naturestee wrote:
Mocha is a beast to syringe feed, so I feel yourpain. If you get it in her mouth, does she spit itout? What kind of syringe are you using? I have theones meant for baby meds, and they have nice rubber gaskets that movesmoothly. The pet store one I have is all plastic and doesn'tslide as nicely. I tend to get either nothing or a hugeprojectile mess.
Can you wrap her in a towel?
Are you doing tummy rubs too? Or making her exercise?
Oh, and I forgot to tell you earlier, but having both gut stimulants isa good thing. One works on the upper GI tract, the other onedoes the lower. So they work in concert.
Thanks for the exercise reminder, although that also reminded me thatthe last thing I need for her is a lower gut stimulant -- all I need todo is put her in an area where another bunny has been, and no matterwhat shape she's in, she'll poop!
I decided to take her into the bathroom with me for a bit of exercise-- Dill marks it daily :disgust:-- and sure enough, withinseconds she was squeezing out the poops right next to his.She probably dropped 20 little tiny misshapen things inthere. And even though she had just peed on me (a first everfor her), she still managed another sizable puddle as well (which wasclear, btw).
I am concerned about her water intake -- this is normally anon-drinking bunny. She's turned into a little suction pump.
She's eagerly taking water from the syringe, and no problem withSimethicone and the other meds, she just totally recoils at theslurry. I've got a big feeding syringe from thevet. I remember it working better before, I'm getting the allor nothing bit now. I know there's something you can put inthere to make it smoother, I just forget what. I'vebeen using the towel, she does everything she can to tuck her face intothe towel, hiding her mouth. And once the slurry gets intoher mouth, seh REALLY reacts badly.Its the sameslurrymix (almost) that she ate 32 cc's of without much of afuss the night before she went to the vet. Now I'm lucky toget 2 cc's in her. I'm not sure about giving her the gutmotility drugs if she has no food in her gut.
The vet never did give me Medicam, I'm not sure if she's inpain. She does have tooth noises and she is moving her moutha lot. (Maybe the lack of food has stopped keeping her molarspurs at bay?). I tried a quarter tab of childrensMotrin, but because she's drinking so much (which is good if she'sgetting NSAIDs), I'm reluctant just in case there's a kidney thinggoing on. I gave it to her at the same time as theSimethicone, this time I only gave her Simethicone, we'll see if thathas the same effect. She did perk up a bit. (Andyup, constant tummy rubs).
She's passed the oat test every time, btw. But of coursecan't give her more than one or two with the now-seemingly-past poopyproblem.
I'm at a loss.