Hi Haley. There is a stuffed bunny that we got when they first arrived. Pernod has always attacked it :?. It is still in the cage, and this week she has had a real go at it - torn it's ear, dug at it, dragged it etc. I think it has been a way for her to workout her anger, if that makes sense. She has also dug at John and I,then made a clucking noise and lay down beside us.
I did wonder about getting another bun (although John isn't keen), but have decided against it, for the moment at least, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Pernod is a very territorial girl - when we looked after my friends rabbit in the summer, we couldn't let Pernod near her. Secondly, as long as she is eating, drinking etc, I feel she is doing OK, although I know she misses Perry terribly (I can see it in her eyes

). I feel it is not another bun she is missing, but Perry himself. If she became so depressed she stopped eating, then that would be different. Thirdly - and this is a purely selfish reason, so I apologise - I don't think I could imagine seeing her with a different bunny. She and Perry fell in love the first night we got them, and they were a perfect match for each other. To see her with another would really hurt me. However, I would do it if I thought Pernod would be better off.
She has become a little perkier the past day or so, and is outside at the moment, eating grass and running around the garden, so I'll see how she gets on. Thanks for your concerns :hug2: