I read on a rabbit care sheet that pellets for rabbits should have 20-25% fiber, and that the different colored and shaped pellets aren't really needed, but the pet store I got Abby at didn't have a wide variety of pellets. I bought the one with the most fiber I could find, which was 17%. It's called Sun Fun, and it has the different colored and shaped seeds and what not. Is this bad? Should I look for something different? What do you all use for pellets? Also, I went ahead and bought Timothy and Alfalfa hay, but was advised by the pet store to only use the Alfalfa until she is 7 months old. They told me she is only around 3-4 months. Is that true or should I be offering both? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want the best for my Abby!
-- Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. --
-- Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. --