Well-Known Member
Well that's encouraging. 
It's good topamper him with all thelickable stuff, as long as he's eating, things are good.
When Pipp had her molar spurs done, she still wouldn't eat her hard food, and after a couple of weeks I was quite concerned. I was spending half my life grating up carrots and celery and making her the tastiest slurry mixes I could manage because it was all she would eat.
I finally took her back to the vet, and they diagnosed her with a bad case of SBS. Spoiled Bunny Syndrome. She was QUITE happy to keep with her mushy diet, thank you. She lost the sympathy vote. But Perry can still coast on it for quite awhile yet.
Give him a kiss and a pat!
sas and the gang :hug2:
It's good topamper him with all thelickable stuff, as long as he's eating, things are good.
When Pipp had her molar spurs done, she still wouldn't eat her hard food, and after a couple of weeks I was quite concerned. I was spending half my life grating up carrots and celery and making her the tastiest slurry mixes I could manage because it was all she would eat.
I finally took her back to the vet, and they diagnosed her with a bad case of SBS. Spoiled Bunny Syndrome. She was QUITE happy to keep with her mushy diet, thank you. She lost the sympathy vote. But Perry can still coast on it for quite awhile yet.
Give him a kiss and a pat!
sas and the gang :hug2: