Peg's Place - 2009

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:woohoo:woohoo I bet your totally excited. How cool...:)

PS) I'm excited for you! I'm glad babies are coming... :pinkbouce::biggrin2::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Based on what I'm feeling and seeing with the girls - I'm guessing that Sophia will have 3-4 babies and Athena will have 5-6 or more.

Watch me be totally wrong. But Athena's belly is HUGE and I can't make out individual babies as well as I can with Sophia.

That sorta scares me.....
I was just thinking, it's gonna be within the next couple days. I know flemish have lots of babies but with their firsttime giving birth and their age,will theyhave smaller size litters? I don't know if thats the correct name/word. Lol.

There's probably1 or 2babies hiding that you can't feel. Lol :)
TinysMom wrote:
Based on what I'm feeling and seeing with the girls - I'm guessing that Sophia will have 3-4 babies and Athena will have 5-6 or more.

Watch me be totally wrong. But Athena's belly is HUGE and I can't make out individual babies as well as I can with Sophia.

That sorta scares me.....
Just remember what Cathy told you :p You just might have a dozen baby Flemish baby's or more hahahahaha :) Can't wait to find out how many there really are.
Oh I remember - far too well.

Sophia is driving me crazy - she's trying to dig her way to China - starting from her litterbox. At the rate she's going - she might make it to Mexico by daybreak (even if it means I drive her across the border myself....just kidding - but she's driving me up the wall).

Oh least I can hope for babies this time. I felt them kick a couple more times with Sophia but Athena is not letting me near her at all.

I would love to get a picture of her - today one side of her looks like she swallowed a tennis ball or something. It just started looking that way tonight and she really won't let me near her and growled at me a bit earlier.
OMG those pictures are so cute Peg, We need more updates on how your breeding program is going, I really like reading your posts when your talking about your breeding as you always give out loads of information also, So we also learn from you while enjoying the post!
paul2641 wrote:
OMG those pictures are so cute Peg, We need more updates on how your breeding program is going, I really like reading your posts when your talking about your breeding as you always give out loads of information also, So we also learn from you while enjoying the post!
Thanks so much Paul. I quoted your post because part of my update will be about the breeding we did and the potential babies. Some may find it interesting...

But first....

Denise - I would be biting my nails BUT I broke one yesterday in the post office and it still feels funny. Honestly though - I am very much excited and may find myself sleeping in the rabbitry if the girls go late. (Robin says that with the way I sleep - I'd miss the births anyway...).

Donna - thanks for the wishes - I'm a nervous wreck - much more so than the girls are. I am so excited about the cuteness that shall soon be invading our home.

And now on to Paul...who I'm SOOOO glad is back.

I thought I'd share a bit about these two breedings and why I'm so darn excited.

First of all - Athena was bred to Mercury. One of the reasons I'm very excited about that - is that I want to see if Mercury can produce babies as good as himself. When you put Mercury and Sophia in cages side by side - you can tell that they are related even though they had different moms. Now the question is - since they share the same father - can Mercury pass that on? If he can pass that on - then next spring he will be bred to Sophia- his half sister to get some offspring which will help to "set" those traits (I hope).

In some ways though - my excitement is more about Sophia's litter. Hermes is white - and when I went through Sophia's pedigree - I saw she had the potential to carry that gene (which I believe she does carry - long story as to why). So in her litter - I have the potential to get light grey...and white....and....if I understand genetics correctly....steel. You see - Hermes has a lot of steel in his pedigree so the question is - does the white "c" gene hide steel...or does it hide light grey? So this litter could be very interesting.

I am sorta concerned about the girls (as I always am) - because Athena is eating like there is NO tomorrow and she can't get enough food to satisfy her...and Sophia is barely touching her food. Normally they might go off their food a bit before they kindle - but this is too early for Sophia to be going off her food (she did eat some - but only about 1/2 as much as usual). And if anyone was going to be going off their food - it would be Athena since she could kindle as early as tomorrow and be "on time".

I am hoping to get weights and pictures of both girls later today with Robin's help. I wish I could explain how big Athena looks because it is hard to show in a picture. A lot of her weight is now "underneath" her - where you can feel how heavy she's gotten with those babies.

Of course no update about the flemmies would be complete without something about Nyx - right?

I love Nyx so much - I love them all - but Nyx is special - partly because she came from Dave and Karen - and partly because she's just Nyx. I'm torn about when to breed her and who to breed her with. Breeding her with Mercury could give me some nice showable babies - but I suspect she hides steel because she's getting a lot of white hairs. If I find out that Hermes can give me steels - I may wind up breeding her to him to see what I get - I don't know. She is only 6 months old now and I'm really debating about WHEN to breed her. Normally I'd say February - but she's over 13 or 14 pounds already - I hate to breed her and have her be 19 pounds or something with her first litter.

Of course she and Mercury both insist she's already old enough - as he lays beside her cage during his playtimes. Hermes thinks she's BEA-U-TI-FUL whenever he lays by her cage...

Anyway - that is it for now - I want to go get a few things done.

We're offically on "baby watch" now though and check the cages first thing when we come out into this area of the house - and last thing before going to bed. I know its still a bit early - but better to be safe than sorry. I'm just really hoping the girls know where to have their babies (nest box).

From looking back at the rest of your posts, I'm guessing your on about your new flemish giants you acquired?

Have you had any litters from them yet or are these your first, And how many flemish giants have you got at the moment?

Are you still working with the lionheads? Any updates on them?

We want MOAR pictures please lol!

Oh and I remember just before I left you were doing all those threads about genetics can you start doing stuff like that again?
paul2641 wrote:
OMG those pictures are so cute Peg, We need more updates on how your breeding program is going, I really like reading your posts when your talking about your breeding as you always give out loads of information also, So we also learn from you while enjoying the post!

I especially love your blog, always something interesting to read
Pictures from tonight:



She is actually 8 ounces heavier than Sophia - she's always weighed less too..

paul2641 wrote:
From looking back at the rest of your posts, I'm guessing your on about your new flemish giants you acquired?

Have you had any litters from them yet or are these your first, And how many flemish giants have you got at the moment?

Are you still working with the lionheads? Any updates on them?
Paul you got a lot of catching up to do. Go back a few more pages you'll see a whole HERD of Flemish Giants. There all SOOOO cute.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
paul2641 wrote:
From looking back at the rest of your posts, I'm guessing your on about your new flemish giants you acquired?

Have you had any litters from them yet or are these your first, And how many flemish giants have you got at the moment?

Are you still working with the lionheads? Any updates on them?
Paul you got a lot of catching up to do. Go back a few more pages you'll see a whole HERD of Flemish Giants. There all SOOOO cute.
I shall do that tomorrow as it is getting very late into the early morning, Oh Peg the new pics are so cute!
paul2641 wrote:
From looking back at the rest of your posts, I'm guessing your on about your new flemish giants you acquired?

Have you had any litters from them yet or are these your first, And how many flemish giants have you got at the moment?

Are you still working with the lionheads? Any updates on them?

We want MOAR pictures please lol!

Oh and I remember just before I left you were doing all those threads about genetics can you start doing stuff like that again?
Oh Paul.....lets see if I can catch you up on things.

I have five flemish giants for my breeding program. I have the first four that I acquired from Jack Langley - Sophia, Athena, Hermes and Mercury. Then - in late August we met Dave & Karen (Wabbitdad12 & wabbitmom12) in San Antonio and picked up Nyx from them - she's our black girl. That is the size of my flemish giant herd - although I do still have Zeus as our bedroom bunny - but he's a neutered flemish giant mix (and my big spoiled brat baby).

I have not had any litters from them yet - this is our first set of litters and I'm being just horrid about it. I called Alicia last week crying about the fact that once again I'd gotten into breeding and "how could I have done this??" when I know breeding can be risky to the doe. So yeah - I'm back to being a paranoid nervous wreck...

I will be hopefully adding two or three more flemish in February when I have them shipped down from New England - and then another two in the early summer if the breeding I am waiting for "takes" when they're bred next year. (I saw two totally awesome rabbits at a show in Storrs, CT when I was there and I fell in love with them. Fortunately, Juan, the breeder is going to breed them together and I'm hoping for a doe and buck out of them if they turn out as good as I think they will).

You can see the rabbits here - - he will be breeding Gloria and San German and I am thinking that may be a pairing that will be seen on many future pedigrees of prize-winning flemish as they are both very awesome flemish giants. When I looked at them - they were what I wanted my rabbits to be.

I am not still "working" with the lionheads as far as breeding goes because they are getting older and most of my does are too old to breed for first time, etc. In addition - while I went home to Maine this fall for a visit for a month - we had a virus spread through the rabbitry and we lost many many rabbits - 8 in one day - 6 in another day. Gone are my favorites....Harriet, Harry, Saphira, Isenstar, Meathead and so many many more that I adored. We even lost Tio - that was one of the hardest losses I had during that time as I got him the same day we got Tiny - now all of my "originals" are gone. Fortunately - when I saw Cathy (Blue Giants) at the show in Storrs, Ct. and shared with her about the losses we'd had in those last four days - her first words were, "You have a virus going on" and she told me what to do. We still lost another rabbit after that - but she helped us stop the virus and now I know what to do. (I later heard that other breeders in Texas had a problem this fall too).

As far as more pictures - I'm sure I'll do more once we have the babies this week....I do try to update somewhat regularly. Anyone in particular you'd like pictures of?

As far as the genetics thread - I know so little compared to other breeders. Basically - I wanted a "genetics for dummies" type of thing to make things simple so people like me could understand it.

Since y'all seem to care about and follow my flemmies - I will probably come here in the next few weeks with the brochure I'm developing about our flemish giants and breeding program and get y'alls' help with the pictures to use and stuff. Also - I'll probably ask for help in developing my website for the rabbitry.

Well - I best get off here and get the flemmies fed. I'm still a nervous wreck and will be so until I know all the babies are born and safe in their nestboxes...



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