Pernod and her Shadow

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Hi Snuggys Mom :wave:, thanks forasking. I really must try and keep my blog updated - I'm too busyreading everyone else's :D.

Nothing much has changed I'm afraid :?. When we got back from holiday,we picked them both up at the same time - the rescue is really nearwhere my mom is. I was hoping for a miracle, that Pernod might haverealised Shadow isn't such a bad boy after all, and missed him alittle. No such luck. She hates him just as much :(. Shereally just wants to rip him to shreads, despite coming off worse.

So, John and I have a routine. While we are out, Pernod has the run ofdownstairs, Shadow has the run of upstairs. If we are in, then wealternate them between going in the garden, running free downstairs orbeing in the cage. Pernod still tries to attack Shadow through the cagebars, but now he tends to mostly ignore - which gets her moremad. How DARE he ignore her :mad:!!!

Shadow now sleeps in our room. I think the cage he was sleeping in wastoo small, so he sleeps on a rug at the bottom of our bed, with his toyelephant. He uses the litter tray on the landing, and is really good.Only once has he decided, at 6am, that he wanted mommy to play, andjumped on the bed and kept digging at me until I got up!!

On the plus side, all Pernod's wounds have healed, although her ear hasa chunk missing, and her fur has grown back in. Whether we will trylater to bond them, I don't know, but things will stay the same for theminute. I will try and get some more photos soon as well.

I'm sorry your not having much look convincingthem to get along.:(I'm glad Pernod is all healed up though,and Shadow sounds so cute cuddled up with his elephant - I wouldlove to see a picture of that.;)Hinthint.:tongutwo:
Nice to know Pernod has recovered. :bunnydance:

"now he tends to mostly ignore - which gets her more mad"
The mind games animals can do with each other. :stikpoke

That is why I am terrified if Pebbles wouldn'tget along with a second bunny. She wouldbe the aggressor, and come off worse ifanything happened.
Pebblesdoesn't like our dog,but puts up with his barking. Shewill let me hold her by the dog, but anychance she gets, she will try to box orscratch him with her front paws.
And her litter habits is getting worst. Iwonder if it is the second animal in thehouse.

Rainbows! :)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
That is why I am terrified if Pebbleswouldn't get along with a second bunny.She would be the aggressor, and comeoff worse if anything happened.
Pebblesdoesn't like our dog,but puts up with his barking. Shewill let me hold her by the dog, but anychance she gets, she will try to box orscratch him with her front paws.
And her litter habits is getting worst. Iwonder if it is the second animal in thehouse.
Yup, Pipp is bonded to me, and nobunny else will do. Shealways would mark a circle around the cats, I thought she was markingthem as her territory, but she was actually giving them 10 squareinches while claiming the rest of the house as herown. Now she's happy to just have our room as herterritory, but heaven help a cat or a bunny that wanders in.Or a cat or bunny that gets my attention in front of her.

And Dill will also box or nip at the cats if I pet them in front ofhim. He's an insanely jealous little guy. (I'mflattered!) And their excellentlitter habits meannothing when a cat or a bunny has been in THEIR vicinity.(Right now there's a battle for the couch, talk about a poopfest!) :yuck

I would think Pebbles is bonded to Stanand Pernod is nowbonded to Jan,and they consider the house their territory, soyou may have to send them off with astranger in a strangeland for a week. ;) Or just dowhat I do -- haveLOTS of bunnies, one (or two) for each room! (Pebbles doesget along with your bunnysitting charge, though, right? Or isit only outside?)

Anyhoo, good luck to Jan! Hugs and nose pats to all...

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Pipp wrote:
Iwould think Pebbles is bonded to Stanand Pernod is now bondedto Jan,and they consider the house theirterritory, (Pebbles does get along with yourbunnysitting charge, though, right? Or is it only outside?)
That's right, the house belongs to Pebbles.She would probably want me to add her name to theland title. :biggrin:

Pebbles doesn't mind the dog barking, as long as he does itin his kennel, in aseparateroom. But she is getting to be anuisance when shedeliberately leaves apee spot in front of her litterboxeverymorning.Thenfor the rest of the day she is fine withher pee.

Cocoa (the friends bunny)is going to stay with us again atthe end of April. I letthemouttogether only when they are outside.Thebig yard is neutralterritory, and Pebbles will startbonding once she gets tired or bored ofchasing poor Cocoa around the yard. Inthe house, they stay in their cages.Pebbles gives everybody the evil eye and watchesevery move Cocoa makes. I just don't wantanyaccidents to happen to either bunnies.
If the situation was more permanent with another bunny, I would attempt a lasting bond if Pebbles would allow it.

Jan : Wouldn't you be afraid of stepping on Shadow when you wakeup in the morning? It is still dark when I get up(even with the Daylight Savings Time).

Rainbows! :bunnydance:
I'm so happy Pernod is all healed up and seemsnot to be too worse for wear. Good routine you have going -I'm going to have to come up with something similar for my devils forthe mean time.

When I was bonding my two, I just let Misty keep attacking the cage andsame - Charlie just ignored her. After a while, she got boredof attacking the cage. I noticed she would come down, attackfor a shorter and shorter period of time, and then go do her ownthing. Eventually, she would run down, stare him down andmove on.

I was speaking to woman at the vet the other day who was telling me ittook her two bunnies over a year to decide they liked each other andthen one day they were just best friends.

Who knows, maybe once you stop trying to bond them, they'll come to some kind of truce.

<<her litter habitsis getting worst. I wonder if it isthe second animal in the house.>>

<<there's a battle for the couch, talk about a poop fest!) :yuck>>

Oh yes, litter habits are all forgotten when the two are in the sameroom :disgust:. Shadow poops more than any rabbit I have ever comeacross when he is marking 'his' territory. In ten minutes, you couldn'tsee the carpet for poop, and as fast as I swept it up, the faster hewas pooping :sweep.............. Then Pernod comes out, andshe re-marks everything that he has touched :pullhair:.

Pet_Bunny - funny you should mention aboutsteppingonShadow. With him being black, I can't see him at all and ifI have to get up in the night, I have tripped over him once or twice.Fact is, he doesn't bother moving if he sees me coming, and even when Ifall over him, he still lays there :?.

Nadia - yeah, the routine seems to work, but it is quite tiring havingto keep two bunnies happy - I never knew how lucky I was when Pernodand Perry were together. I can't believe that Misty and Charlie havegone back to that, how frustrating!!!! Y'know, I think if I told themnot to like each other, then they probably would !

Haley - definately going to try and get more pics - if they co-operate ;)

OK, seeing as how so many of you haveposted great Easter pics of your bunnies, thought I'd takesome of mine. Huh, who was I trying to kid :disgust:. I thinkthose bunnies in the perfectly posed, dressed up pics must have beendrugged to stay still like that ;). So my pics are the other side ofthe coin - the "No way am I sitting still surrounded by stupid props"pics!!!
First off, I tried Shadow. Got everything set up - colourful eggs inbasket, nice daffodils (OK, plastic ones), cute little chics that evencheap when you hold them. He lay still long enough for me to pick upthe camera, but not long enough for me to photo him.
Humph, try to fool me with plastic flowers, would you?

And whoever saw a pink egg???


Then I tried Pernod - with no more luck!

Hmmm, can I smell that other bunny on these eggs?



I'm outta here - gonna find that bunny and destroy him!!!


So, I guess I am going to have to send Easter cards without my two on them :?;)

LOL, those are the best easter photosever! So realistic because I'm sure everyone's bunnies arelike that. haha. I've given up on mine.

Dear Jan,

Now those are Easter pictures the way they SHOULD be. A rabbit being allowed to act like a rabbit.

You are a GREAT bunny slave.

The BunFather
Bunfather - only one answer to that -:tongue!!!!! Have you been giving them ideas?!;)

Well, they did kinda let me get some photos of them today. First off, Pernod, though she was being a bit of a Diva


Cleaning time


Her indignant 'I'm not in the mood for photos' look


Next, Shadow. Having a munch outside


Cheeky boy sticking his tongue out at me :X


And a couple for Michaela - snuggleing with Nellie, his toy elephant, at bedtime :)



Hey, Tiny, I think Shadow looks a little like you :)

They are stunningly beautiful, Jan.

Give them much love and kisses to them for me.
YAY! Pictures! They are both gorgeous. I wish they would bond, dang it! They would make such a beautiful pair.

This is my favorite Pernod pic:


Max and Basil said to tell her if she wantsto meetsomereal men (and dutch too!) she can come over to the statesfor a visit. ;)

PS. Did you ever try car rides for bonding or have you given up? Basil and Max were sworn enemies before the car rides.
Thank you all. I will certainly give them their respective love and kisses :).

Haley - I so wish they would bond - even if they don't fall in love,being friends would do. They have both been on car rides, with me inthe back seat with them, but Pernod actually likes being in the car, sodoesn't need a bunny shoulder to lean on at all. A couple of yearsback, I took her and Perry to a Rabbit Welfare day 175 miles away, andcame back the same day. They both loved it :disgust:. I'll tell herthat Max and Basil want to meet her - knowing her she'll probably say'Bring it on'! ;).

I love the pictures Jan:bunnyheart, Pernod is asbeautiful as ever. And Shadow my little man!:biggrin: HaveIever mentioned how much I love blackrabbits?:whistling;)

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