Pipp Has Major Poopy Butt :(

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Why don't yougive Pipp some AlfalfaHayas fiber in thissituation? This could be something tohelp her along andto perk upher appetite. Anything is better thannothing.

Rainbows! :)
How is she? Loki's been asking about Pipp, and even prayed over Pipp's lookalike.


naturestee wrote:

Great! Send Loki over here, he can hold her down while I try and syringe feed the little twerp!

I guess I should have left her at the vet's, I'm not doing very wellwith her. The six poops (and a few more after that) were wellformed and not a bad size, but it's been downhill from there -- just avery few misshapen, pathetic little things since. Notsurprising, seeing as I have NOT been able to get her fed.The vet's office said she actually ate Critical Care there willingly,which I thought was odd, she's always loathed the stuff, but I can'tget her to eat her regular pellet slurry -- even though she's eatenthree or four pellets from her bowl. She definitely seems todo better after Simethicone, but still no go on the slurry.Not even the pumpkin slurry. :(

She'sdrinking like a fish, though.

I will try alfalfa hay, thanks for the suggestion PB. I'vealready in the past tried three kinds of timothy, meadow grasses, oathay (to the tune of $60!), local orchard hay and afewothers.She once atefourorfive strands of the local grass hay Kathy brought over, butthat's been it.

sas :grumpy

One lovey Dutch, on his way!:D

... Mocha just stopped me at the door. You'll have to do without.

Mocha is a beast to syringe feed, so I feel your pain. If youget it in her mouth, does she spit it out? What kind ofsyringe are you using? I have the ones meant for baby meds,and they have nice rubber gaskets that move smoothly. The petstore one I have is all plastic and doesn't slide as nicely.I tend to get either nothing or a huge projectile mess.

Can you wrap her in a towel?

Are you doing tummy rubs too? Or making her exercise?

Oh, and I forgot to tell you earlier, but having both gut stimulants isa good thing. One works on the upper GI tract, the other onedoes the lower. So they work in concert.

Naughty Pipp! Eat your food!:nono
naturestee wrote:
Mocha is a beast to syringe feed, so I feel yourpain. If you get it in her mouth, does she spit itout? What kind of syringe are you using? I have theones meant for baby meds, and they have nice rubber gaskets that movesmoothly. The pet store one I have is all plastic and doesn'tslide as nicely. I tend to get either nothing or a hugeprojectile mess.

Can you wrap her in a towel?

Are you doing tummy rubs too? Or making her exercise?

Oh, and I forgot to tell you earlier, but having both gut stimulants isa good thing. One works on the upper GI tract, the other onedoes the lower. So they work in concert.
Thanks for the exercise reminder, although that also reminded me thatthe last thing I need for her is a lower gut stimulant -- all I need todo is put her in an area where another bunny has been, and no matterwhat shape she's in, she'll poop!

I decided to take her into the bathroom with me for a bit of exercise-- Dill marks it daily :disgust:-- and sure enough, withinseconds she was squeezing out the poops right next to his.She probably dropped 20 little tiny misshapen things inthere. And even though she had just peed on me (a first everfor her), she still managed another sizable puddle as well (which wasclear, btw).

I am concerned about her water intake -- this is normally anon-drinking bunny. She's turned into a little suction pump.

She's eagerly taking water from the syringe, and no problem withSimethicone and the other meds, she just totally recoils at theslurry. I've got a big feeding syringe from thevet. I remember it working better before, I'm getting the allor nothing bit now. I know there's something you can put inthere to make it smoother, I just forget what. I'vebeen using the towel, she does everything she can to tuck her face intothe towel, hiding her mouth. And once the slurry gets intoher mouth, seh REALLY reacts badly.Its the sameslurrymix (almost) that she ate 32 cc's of without much of afuss the night before she went to the vet. Now I'm lucky toget 2 cc's in her. I'm not sure about giving her the gutmotility drugs if she has no food in her gut.

The vet never did give me Medicam, I'm not sure if she's inpain. She does have tooth noises and she is moving her moutha lot. (Maybe the lack of food has stopped keeping her molarspurs at bay?). I tried a quarter tab of childrensMotrin, but because she's drinking so much (which is good if she'sgetting NSAIDs), I'm reluctant just in case there's a kidney thinggoing on. I gave it to her at the same time as theSimethicone, this time I only gave her Simethicone, we'll see if thathas the same effect. She did perk up a bit. (Andyup, constant tummy rubs).

She's passed the oat test every time, btw. But of coursecan't give her more than one or two with the now-seemingly-past poopyproblem.

I'm at a loss.

Come on Pipp, you've got us all worried sick!

I cant believe she wont eat a pellet slurry/pumpkin mix- Max will eatit off the spoon and cant get enough. These little dwarfs are so fussythough- Lucy wont let me put a syringe in her mouth for anything.

Im praying for you guys. I really hope youre able to get some food in her asap. :pray:
Well, at least you can make her poop! Territoriality does have a plus side.

You could try lubing the syringe with a little vegetable oil.Maybe Pipp will be more likely to eat the food if you only put a littlebit in her mouth at a time. And have you tried putting a bitof honey on the syringe tip?
Sas, I don't know if this will help, but someonein the disabled rabbit forum had suggested this to another member whentheir bunny was refusing to eat hay and roughage:

"....Iground up oat hay and mountain hay in a coffeegrinder -- not too fine. then I added a sprinkling ofCritical Care, and just enough water and a tiny bit of apple juice fortaste and texture. He was gobbling this stuff up..."

Big hugs and :pray: for Pip....

No more poops. :sigh I'm really not getting much food into her.

I do have a hay slurry, of course she hates it. She hates herregular slurry right now, too. She normally eats pumpkin, butnot now.

What she has now is different from what she had before. Nowshe's acting like she has molar spurs. :sigh:sigh

I was worried about that because it's been a fine line keeping herspurs in check in the past. When she starts moving her moutharound, I usually start feeding her coarse/hard veggies and it seems tokeep them in check. Now that she hasn't had any veggies inweek, and she was shortchanged a bit before this, shewasn'tgrinding down the spurs. (They were lookinglike they'd need surgeryevery two months or so, but she'sbeen spur-free since last July).

So on top of the $350 vet bill for the poopy butt, we're looking atdental. I'm debating whether to have her xrayed orjust tell them to knock her out and go for the molars, and if there'snothing there, take blood and maybe an ultrasound on her kidneys(although that's REALLY pricey).

She's being her little diva self -- she won't take the slurry, but boyshe'll go for some oats. She nibbled at a bit of kale andsome apple, althoughshe didn't eat much of either.

Never rains, it pours. And for the record, it really has beenpouring here. Grey, dreary, wet wet weather for weeks andweeks. (So much for spring!) But of course I wentout in the downpour today to get my baby some Pedialyte andkale. Anything for the Pippster.

Poor little Pipp. I was thinking, did you saythe vet gave you metacam? Have you tried giving her that and thenfeeding her a little after...to see if maybe taking away the pain willhelp her eat (if it is her molars)?

Im praying for you guys. I wish there was more I could do to help.

Still no poops up until this afternoon, then Ilet her out in the living room and she of course produced her 'marks'next to Dill's. A mix of cecals and misshapen tiny littlepoops, but poops none-the-less. There were a few too manycecals for my liking, but not too bad. She really needed toproduce and eat some, her system was compromised, and that happened, soall is good.

I didn't give her pain meds with the last round of feeding (still only10 cc's total slurrytoday so far, 60 cc's to go), and it madea difference. I gave her some just now, hopefully it willmake her eat another bit of dill and carrot top -- which she did thismorning. (Or was it last night?) It's definitely amolar issue. She's eating tiny bits of kale, but only thesoft parts, ditto with only the leafy parts of the dill and carrot top,and even then only after pain meds. (Never did get Metacam,so still usinga quarter tab of baby Motrin).

I'll take herin for the spurs tomorrow or Tuesday, not sureif the vet is going to want her in better shape before the surgery ornot.

So there's the latest. Thanks again to all for the goodwishes.
