Pipp Has Major Poopy Butt :(

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I just posted this on Etherbun...

Pipp, my little dwarf, will NOT eat hay, even under threat of

This week, she's had a very bad case of cecal dysbiosis which now
seems to have also caused full blown stasis -- she's not eating or pooping
today. (Yesterday her real poops were very tiny). I just syringe fed
her some canned pumpkin mixed with a very little bit of Oxbow pellets,
but she's just excreted a horrible mass of cecals, maybe with a little
mucus (hard to tell seeing as it all stuck to her bottom, and she's a
black bunny).

Is the pumpkin exacerbating the cecal dysbiosis? If so, what are her
other options? I had been getting her to eat some leafy greens up
until last night, but now her appetite's gone completely.

I can't get her into the vet until tomorrow, so I need to feed and
hydrate her here, but what should I be feeding her? Pumpkin? A slurry
mix? A probiotic? Is Pedialyte okay? (I have trouble finding
unflavoured, may have to go with flavoured).



I vote for pellet slurry, with water and/orPedialyte. Flavored Pedialyte has a lot less sugar than fruitor fruit juice (and pumpkin is technically a fruit too), I looked it uponce. If you have Nutrical on hand, add a little to thepellet slurry for the vitamins, or add a tiny bit of Vitamin B complexand Vitamin E.

You could put a probiotic in the pellet slurry too. It won'thurt, I'm just not a believer in them with rabbits. Doeswonders for mykitten Lilythough.

Have you given her any simethicone? Gas may not be theprimary issue, but it could be building up due to the GIslowdown. So gas meds might make her feel morecomfortable. Heat is a good idea too.
Pipp wrote:
I just posted this on Etherbun...

Pipp, my little dwarf, will NOT eat hay, even under threat of

This week, she's had a very bad case of cecal dysbiosis which now
seems to have also caused full blown stasis -- she's not eating or pooping
today. (Yesterday her real poops were very tiny). I just syringe fed
her some canned pumpkin mixed with a very little bit of Oxbow pellets,
but she's just excreted a horrible mass of cecals, maybe with a little
mucus (hard to tell seeing as it all stuck to her bottom, and she's a
black bunny).

Is the pumpkin exacerbating the cecal dysbiosis? If so, what are her
other options? I had been getting her to eat some leafy greens up
until last night, but now her appetite's gone completely.

I can't get her into the vet until tomorrow, so I need to feed and
hydrate her here, but what should I be feeding her? Pumpkin? A slurry
mix? A probiotic? Is Pedialyte okay? (I have trouble finding
unflavoured, may have to go with flavoured).




Because it is sweet, pumpkin CAN cause excess cecal production.However, given the situation, I would let the bunny guide decisions. Ifshe is taking the pumpkin/pellet slurry, I would continue feeding it.If she's fighting it, then perhaps she knows it isn't what is best forher.

A probiotic isn't a bad idea. Pedialyte is good... don't know whatflavors it comes in, but if you can't find unflavored, trust yourinstinct on choice of flavors. Another thing one of my vets recommendsis Ensure... go with the strawberry flavor. It provides nutrition andhydration. Give about 3 cc at the time. If she likes it, offer more.

Good luck with this... I'm sending positive energy with this post.

Keep the faith. I won't be near a computer for the next fewdays, but I'll be thinking and praying for your little one and you tohave a speedy recovery together.

Sending positive vibes and prayers for Pip....and for you too, Sas....

I've used Pedialyte for Raph in the past, and he tends to love theapple flavor, if that's any help. I can't recall what other kinds theyhaveat the moment (if you can't get the unflavored)....Afraid I don't have any suggestions other than all the great ones thatpeople have posted...

C'mon Pip....get better quickly...:hug1
I believe I saw some unflavoured pedialyte atPharmasave once. You could check there if you have one nearby. But I've also used the flavoured stuff and it workswell. Penny would beg for some, and slurp it out of an eyedropper.

So maybe Pip will be interested in the pedialyte? It's more flavoured than sugared, so I don't think it's that bad.

I use apple flavored pedialyte and max loves it.I mix that with pellet slurry and pumpkin. I used it once when he hadrunny poops and it really helped. Banana and oats helped too.
Pipp'sat the vet right now, intensivecare. They're force feeding her a hay slurry (serves herright), pumping her full of drugs and fluids.I'mplanning on bringing her home tonight, I can do the care thing here,she'll probably be under less stress here.

Carolyn, absolutely excellent advice, thanks so much. Thanks to all who posted.


Lots of prayers for our little girl. Ive been worrying about her all day. :pray:

Are you feeling any better yourself? You have a lot on your plate rightnow, let me know if theres anything I can do to help. :hug2:
Pipp wrote:
Pipp'sat the vet right now, intensive care.
:cry2 Now I gotto sit by the computer and waitfor further news.

Poor Pipp has to endure another visit to the vet. Pray all goes well.

Plain low fat yogurt was recommendedwhen Pebbles was on antibiotics to keepher stomach in balance.

Rainbows! :pray:
Special prayers for Pipp and for you right now!I know how you feel, I had the same situation come up about three weeksago when I had a bad sinus infection.
Poor Pipp :( I do hope that she gets all sortedout quickly!! Hopefully all the fibre in that hay slurry will help gether digestive tract moving properly again!!

OH NO!!!! :shock::(

I suppose this is what happens when I'm not on the computer constantlyfor a couple days. (I needed a break from everything the pastcouple days.)

I'm so sorry I didn't catch this from the beginning, and couldn't thuscontribute to all the prayers and love that was being given...:(

BUT...I am most certainly giving an OVERABUNDANCE of love and prayers now...:(

Oh, Sweet Darling Pipp...c'mon Sweetheart...we're all praying androotin' for you...fight a good fight, little baby!! :boxing

Be strong, little Baby!!:muscleman:

You've got three bunnies and two kitties and three humans over here rootin' for you!!

I just captured this picture of Flower the other day, and thought this was most definitely the best time to post it:

We're all praying for you guys...


We're home. She won't come out of hercarrier, so I'm not sure how she's doing -- other than she's not veryhappy with me. She was washing herself and lickingthe towel, so she's not toolethargic, which isgood. No poops though. :(

They said she actually ate some Critical Care while she was there --which is stunning. She's always absolutely hated thestuff.

The vet, like me, is at a loss about whatto do for a bunny who won't eat hay.

He started off being a bit of ajerk (like my vet can besometimes), saying 'whatare cecals? I don't know what thatis', when I told him I wasn't sure if her 'diarrhea was real poop orcecals. (Of course he knew I was referring to'cecotropes', but I guess he thought he'd put me in my place ormake me squirm or something). Anyhoo, when I answeredthatI was referring to the cecal matter from her CecalDysbiosis problem, he got down to business. (For those notfollowing this earlier, Cecal Dysbiosys is basically 'poopy butt'caused by high carbs/protein and lack of fibre throwing off the gutflora).

He thinks it is a problem treating a bunny with CD withanything other than hay and water. He has no idea about thepumpkin, either,he thought it was a very interestingquestion. It's something that really needs to beresearched. I'm going to see if Dana Krempelshas anopinion, but seeing as she didn't answer the Etherbun query butanswered other questions posted around the same time, I suspect she hasno opinion. We agreed that given the carbs, for now, I won'tgive her any. The high-fibre pellet slurry ispreferable.Pedialyte is fine, I guess the hydrationoffsets any adverse affects. (Angela and Carolyn were right).:thumbup

The hay slurry idea didn't work, even though the vet said he did it allthe time when he suggested it. He left and had his staff workon the mix, and they couldn't get it blended, so they used CriticalCare.

She's been prescribed Metronidazole and Cisapride (the latter maybeonly because I asked about it). And she'll get syringe fed aslurry -- justfive or socc's every fewhours. (I think the total is 36 cc's every 12 hours --72every 24 hours).

They did give her a SubQ with vitamins. And I finally got atube of Nutri-Cal, I was going to use it to spruce up the slurry,although I forgot about the carbs, so now I'm not so sure aboutthat. I'll have to ask tomorrow. They were going togive me a new probiotic (I think), but they didn't put it in thebag. I've gotAcidophilus here, so I'll use that.

Meanwhile, I was getting odd looks on my way there and back, and I justlooked in the mirror and realized I have huge red splotches all over myface, not sure that that's all about. I'm still notfeeling so hot. Hopefully it's just from being overtired,it's not the measles or something. (No wonder Ihada seat to myself on a crowded bus!).

Damage to date: $315 plus $32 for the two cabrides. (I took the bus, but of course, can't have that forthe little princess).

I'll check back in after we try a feeding -- if I remain upright that long.

sas :zzzzzand pipp :imsick:

Oh no SAS!! If there's anything I cando, please let me know. I may be able to pick some stuff upif you need tomorrow after school.

I'll be praying for little Pip poopies tonight!


Have you ever tried hay pellets? Bunny Bytes sells a brand of100% hay pellets meant for supplemental feeding for rabbits thatcan't/won't eat hay. It might be expensive if you can't findsomething in Canada though.

Come on, Pipp poopies!