Hi Snuggys Mom :wave:, thanks forasking. I really must try and keep my blog updated - I'm too busyreading everyone else's
Nothing much has changed I'm afraid :?. When we got back from holiday,we picked them both up at the same time - the rescue is really nearwhere my mom is. I was hoping for a miracle, that Pernod might haverealised Shadow isn't such a bad boy after all, and missed him alittle. No such luck. She hates him just as much
. Shereally just wants to rip him to shreads, despite coming off worse.
So, John and I have a routine. While we are out, Pernod has the run ofdownstairs, Shadow has the run of upstairs. If we are in, then wealternate them between going in the garden, running free downstairs orbeing in the cage. Pernod still tries to attack Shadow through the cagebars, but now he tends to mostly ignore - which gets her moremad. How DARE he ignore her
Shadow now sleeps in our room. I think the cage he was sleeping in wastoo small, so he sleeps on a rug at the bottom of our bed, with his toyelephant. He uses the litter tray on the landing, and is really good.Only once has he decided, at 6am, that he wanted mommy to play, andjumped on the bed and kept digging at me until I got up!!
On the plus side, all Pernod's wounds have healed, although her ear hasa chunk missing, and her fur has grown back in. Whether we will trylater to bond them, I don't know, but things will stay the same for theminute. I will try and get some more photos soon as well.
Nothing much has changed I'm afraid :?. When we got back from holiday,we picked them both up at the same time - the rescue is really nearwhere my mom is. I was hoping for a miracle, that Pernod might haverealised Shadow isn't such a bad boy after all, and missed him alittle. No such luck. She hates him just as much
So, John and I have a routine. While we are out, Pernod has the run ofdownstairs, Shadow has the run of upstairs. If we are in, then wealternate them between going in the garden, running free downstairs orbeing in the cage. Pernod still tries to attack Shadow through the cagebars, but now he tends to mostly ignore - which gets her moremad. How DARE he ignore her
Shadow now sleeps in our room. I think the cage he was sleeping in wastoo small, so he sleeps on a rug at the bottom of our bed, with his toyelephant. He uses the litter tray on the landing, and is really good.Only once has he decided, at 6am, that he wanted mommy to play, andjumped on the bed and kept digging at me until I got up!!
On the plus side, all Pernod's wounds have healed, although her ear hasa chunk missing, and her fur has grown back in. Whether we will trylater to bond them, I don't know, but things will stay the same for theminute. I will try and get some more photos soon as well.