Peg's Place - 2009

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I thought I'd take a moment to share something from the perspective of a multiple-rabbit owner and former breeder.

Not only is each breed different - but every rabbit is different and I have yet to see two rabbits that are alike - even if they're from the same litter.

I really love appreciating the differences between them - for instance - I mentioned that Hermes shows the most joy at being a bunny - probably of most of the rabbits I've ever had. Mercury is the most "puppy-like" and will come running to people on the floor or if we are moving around - he wants attention from us.

My Cali boys are hilarious - one is very dominant and one is very submissive - but let them have their playtime and they're both binkying around the room like fools - running into each other once in a while.

I've had lionheads that were afraid to be in a "middle cage" because they were claustophobic...and lionheads that never ever wanted to leave their cage. I've had some that will nip you if you go to rub their heads through the cage bars...and those that beg for a pet through the cage bars. Jackie tries to open her door to help you feed her - while Triad tries to keep his door closed and dare you to find a way to get his food in his cage.

Why am I writing this? Well - it is to share something that probably each of you knows - and that is that each rabbit you have is unique in their own way. You may read stories on the forum about this rabbit or that rabbit and wish your rabbit was more like so and so. (I used to do that with Tiny).

But the fact is - your rabbit has special things about him/her too - and once you learn to appreciate them - and work around those things or with those things - you'll really enjoy your rabbits even more than you do now.

Ok - time to get off my soapbox. No babies nesting yet from the flemish girls...hopefully soon.

Athena is eating her supper which tells me she isn't in labor....yet.

SweetSassy wrote:
Awww:bunnyheart I was showing my husband your bunnies tonight. He thought they were beautiful. I told him I wanted to go to Texas to get one. He said "TEXAS"! LOl.

Right now isn't a good time for us to get another bunny but when it is, I would love to have a flemish...... perferrably one of yours. ;) You are so great with your rabbits :)

Edit: I was gonna ask, did Hermes sore heal up yet? or are you still draining it?
First the abscess - I drained it two or three days ago and there was not much in it anymore. He's on Pen G again and I think its finally getting rid of it. (I thought he'd gotten rid of it and stopped the shots - and the next thing I knew - it was back and huge).

I'll probably keep him on Pen G till after the New Year just to be sure its gone. As I said - he got into a tussle with the cat and had two abscesses but the one on his leg cleared up right after I drained it the first hopefully this one will go away too.

As far as getting my rabbits - I will be shipping them in the future. I won't be able to advertise on the forum as we don't allow that...but people will be free to contact me for information via. pms.

At this point in time - when Sophia, Nyx and Mercury retire - they will live out their lives here. Hermes may retire and go to a good home - IF we find the right person. Otherwise - he too will live here (I feel like I have a lifetime commitment to them when I bring them here - unless I find a better situation for them). I knew a long time ago that Ali fell in love with Athena and so it has been in the back of my mind for a while to let her go there if the situation is right for that.

It may sound funny to say some might go and some might stay - but the fact is - Mercury and I are bonded - as are Sophia and Nyx and I. Sophia and Nyx are sorta bonded too...

Hermes though - well - I do love him a lot - but I'm not sure we're the best place for him. If he was in a home where he could get more attention than he gets now (more playtime, etc) - he might be happier.

My hope is to retire my girls by 2 or 2 1/2 at the latest (depending upon how they do with babies) and to retire my bucks around 3 or so...unless they're EXTREMELY showable.

Anyway - enough rambling...

I am SOOO excited. I just went in and pet Hermes through the cage bars - and then opened the door and he stood there and didn't run away - and he let me pet him for several minutes.

We're making progress!!!!
Eventually, I told my hubby you fly rabbits. It was pretty funny to see his face when he thought we had to go to Texas. Lol. :shock: :biggrin2:
TinysMom wrote:
I am SOOO excited. I just went in and pet Hermes through the cage bars - and then opened the door and he stood there and didn't run away - and he let me pet him for several minutes.

We're making progress!!!!
:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance: :pinkelepht::pinkelepht:
SweetSassy wrote:
Eventually, I told my hubby you fly rabbits. It was pretty funny to see his face when he thought we had to go to Texas. Lol. :shock: :biggrin2:
Getting those wings on them is hard - but the reindeer antlers are the real bear...

And training them to read the map? They like to eat the map....
I wanted to add that I'm not sure I'm going to go to the Ohio state convention in May - but I am considering it. But I will probably go in 2011 for sure...
TinysMom wrote:
I wanted to add that I'm not sure I'm going to go to the Ohio state convention in May - but I am considering it. But I will probably go in 2011 for sure...
Never heard of it. What is it? In Columbus, OH? Thats about 45-60 minutes from me.
TinysMom wrote:
SweetSassy wrote:
Eventually, I told my hubby you fly rabbits. It was pretty funny to see his face when he thought we had to go to Texas. Lol. :shock: :biggrin2:
Getting those wings on them is hard - but the reindeer antlers are the real bear...

And training them to read the map? They like to eat the map....
:roflmao: I set myself up for that. LOl.
SweetSassy wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
I wanted to add that I'm not sure I'm going to go to the Ohio state convention in May - but I am considering it. But I will probably go in 2011 for sure...
Never heard of it. What is it? In Columbus, OH? Thats about 45-60 minutes from me.
Yes - it is in Columbus and it is held Mother's Day weekend if I remember right...not sure.
Of course - as I get ready to go to bed...Athena starts carrying around hay and nesting....

Oh TinysMom wrote:
paul2641 wrote:
Oh, So at the moment you have 4 flemish giants that you are using in a breeding program, Athena, Nyx, Sophia, and Mercury? Athena is due today right?

You got out of the lionheads because they just weren't working!

Well it is good to hear that you're not just casting aside the lionheads in your care at the moment because you're moving onto a new project.

I wish you the best of luck with all the rabbits, Oh and I'll hold you to them lionhead pictures, keep us updated, And try and share some of your knowledge!
I also have Hermes - my fifth flemish giant.

I got out of the lionheads for several reasons - and when I decided that I missed breeding - the best choices for the rabbits was to buy new stock in whatever breed I decided to go with. My experienced mamas were too old (in my opinion) to be having more litters and my inexperienced does were too old for a first litter and have it be an easy time.

I would never just cast aside any animal because I'm moving to a new project. I have this real issue with people who are always "trading bunnies" and I don't do that. When I had these lionheads - I considered it a lifetime commitment - unless I found better homes for them. Many breeders will rehome older retiring animals and there is nothing wrong with that - but in my case - I can't bring myself to do it. Most of my lionheads are two years old and older and this is all they've ever known.

I have no problem breeding an animal and letting it go to a home at a younger age - but by the time they reach the age these are (two and older) - I feel it is unfair to expect them to just transition to a new home.
OH Hermes is the lovely White one he really is a sweetie!

I completely understand you changing the breed that you breed, Maybe the lionheads weren't meant for you, Hopefully you have found comfort in the Flemish giants and that they will eventually work out for you!

I really like your policy on how you treat your rabbits, Wait a go Peg!

Athena is PULLING FUR!

I have video of her nesting with hay and pulling fur also - I will share the videos later.
She is having her babies NOW - we heard a baby squealing all the way out in the living room - and I just peeked and can see a baby moving around underneath her sorta - trying to nurse it looks like..
TinysMom wrote:
She is having her babies NOW - we heard a baby squealing all the way out in the living room - and I just peeked and can see a baby moving around underneath her sorta - trying to nurse it looks like..
Wow, just in time for Christmas! I'm so excited, hope everything goes well! :pinkbouce:
Well - I just posted in the main forum area - but I'll post it here now.

Athena gave us..........for our very first flemish giant litter.... time for Christmas...

(drumroll please?)


All are happy and healthy looking and mama is now chowing down on a carrot and quite happy and content.