Perry Taken a Turn for the Worse

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Well that's encouraging. :)

It's good topamper him with all thelickable stuff, as long as he's eating, things are good.

When Pipp had her molar spurs done, she still wouldn't eat her hard food, and after a couple of weeks I was quite concerned. I was spending half my life grating up carrots and celery and making her the tastiest slurry mixes I could manage because it was all she would eat.

I finally took her back to the vet, and they diagnosed her with a bad case of SBS. Spoiled Bunny Syndrome. She was QUITE happy to keep with her mushy diet, thank you. She lost the sympathy vote. But Perry can still coast on it for quite awhile yet. ;)

Give him a kiss and a pat!

sas and the gang :hug2:
Ohh that is good that he is at least pooping abit,that is better than nothing, i'm glad he is also eating at least something,that is still something in his tummy:)

As Sas said..That is encouraging!

I feel sorry for Pernod, she must be wondering where her sweet little guy has gone

i'm sending Perry extra strong healing vibes :)

We can't even think about this going in a way that wouldn't be positive. I refuse to buy into the fact that once he gets through this that it may be a long-term issue for him. Nope. Nothing but positive visualization and love is being sent from here. Are you able to visit him today or would that stress him too much? Poor little punkin-man. Did you give him something with the scent of home for him to lay on while he's recovering in the hospital?

I just know that Buck feels this too, Jan. I can sense his support and lovefor you and his two lovies. Bless your heart for staying home to tend to Pernod and be there if it's time for Perry to come home today. Don't give up hope.

Lots of Love,


Any word on how Perry is doing today? Ive been thinking about your little man. I hope he's okay.

Keep us posted :pray:

Poor Perry, I'm glad he's starting to eat and poop. His teeth sound bad though, poor little lad, I hope the vets can help him out. Lots of prayers and vibes being sent to you, Perry and Pernod from me and the girls. :pray::pray:
Well, the good news is, Perry's home. The bad news is, he isn't himself at all. The vet said I could bring him home,along with Science Recovery and Metacam pain killers. She said he was eating it himself, and had managed some grass and dandelions, so I was delighted.

Since he has been back, he has been awful. He doesn't want to be around anyone, including Pernod, who is obviously distressed. He is holding his head on one side (not exactly head tilt, but very odd) and he has been drooling. We have tried him with the Recovery, mashed pellets, pumpkin - nothing. We have just managed to force feed him a little and given him the painkillers, but he is so much worse than I thought he would be.

It kills me to see him so bad. I know it's early days, and he is still in pain, but I just want to make him better. I am going to search the 101 etc and find out what others here have done. At the moment, he is laying under the chair and Pernod is under the couch. I haven't seen any poops yet either :(. Sorry it's not better news. I'll keep you updated.

Ohh Jan,i know how worrying this isforyou,there is nothing worse than seeing your little baby in pain,but heis home with all his familiar surroundings:)

Poor little guy,he seems to be having a tough time at the moment,and poor Pernod who just doesn't know what is going on:(

Jan i'm sending you extra comforting vibes:)

Ohh and all my bunnies send their furry little love as well:)

Aww! No Jan! I feel so sorry for you and your boys. Its a good job that they are together again though cos we dont want Pernod getting ill either. I really hope that Perry gets through all the hard stuff.

Good luck with everything, and please let us know all the latests!


Lindsay XxX
Oh no...

Hopefully it's just that the painkillers had worn off. They take awhile to work, too, and should be taken with food or after food. They prescribed Metacam once a day for Pipp, but I found it worked better giving her lesstwice a day instead. I think the vet uppped the dose a bit, too.

The other thing that really helped perk her up was Pedialyte.She was getting water with the slurry mix, but it didn't seem to be enough, the Pedialyte really made a difference. (Or even carrot juice).

I also had to make sure the pumpkn was room temperature, she wouldn't eat it cold:rollseyes so maybe temperature mightmake a difference.

Keep us posted. :saddened

sas:pray:and the warren :pray::clover::pray::clover::pray:
At least he's home, and that's good.I'd try Pipps suggestions- are you syringing fluids also?Maybe he'd like a bit of heat to be comfy, like a warm towel or a sock stuffed with rice and heated in the microwave. Sometimes when they're sick they feel a bit cold, and he may feel more comfortable with the sock than with his real live wife-bun.

Please keep us updated!

:tears2: I've got a note into Kathy Smith, the author of the books Rabbit Health in the 21st Century. I hope she can give you some ideas. Will email you.

I absolutely can not get you out of my mind.

Much Love,

Today hasn't been a good day. Perry looks so depressed. :(

He hasn't pooped (unless he's done it outside) but he has peed. He won't take the Science Recovery, and gets so stressed when I try and syringe feed him. Same goes for the pumpkin. He has taken a tiny piece of pear and broccoli, and more dandelion leaves, but I know it's not enough, and he seems to be fading in front of my eyes. It's breaking my heart.

He is keeping away from Pernod - even sleeping in the top hutch - and she is so confused. It's awful not being able to explain to her why her boy doesn't want her. Everything I've read about molar spurs say the rabbit has been ill and not eating before the dental, and is fine afterwards. Perry is the exact opposite - he was a fine, happy healthy boy before the op - so John is mad at he vets. I don't know what to think.

Naturestee - I got the rice in the sock idea from you (I think) before,and it has been a big help. He seems to like being outside during the day, though :?.

Please keep the good thoughts and vibes coming - we all need it. I'll let you know more later.

Jan, is it possible that its just stasis and not related to the tooth problem? If so, it could be that the pain meds are making it worse...Naturestee said Metacam puts one of her buns into stasis...

just a thought. Im praying for little Perry.
Haley wrote:
Jan, is it possible that its just stasis and not related to the tooth problem? If so, it could be that the pain meds are making it worse...Naturestee said Metacam puts one of her buns into stasis...

just a thought. Im praying for little Perry.
Greetings Haley, :)

Yes, it is possible that the meds are could affect the GI tract Kathy Smith mentioned that Janask the vet about giving him either Pepcid or Sucralfate to protect the GI tract against ulcers since he's not eating or could be caused by the pain meds.There is also Mobility Drugs like Reglan, whichhelps with nausea. Kathy believes that the injections were more potent for her rabbit than the pills.She had noticed a difference within 12 hours after going from oral to injections of it.

Meclicine helps with vertigo. The little one won't want to eat if dizzy. Baytril can help with what's causing the tilt with his ears. Meclicine helps symptomatically with the dizziness. When checking with Jan, she said, "Perry is on Metacam for pain (1ml per day). The vet hasn't given him Baytril this time (he had it last week) as she said there was no infection in his mouth ulcer. I think he has had metoclopramide injection last week for the gut movement. Not sure what he had on Tuesday."

The fact that Perry is taking ANY food on his own is encouraging. Hoping that Kathy and Jan have an opportunity to talk. Praying very hard along with the rest of you that Perry is going to make 100% recovery SOON!




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