth). We were able to get A LOT morefood in that way, maybe that’s what’s she needs to get some energy forthe surgery.

Good luck, hopefully You and Pipp will feel better soon.
Another thing, have you tried adding acidophilus or echinacea to whatever youre feeding her?

Peg and I were just discussing the use of these immune boosters. Shesusing it with great success (I think for head tilt buns) and Im givingit to Max, mixed in with his food. I really think its helping.

Its funny becauseI had never heard of its use with bunniesuntil you send me that recipe a while back that someone had posted(remember, it also had slippery elm and grape seed?). Now, Im seeing itmore. Angela posted some articles with info on it and I also saw thatthe HRS is now recommending bunnies take acedophilus before and afterspays/nueters.

Just something to think about. I hope Pipp is well soon. I worry about her a lot. :(
Haley wrote:
HRS is now recommending bunnies take acedophilus before and after spays/nueters.
I gave Pebbles plain low fat yogurt whenI had her on antibiotics. Iused three syringes, one/antibiotics,two/yogurt, and three/apple juice which Iswitched around, so Pebblesdidn't know which oneIwas giving her. ;)


Rainbows! :) I did ask about Pipps teeth at the beginning of the thread.
Hi , i agree with Hayley you both need a gooddose of echinacea! I am sorry this is going on so long for you, and uare right Pip does look like Dido so my fingers are doubly crossed foryou. have you tried or do you get burgess supergrass over there cause ifind that sometimes my bunnies will eat that if not hay. What isstrange is Dido had teeth problems too but it was his front teeth andhe was lucky he didn't have to be put to sleep to have them treatedwhen he was ready to get them done i had to cut his carrot up rellysmall though.

Will keep fingers ,toes and all bunny paws crossed that you r both ok soon:pink iris:
How're things? How are you feeling? How is little Pipp.

Sorry for not updating sooner, both of us have been up and down like yo-yos!

Today has been a good day, though. Yesterday Pipphadstopped nibbling on her veggies again, so I prepared aslurry for her (which takes close to an hour), but by the time Ibrought it into the room, she was back munching. I think shewas just putting me through the hoops. (Or she heard theslurping noise as I sucked the slurry into the dreaded syringe, and shefigured she'd better eat or else). ;)

This morning she ate a good breakfast (she's been living on bits ofkale and dill, the only veggies she'd eat), and even ate some of herregular pellets and a little grated broccoli and carrot.:eats:

Andwe have a bunch of good looking poops.:litterhealthy: :happydance

I've been debating whether to make a dental appointment for hertomorrow, or wait until Monday. The spur isbothering her, but as long as she's eating and pooping, I think she'llbe fine until Monday, and it may just end up going away on its ownagain. :pleaseplease:

The poopy butt is in check, but it's not gone entirely, so she's still not getting oats or other treats.

Offspring, I was going to try the thicker slurry with the spoon, butshe started eating again,butif she stops again,that's the next thing I'll try, thanks!

Haley, the slurry has acidophilus, I guess I should try and figure outhow to slip it in her veggies, too, seeing as that's now her mainintake. (And I've been drinking echinacea tea).

PB, great suggestion re: mixing up the syringes (although at thispoint, she's not liking ANYTHING from a syringe other than water, whichis unusual for her. And btw, she's been chewing the tipsoff!)

Thanks again, all!
