I have two more bunny stories to tell very quickly - then I need to upload the picture of our winner to my computer.
Last night I locked the cage so that the babies couldn't get out during the night. Of course...the problem with that is that mama nurses about 4 am....
I woke up a little after 3 am to see the babies trying to climb the walls of the cage and mama sitting beside the cage munching on some hay. So I figured I'd open the door.
Super hilarious mistake...
One baby kept getting out of the cage and going for mama. She'd let it try to nurse for a couple of minutes and then move away. Then the baby would run back into the cage - where the others smelled mama all over it.
The first couple of times - the others would flop on their backs and try to get under the baby and nurse from the baby since the baby smelled like mama and milk.
So then the baby would take off - run back out of the cage - find mama - try to nurse again - and repeat the whole cycle. This happened at least four or five times before I had to get some more sleep...
So this morning - Robin made a NIC pen to put around the cage - so we can leave the cage door open and the babies can get in and out - but still stay enclosed and away from mama.
Only no one told this third baby that it was supposed to stay IN the pen area. So it was sitting out sort of by mama a little while ago - when I went to put it back in - it fell out of my hands (but appears to be ok even if it got the wind knocked out of it).
So those are my baby stories....I'll share the identities in just a little while.