Peg's Place - 2009

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I must admit it - I am in love...with the chinchilla one (the bigger grayish one). The chestnut one is my second favorite (and Robin's first favorite). soon as I saw him(?) my heart just melted! Of course all baby bunnies are adorable, but this one really stands out to me. So sweet!!:inlove:
I'll share about bunnies in a bit - but first - I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face - just bawling my eyes out at a song. I thought about posting it in off-topic - for those who are adopted - but I didn't want to get into a whole "pro-life / pro-abortion" debate there (or in here).

So I'm gonna just post it here - for those of you who I know follow my blog.

As many of you know - I'm adopted. My birthmom is 14 years older than me - and did not get pregnant by her choice in actions.

I've lost touch with her and been thinking about her for a bit - I think this song is pushing me to contact her again and check in.....but anyway - here it goes.

If you're adopted - or know someone who is adopted....have the tissues handy - you may need them. Mom Lloyd Marcus.mp3
Its amazing the difference a couple of days can make in the life of a bunny.

These were 3 of the 6 videos I took last night at about 11:30 pm....Photobucket is giving me fits with the other three...

Robin & I went to the feed store today to mark in the ears of the baby bunnies if they were girls or boys. (We use a marker - we don't tattoo them). There were 12 or 13 of them there if I remember right...three of them needed some extra care and medication (one had sort of greenish stools that were a bit runny).

So we brought them home - FOR NOW - with a cage from the feed store.

They are Alpha - all black, Beta - black with a white dot on the nose, and Gamma - chestnut ...

Beta and Gamma

All three - complete with an expensive :biggrin2: bunny toy that they love already!

Even at this age - Gamma knows how to let me know she disapproves..

Robin's chart posted on the top of the cage (calendar) reminding me when we should be done w/ treatments so the rabbits can be RETURNED...

Gamma keeps trying to get out the cage (a dog kennel) and she can get out except for her back hips and then she tries to wrap herself around another bar to get back in....I sure hope she learns soon that she can't get out.
When Art came home from work this morning -Darla's babies were running around in their cage and the chinchilla one even did a couple of binkies while I was watching. It was so cute...

The feed store fosters are doing good this morning too. I may be bringing more home after talking to someone else - I need to talk to Justin. It looks like they're going to be needing shots for a to find more space in case Justin wants me to bring others home to treat too...

Gotta run - have a book reset today to do in Dollar General.
TinysMom wrote:
When Art came home from work this morning -Darla's babies were running around in their cage and the chinchilla one even did a couple of binkies while I was watching. It was so cute...
At that size, they probably look more like popcorn popping than binkies! :biggrin2:
And now...for something COMPLETELY different (to quote Monty Python)...








Zeus used to climb in the garage and I told Alicia the other day that I think he must've hurt himself because he hasn't climbed in over 3 months now. I noticed when I picked him up (against his will) that he may have hurt his back end a bit - I'm sending some more detailed pictures to BlueGiants since she breeds flemmies to see what she thinks and I may send them to a couple of other people.

He still is able to hop around fine and I don't have the funds right now for a vet visit - particularly since he appears to be ok - just maybe has a slight disability now. You may notice it in the videos when I upload them later.
Oh, wow, Zeus reminds me so much of my new bun Oskar. oskar is an Angora/Lop cross. What breed/cross?is \Zeus?
Well - after talking to Pam Nock, Blue Giants and Randy (ra7751) - it looks like I need to start setting aside some money for a vet visit for Zeus. He needs X-rays and while he can wait a month or so for them (while I set aside the money) - he may have the start of arthritis....or there could be something else going on.

I'm trying hard to not be afraid...
Here are Zeus' videos...

Minda - I really hope he is ok too. No matter what it is - we'll get him some help and he'll live as long as he can have a good life. I figure he's about 3 years old already and I knew when we got him that I wouldn't have as long with him as with a baby bunny....

Honestly - if it wasn't for the fact that he sorta looks funky from a certain angle - you wouldn't really notice it.

My boy!! I hope he didn't hurt himself! and I hope it's nothing but he doesn't want to climb now!! :(
Give him kisses for me!
Who will be the first baby bunny to make it out of the nest?


[align=left]Art woke up tonight (he works mids) to find a baby running around the room. He captured it and brought it out to Robin who held it for a bit. Then I took some pictures.

So the question is....who made it out of the cage first?

Your choices:

  • Chestnut baby who looks like mama
  • Chinchilla baby who looks like daddy
  • REW baby #1 who is the biggest REW
  • REW baby #2 who loves to explore and stick its head in things
  • REW baby #3 - aka Runty
[align=center]I will post the winner tomorrow afternoon!
I just posted this in the main forum - but I want to remember it in my blog too....

Some might say this goes in the behavior section - but I just have to share about it here.

One of the things I miss most about Tiny - was his kisses. The last few months before he died - he would climb into my lap (or sleep at my feet) and give me tons and tons of bunny kisses. If he sensed I was upset - it was kisses for mommy.

GingerSpice would occasionally kiss me - but she preferred to pee on me.

After Tiny died - I went quite a while without that supply of kisses. Miss Bea lived in our bedroom for a bit and she would sometimes jump up on the bed and give kisses for no real reason. Unfortunately - she also started peeing on Art's side of the bed - and so she had to be moved to another room. There went my kisses. :nerves1

Then Liberty got ill for a few months and that little doe had a complete turnaround in personality. I used to be almost afraid to feed her because she would charge me and growl at the food scoop.

I've always talked about Minnie Pearl being the doe from Hades - but that was because she was scared and afraid - so she charged to defend herself.

But Liberty? I was convinced she charged out of pure meanness...I used to think she was mean to the bone.

Till she got ill....and I started holding her (because she had to be held sometimes) - and she turned into not just a cuddler (like Minnie) but a KISSER. Man - that little doe would sit in my lap and give me kisses for half an hour at a time if I'd keep my hands where she could get to them. If I moved them - she'd start kissing my shirt...whatever she could.

As many of you know - when I went home to Maine to visit my mom - I lost both Minnie - and the Liberty. The night Art called me to tell me she'd passed (and I cried for over 3 hours after mom went to bed) - I had been planning to tell Art & Robin to bring Liberty to the airport to see me when I came in. I'd been so long without bunny kisses and was so stressed from my visit with my mom...I wanted to see Liberty again. (Art did buy a stuffed bunny and bring it for me to hold on the way home).

Well tonight I sat on the floor with Darla-mouse - our foster who had five babies. While I was gone - Robin got her to stop being so afraid of people and come for fruit loops...but over the last week or 10 days - Darla has started not only eating out of my hand - but giving me kisses. (She wants fruit loops first if I have them - then she'll kiss me).

She's also started pancaking as she asks for pets and ear rubs and I'm saying the terms as I give her a pet or an ear rub so she learns the words.

I couldn't help but cry tonight as I petted her and got kisses for almost half an hour.

It feels like I've come complete circle somehow - from Tiny - my gentle giant who loved me and kissed me to encourage me - to yet another "mean" doe (who was really scared of people to be honest with you) - and she is starting to love me for me - and give me kisses.

Sometimes I don't feel worthy of her trust and love - but you know what? Life has taught me to get all the bunny kisses I can....while I can.

I want to encourage those of you with difficult bunnies - it takes time - and it takes effort - and not all bunnies are "kissy". But you can build a good relationship with your bunny if you try and take time.

I never ever thought I'd bond with least not like this....but I have.

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