Well-Known Member
I have been debating about sharing these photos since I took them on 3/22/09. Some might enjoy them - others might want to flame me for them....what to do?
I decided to share them - after I share the backstory.
When I was breeding - I ran out of cages. I temporarily put a few does on the floor for a couple of nights - only to find out that they really enjoyed having their freedom. When I went to cage them later on - they were very unhappy and I started discovering just how social rabbits can be and how much they enjoy the company of others.
So I allow my "mild-tempered" does to live together on the floor in the rabbitry. The room is something like 10X12 and they have something like 4X8 fenced in on the back porch where they can play. They have three dog kennels (one of which has a shelf in it) - plus they can sleep under a wooden shelf that holds cages - plus most of the bottom cages are empty.
The does all have their own "friends" and you will usually find the same does hanging out together in the same places all the time. When I put down supper - they usually have particular spots they each run to - and it is a spot they have chosen - usually near their friends.
On the day that I took these photos - Robin had strewn hay all over the floor - I mean literally - covering the floor and cages and stuff. She wanted to let them have a bunch of fun (which they did) and we actually left the hay on the floor for a couple of days. (The floor is tile).
You're going to see some hair and stuff in the backs of some of the cages from molts - and lots of dust (remember - I live in SW Texas). This is part of why I was hesitant to share the photos.
However - please remember - the does are free roaming and they can pick and choose where they want to hang out...ok?
Somebunny sure is comfortable...she's outside one of the dog kennels and in front of a cage...
Acacia shares a litter box with another doe
U.B. (for Miss Bea's daughter "Ugly Bunny") and Kiwi share the shelf in one of the dog kennels
This little girl loves to sit under the shelf - all the time!
One of the dog kennels - you can see one of the grumpier bunnies in the back
A closeup of the front bunny in the picture above
Two bunnies outside on the porch
Maggie May doesn't really have friends and is a loner - but she hates being caged because she goes out on the porch almost all the time the door is open...
Awww..this is comfy
"You can kiss my bunny butt" - Sundae (on the left) tells her daughter - on the right. They're in a double-wide cage that sits up off the floor on a shelf...
This is the dog kennel that has the shelf in it - you can sorta see Kiwi's white fur up on the shelf. See all the hair I talked about? Good thing I'm cleaning out the rabbitry this weekend and dealing with this...the fur and dust can build up quickly if I'm not vigilant....
This just kind of shows you how some of them hang out on the floor - and others in cages, etc.
Popcorn doesn't like the camera...
I was taking photos and the girl on the right wasn't getting her picture taken - so she made sure to jump in and look at me and make sure she got in some pictures....
The REW is Acacia...she is pretty much the matron of the rabbitry does. Right now she's fighting stasis and some other issues - I don't know if she'll make it and its breaking my heart. If she passes....it will be very interesting to see who takes over as the dominant doe....but I'm praying she doesn't pass. She is 4 years old now.
I decided to share them - after I share the backstory.
When I was breeding - I ran out of cages. I temporarily put a few does on the floor for a couple of nights - only to find out that they really enjoyed having their freedom. When I went to cage them later on - they were very unhappy and I started discovering just how social rabbits can be and how much they enjoy the company of others.
So I allow my "mild-tempered" does to live together on the floor in the rabbitry. The room is something like 10X12 and they have something like 4X8 fenced in on the back porch where they can play. They have three dog kennels (one of which has a shelf in it) - plus they can sleep under a wooden shelf that holds cages - plus most of the bottom cages are empty.
The does all have their own "friends" and you will usually find the same does hanging out together in the same places all the time. When I put down supper - they usually have particular spots they each run to - and it is a spot they have chosen - usually near their friends.
On the day that I took these photos - Robin had strewn hay all over the floor - I mean literally - covering the floor and cages and stuff. She wanted to let them have a bunch of fun (which they did) and we actually left the hay on the floor for a couple of days. (The floor is tile).
You're going to see some hair and stuff in the backs of some of the cages from molts - and lots of dust (remember - I live in SW Texas). This is part of why I was hesitant to share the photos.
However - please remember - the does are free roaming and they can pick and choose where they want to hang out...ok?
Somebunny sure is comfortable...she's outside one of the dog kennels and in front of a cage...

Acacia shares a litter box with another doe

U.B. (for Miss Bea's daughter "Ugly Bunny") and Kiwi share the shelf in one of the dog kennels

This little girl loves to sit under the shelf - all the time!

One of the dog kennels - you can see one of the grumpier bunnies in the back

A closeup of the front bunny in the picture above

Two bunnies outside on the porch

Maggie May doesn't really have friends and is a loner - but she hates being caged because she goes out on the porch almost all the time the door is open...

Awww..this is comfy

"You can kiss my bunny butt" - Sundae (on the left) tells her daughter - on the right. They're in a double-wide cage that sits up off the floor on a shelf...

This is the dog kennel that has the shelf in it - you can sorta see Kiwi's white fur up on the shelf. See all the hair I talked about? Good thing I'm cleaning out the rabbitry this weekend and dealing with this...the fur and dust can build up quickly if I'm not vigilant....

This just kind of shows you how some of them hang out on the floor - and others in cages, etc.

Popcorn doesn't like the camera...

I was taking photos and the girl on the right wasn't getting her picture taken - so she made sure to jump in and look at me and make sure she got in some pictures....

The REW is Acacia...she is pretty much the matron of the rabbitry does. Right now she's fighting stasis and some other issues - I don't know if she'll make it and its breaking my heart. If she passes....it will be very interesting to see who takes over as the dominant doe....but I'm praying she doesn't pass. She is 4 years old now.