Perry Taken a Turn for the Worse

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I can't really write much at the moment, except to say things aren't looking too good. Perry's eye (the side of the dental) Has swollen, so we took him back to the vet. She says it could be one of two things - either an abscess behind the eye, which may mean he has to have his eye removed. Or it could be the tooth root growing up pushing his eye out, which would mean a skull xray under anaesthetic. In his weakened state, this is very risky, and if they had to remove the teeth, then there is a risk of his jaw cracking.

Ifeel like I am losing him and I can't stop crying. I'm sorry ..

:tears2:Oh Jan,I just feel awful. I have been thinking of your little man all morning :cry2

Im still praying for him. I hope they can do some xrays so they can pinpoint the problem.

Please pull through little Perry. We're all praying for you :pray::pray::pray::pray:

There are no words - just love from here. I literally feel sick and can't stop crying either.


Please give both babies kisses and my love.

Much Love,

I thought for sure he'd be better.Like Carolyn, I'm feeling physically ill... I've been physically ill... There's not much to say other than we are praying so hard for Perry, and we're with you in spirit.

We all love you and your family very much, Jan. :hug2:

I've seen bunnies come through worse things than this, Perry, you've just got to be one of those bunnies. :pray:

sas :saddened
Oh Jan, this is awful:(I hope the poor little fellow pulls through:pray:When you say his eye is swollen do you mean it's actually gotten bigger or is it bulging out of his head? Berri had a bulging eye, and the vet removed an abscess from her face, but the eye is still bulging a bit:?.

My thoughts are with you, Perry and little Pernod too:kiss:

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
I think he can be putunder with just a sedative. My vet uses Dormitor on Pipp, and another drug to wake her up. I researched it before, and it seemed to be new and very safe. Might be something to ask about?

sas :pray::clover:
Jan, do you know Jane on Rabbit Rehome? Her vet has done some pretty amazing surgeries on poorly rabbits. Maybe your vet could consult with hers? I'm not sure what sedatives, etc., she uses.

We're pulling for you, Perry! And Jan, we'll always be here for you.
Oh no! get well soon perry!

Luvabun, you are such a good bunny parent. hope he feels better.
Yes, waiting for news here, too.:( Sending out huge get well vibes.

I've been thinking about you and poor Perry all day. How is he doing?

Sending you both lots of love :pray:
Hi Honey!

Sending Kisses, Love, Thoughts and Prayers to Perry, Pernod, and Of Course You.


Oh, I don't know what to say - you're all so wonderful!

I have sent Jane a pm - thanks for mentioning her.

Well, this morning Perry still hadn't eaten anything I left overnight for him. So John and I picked him up and gave him the Baytril. He refused any attempt to take the Science Recovery or pellets, However,he did manage some dandelions, pear, brocoli and parsley, and drank loads.

We are putting cream on his eye to stop it drying out (Michaela - it is bulging and I've got to say it looks so gruesome :(. ) It may be wishful thinking, but it doesn't seem to be bulging as much today, but it is weeping constantly.

At the moment he has gone into the garden. He is sitting on the grass,but makes no attempt to eat it, and looks so miserable. This is just cutting me up inside - just when I think I've got no tears left, I start crying again. John and I are exhausted, and poor Pernod is being an angel. She cleans Perry from head to tail, and seems to know when to be near him and when to leave him alone. I think without her he may have given up.

Bless you all for being there. It is so hard to update you when the news seems so bleak, but you are keeping us going. Thank you!


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