Pernod and her Shadow

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Michaela wrote:
Have Iever mentioned how much I loveblack rabbits?:whistling;)
Hmmmm, maybe once or twice :D;)

Ooops, sorry Jess, I thought it was Michaela that metioned the photo ofShadow and his elephant. Anyways, you can have oneeach :sunshine:. Unlike your clever girls, Pernod doesn't use her bed,unless she is having a temper tantrum, then she attacks it :disgust:

LOL, Pernod's "I'm not in the mood for photos" look is the same Evil Eye look Misty gives me.

Keep up the picture taking - nice to see Pernod has healed up well.

LuvaBun wrote:
Michaela wrote:
Have Iever mentioned how much I love blackrabbits?:whistling;)
Hmmmm, maybe once or twice :D;)

Ooops, sorry Jess, I thought it was Michaela that metioned the photo ofShadow and his elephant. Anyways, you can have oneeach :sunshine:. Unlike your clever girls, Pernod doesn't use her bed,unless she is having a temper tantrum, then she attacks it :disgust:

Hehe, are you sure, I don't remember ever saying that before;)

I had to take Pebble and Ebony's bed away from them, they wouldn't stoppeeing in it:yuckThey might get it back after they'respayed....I'll have to think about it.

LuvaBun wrote:
Unlike your clever girls, Pernod doesn't use herbed, unless she is having a temper tantrum, then she attacks it:disgust:


:laugh:You should see their bed at the moment Jan, it'scoveredin mud from where they have been digging. It'sso battered up, bent out of shape and has a bunch of holes in it but idon't have the heart to take it away and get them a new one - they loveit too much!;)Ruby still grooms it most of the time aswell.:craziness
Looking at your Dutch, she is quite big. Fidgetis also a dutch I was wondering how big she will get? Let me know howthe bonding goes because I would not mind company for Fidget.

Do you find that you have to hoover up after the rabbits?
Cutiebunny wrote:
Looking at your Dutch, she is quite big. Fidget is also adutch I was wondering how big she will get? Let me know how the bondinggoes because I would not mind company for Fidget.

Do you find that you have to hoover up after the rabbits?
Pernod has always been , ermmm, Chunky ;). We got her from arescue 4 years ago, and she has always been like that (more of her tolove :D). Even the vet said, after her run in with Shadow, that itobviously hadn't put her off her food :?, but didn't say she needed tolose weight. Fidget may not get as big as she is - they should be up to5 lbs but Pernod is , well she's a little more than that ;). I think weare having more trouble bonding her, because she was deeply bonded toPerry, who passed away in November. They bonded the same day, and werenever apart.

Nadia - Yes, Pernod has healed really well. I can still fell a fewscabs under the fur on her side (where the stitches were) but otherthan that and her re-shaped ear, no lasting damage :)

Jess - I love how Ruby loves her bed :D. If you took it away from themand gave them a new one, they'd probably never forgive you !

Oh my! He looks so much like Tiny when Tiny wassmaller. I was just now catching up on your blog and going,"OMG...that's Tiny....almost!"

Miss Bea is the one who would be most likely to teach them how to havean attitude...Tiny would give them a little nip and say, "Get along orelse you know mom is gonna lecture you and get involved and we don'twant that...".

I just love Shadow...too bad Texas wasn't closer! We'd have BunFather and BunFather II: The Sequel!


LuvaBun wrote:
Bunfather - only one answerto that -:tongue!!!!! Have you been giving them ideas?!;)

And a couple for Michaela - snuggleing with Nellie, his toy elephant, at bedtime :)



Hey, Tiny, I think Shadow looks a little like you :)

Well, Shadow has eventually discovered what thesandpit is for - having FUN!! Up until now, he has just hoppedinto it, then hopped back out, but now he found out he can binky and doBunny 500s in it :D. So, I apologise for the quality of the pics, buttrying to capture a 9 lb bunny binkying and racing around is a bitbeyond my (and my camera') capabilities.

Having a sniff around to get the lay of the land.




Now forthe Fun :)!





Then a quick clean up


And relaxxxxx!


And a few of Pernod, who was inside, following the sun around to catch a few rays, before attacking her hay.



:) Jan
Super pictures of Shadow in thesandpit. For the binky shots, it doestake alot of practice to capture a good photo. Would yourNikon work better in the sports mode using a higher shutter speed?

Pernod looks so laid back enjoying the warm spring sun.

Rainbows! :D
Wow great pictures Jan!! Shadow as beautiful asever!:hearts He looks like he's having so much fun in his sand pit! AndPernod so pretty, hehe I love how she follows the sun.:sunshine:
heehee, littler Miss Pernod looks like she isliving the life of luxury. I'm surprised she wasn't sittingnear a window or something giving Shadow the evil eye in the sand pit.

Have I told you THANKS!!!! for the sandpit idea??Actuallywait... I don't thank you because it's hell to clean up and the bunsuse it as a liter box... but Charlie DEFINITELY thanks you! All hewants to do now is dig.heh.

aww glad to see some new pics!

I wish those two would bond, they would make such a beautiful couple. I guess her heart is with Perry though. Poor Pernod.

Shadow looks so happy. You really have two wonderfully spoiled bunnies there!
mine, too! i'm a sucker for bunnies with attitude.

there is a revolt in the house as i type. marbles is demanding i set upa sandbox for him and mocha is joining the rally although i'm prettysure she has no idea what it's about.

Haley wrote:
YAY! Pictures! They are bothgorgeous. I wish they would bond, dang it! They would make such abeautiful pair.

This is my favorite Pernod pic:

Thanks all :)

Pet_Bunny - I will have to try some shots in sports mode. Trouble is,by the time I figure out what's what on the camera, the bunnies havefinished doing what they were doing (I'm so slow, that a tortoise wouldhave finished what it was doing !!!)

Nadia - well, as long as Charlie is happy, that's the main thing :D;).I think your idea of putting your box inside a larger one is the way togo - I'm jut pleased mine is outside!

Haley - I definately think that Pernod won't bond with another bunnybecause she still 'loves' Perry. My vet even said something along thoselines. Something strange, though - I was cleaning a framed picture ofPerry and had it propped up on the floor, and when I looked, Pernod waslicking it, and then she lay beside it. I didn't have the heart to moveit, and she lay beside it for a couple of hours :(

LuvaBun wrote:
Something strange, though - I was cleaning a framed pictureof Perry and had it propped up on the floor, and when I looked, Pernodwas licking it, and then she lay beside it. I didn't have the heart tomove it, and she lay beside it for a couple of hours :(

Oh, that just makes me cry. Poor Pernod.

Those are some great pics you posted. LOVED the Shadow binky shot!

jan, i read your may 1 post soon as it wasposted and i wanted to reply but somehow i ended up staring at a blankmessage screen for a long time, until finally i had to close it. itbroke my heart and there were no words. i can only imagine how you feltseeing that. and dear, sweet pernod... please give her hugs and kissesfrom us. -lisa
I know, it really upset me too. Don't let anyoneEVER tell me that rabbits don't have feelings, because I can see justby watching her how much she misses Perry. It was my mistake inthinking that she was lonely for another bunny - which is why we gotShadow. Now I realise she was lonely and missing only one bunny -Perry. She will often just sit and stare into space, makinglittle noises, and it breaks my heart.

I also feel so sad for Shadow, because I know he just wants to be herfriend, and I am worried he is lonely too. At the minute, getting afriend for him is not an option (and I wouldnt upset Pernod any more).I don't expect Pernod to ever bond with him, and I won't push it. I'drather let her think of the 'good times' with Perry. (And yes, Idefinately think she remembers things like that).

Lisa, thanks, I will certainly give her hugs and kisses from you and her Dutchie friends.

Tina (so lovely to see you :hug1) - I think that is a good idea. I maydo a blow up of the original photo, and put it by her cage :)


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