Peg's Place - 2009

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Yes, I was worried about the possibility of dead kits - or also the fact that she could be having problems with a calcium buildup in her bladder and be in pain.

I'm not nearly as worried now though - she dug into her supper as if I was cruel and had held back food from her for days (so not true) - and had a temper tantrum and threw her litter box and hay box around - and has had several good poops that are normal for her.

In addition - I just checked her water bottle and its down almost 2 ounces which means that she is drinking good and she is acting more alert and active in the last hour or so.

So I'm pretty sure she's fine - probably just wanting extra attention from mama.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
:bunnydance: So glad she's acting more normal!!
Not so sure I'd say "normal" for her...almost like she's acting like Nyx right now with her temper tantrum over having her cage cleaned, etc. She never has done that before.

I just looked in on her and found some fresh pee on her floor (why won't she use the litterbox? WHY????)....

Anyway - it looks good - it doesn't look thick at all and she's had almost 3 ounces to drink. She's still not eating as good as I'd like - BUT she has a big bunch of poops.

I find myself wondering if she is just becoming a teenager.

TinysMom wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
:bunnydance: So glad she's acting more normal!!
Not so sure I'd say "normal" for her...almost like she's acting like Nyx right now with her temper tantrum over having her cage cleaned, etc. She never has done that before.

I just looked in on her and found some fresh pee on her floor (why won't she use the litterbox? WHY????)....

Anyway - it looks good - it doesn't look thick at all and she's had almost 3 ounces to drink. She's still not eating as good as I'd like - BUT she has a big bunch of poops.

I find myself wondering if she is just becoming a teenager.

You notice I said, "more normal"? At least she's eating a bit now and not laying around so much. ;)

You know, that teenage girl thing could be a huge part of what's going on with your female Flems. There is so much estrogen floating around...its making them ALL a bit crazy! Like a group of teens, all with a major case of PMS at the same time.

When we first got into rabbits, we had only females, all within a couple of months of each other in age. When they all hit 4-6 months...HOLY MOLEY!! Everyone was a brat. They couldn't get along together anymore (normal), every one of them wanted to be the QUEEN, and one minute they would be lovey-dovey to their human slaves...and the next they would just aboutbite your finger off! And itreally seemed like it was more than just "their own" hormones bothering them.

I've seen similar reactions in the non-pregnant females; when the pregnant ones were having hormone days, even the non-preggers seemed out of sorts.
Oftentimes - I am so focused on the flemish giants that I neglect to talk about some of my other rabbits. I thought I'd take the time to talk about a couple of them in this post.

Dallas and Austin (yes - named after cities in Texas) are two California brothers that live together in a cage in the rabbitry. Yes...they are intact and one is definitely dominant and the other one is submissive. There is often mounting - but never fights.

As many folks may know - I had "rescued" two prize-winning (county fair) Calis from the feed store a few years ago. The two I rescued were brother and sister and named George & Gracie (from Star Trek IV). One day Gracie broke into George's NIC cage and the rest was history. She had 6 babies - one was a runt that died at just a couple weeks of age - the other five stayed with us. The litter consisted of two bucks and three does.

Earlier this year we lost two does very suddenly - within days of each other- and I have no idea why. Fortunately - we still have Mercedes.

However today's photos (and videos - when they're done uploading) are of the boys. They don't get as much playtime as the flemish do (although they've started getting more playtime lately because they are so much darn fun to watch). When they get out - they are often binky machines for minutes at a time and then they'll take a short rest and start binkying again.

Here are some photos from playtime in the dog kennel earlier today.















If only I could've caught the binky....


and of course - the traditional butt shot...


Videos to come once they're done uploading...
The other videos seem to have stalled in uploading so I'll need to try uploading them again.

Fancy77 wrote:
wow I didnt know u had this breed too they r so nice looking I still dont know how u do it Peg

Hmm.....not sure if you mean taking care of them or what.

First of all - I am not the only caretaker - although I am the main one. Robin & I share the duties of feeding and cleaning cages and sweeping the floor - and Art does the watering (except for now when he's out of town and Robin & I do the watering.

Once we get a bunny barn - I hope to have penned in play areas so that everyone will get exercise at least every other day. Right now I mainly focus on the flemish and the Californians getting regular playtimes outside of their cage. (Maggie Mae got some playtime today and she was so was hard to catch her!)

We're hoping tomorrow when we clean one area to let the girls loose in the hallway and let them run and play there. I think they'll enjoy it. I may put a couple of boys out in the dog kennel and use my playgate area to divide the kennel in half - the lionhead bucks don't tend to jump much.

I do enjoy the rabbits - it was really REALLY hard when my herd was larger but this size is a good size for us - although I am still considering rehoming some of the lionhead bucks into pet homes - but I won't do it before Christmas as I don't want it to be to someone as an "impulse purchase" type thing. I'm not even sure I can bring myself to rehome them...I may just continue to wait for my numbers to go down.

Yep I was meaning how u do it all - work, home stuff, bunnies, relationship, RO stuff. It is amazing how much u have to get done daily with help of course but u do so much it is wonderful. I am in awe how u stay so sane lol
I'll share more later today when I get home - I'm getting ready to get out the door for work and its gonna be a LONG day for me - as I told Robin - I probably won't be back until 5 pm or so.

I am very fortunate in the fact that I have a somewhat flexible job schedule usually. I am thinking about dropping one of my jobs - I haven't decided yet and need to work the budget to make sure we can afford it. I think I'd be happier sticking to this one main company for my work and then doing work on the side by picking up various projects.

Anyway - off to work soon - I'm so gonna miss my babies today while I'm gone (all the rabbits are my "babies").
Fancy77 wrote:
Yep I was meaning how u do it all - work, home stuff, bunnies, relationship, RO stuff. It is amazing how much u have to get done daily with help of course but u do so much it is wonderful. I am in awe how u stay so sane lol
Today my route took about 200 miles (well - my route plus an additional job I took on) - and I thought about this post a lot during that time. will probably be very long - and very wordy and say far far more than you're interested in hearing - so feel free to just move on and not read it if you don't want.

For everyone else - this is a "non-rabbit" pictures, etc. at this time. Besides - at the moment I'm too frustrated with Nyx who grabbed MY banana and ate some of it and then dragged it into the back of Athena's cage when I went chasing after her for it. Mind you - she had to stand up on her hind legs to get it off my little stand to begin with.

Anyway - the first thing I noticed is you don't know me that well - for you still think I'm sane! :?:?:? Oh well....

Seriously though - I am pleased with my life at this point in time and I've worked hard to get to this point. I think I probably look at life and many things with a different perspective than many folks on the forum - and that's ok - cause its MY life I'm living and not someone else's.

So...about 20 or 21 years ago (I'm 49 now) - I came across a book by Cheryl Biehl called, "I Can't Do It All" and it changed my life. It has since been reprinted under a different title - but I forget the name. (It is published by a Christian publisher).

She talked about seasons of life and how we need to look at what we want to do, be, have fourth thing haunts me now - during the course of our lives. She gave a group of categories - like personal goals, financial goals, career goals, etc. You picked what you wanted in each area. looked at your life and broke it down into seasons. For instance there is:

relationship/marriage (pre-kids)
having preschool kids
having school age kids (up through jr. high)
having teenagers
empty nest

and on and on it goes. Of course in today's society - you might never have the marriage without kids because your significant other may bring kids into the relationship. Or you might go from empty nest to having an elderly parent living in your home.

But you took each of those general life goals and broke them down into those seasons.

For example - I might be a mom with preschoolers and I want to go back to school to become a psychologist. Maybe I can't do that now...but what can I do during this season of my life to work towards that goal. Perhaps you could take one course a semester...or you could start reading on your own to prepare for the next step when you can take classes.

Perhaps a goal is to have your house paid off by the time your kids are teenagers (so you can save for college during those years) - and right now your kids are preschoolers. What can you do now (and in each season) to work towards that goal? Perhaps you'll work part-time when the kids are in school so your income can go towards paying off the house early.

But basically - you looked at seasons of your life and asked yourself what you wanted to do in order to achieve what you wanted to do, have or be.

That book helped me immensely because it helped me realize that my kids were only going to be young once and that our relationship as adults would be affected by the relationship we had in these earlier seasons. So...during the years the kids were home (until teens) I rarely took a job - or I only took part-time jobs with schedules that could work around Art's schedule. Looking back now - I'm mostly proud of my kids and the relationship we have (very proud of that) - and I'm glad I made those decisions and that we could afford for me to do so.

Then - in 1996 we moved to Alaska and for about four years we went through some rough times because of Art's stress level from work. I remember one time in particular I just wanted OUT of the marriage. Period. It wasn't working for me at all and I hated to see him drive in the driveway.

About that time I discovered a book called "The Ten Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management" by Hyrum Smith. I remember one thing in particular which was, "What three things can you do NOW to change what you're unhappy about?" That might not be exactly how he put it - but that was how I remember it.

I realized that the first thing I needed to do was to stop basing my self-esteem on Art's mood at the moment or on how he reacted to me. I still struggle with this from time to time - but now I love myself no matter what he says and or does (by the way - he is far far far better now and we've really worked through a lot).

Another thing that was discussed in that book was writing a mission statement for your life. Companies have mission statements that they (supposedly) base their decisions on - so why shouldn't a person have a mission or life statement.

And one day my statement just sort of "came" to me - no - I won't share it here - its far too personal and some things in my life have changed. But I realized that the key word I wanted to describe my life and my actions was "nurture" - I wanted to nurture others and encourage them because that was what made me feel good.

So I broke my life down into various "areas" - like my relationship with God (first & most important to me) - then my relationship to Art - then the kids - then our church friends and extended family and then homemaking and homeschooling and work. In each area - I put down some guiding thoughts of how I wanted to be - these weren't measurable goals like "work 3 days per week" but more like "Be organized so I can plan my work schedule and not be overwhelmed". You will probably notice that I did not equate homemaking with being a wife. There is a difference between taking care of the home for my family - and being a wife to my husband. Each "role" requires a different skill set (hint: I'm still needing to improve on the homemaking skill set).

From there I wound up reading the Stephen Covey books about time/life management and implementing several of his principles. For instance - I took each of those "roles" or "responsibilities" I mentioned above and I set yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly goals. Then - every week -once a week - I would ask myself how I was doing in each area. For instance - perhaps I felt like Eric needed more "mom" time - I know he loves to go out for coffee - so I would make sure to make it a priority that week to have Eric run an errand with me and we'd take time to stop and have coffee and just talk. If I knew my mom needed more attention - I'd schedule time to call her more often. Some weeks I said, "I'm not going to do something special in this category this week because I'm just too busy". That was ok too - because I had my eye on the future along with the present and knew that at some point - I'd have time for that again.

I also read "Escape from the Tyrrany of the Urgent" by Charles Hummel and it taught me how to decide whether or not to say "yes" or "no" to something.

A book that helped me with my marriage was "Creative Counterpart" by Linda Dillow. I heard her speak at a women's retreat while we lived in Alaska and she said something that really stunned me and changed my life. She said, "Imagine that you go to a funeral and you listen to people get up and speak about the person in the casket. The husband gets up...weeping. The children speak...the friends speak. Then you walk by the casket and realize it is YOU in that casket. What would you want them to say about you?"

Ouch. That made me think...Would it matter to my kids that I made a perfect homemade cake or that I spent time with them? (Perhaps I could spend time with them MAKING the cake..).

It helped me set priorities for who I want to be in the future...whether its tomorrow or five years from now or whatever.

Sometimes I have to ask myself, "Did my actions of today meet the standards of the woman I want to be?" and I find myself sadly lacking. Other times - I think I'm headed in the right direction.

Anyway - I am currently working on planning out next year and reevaluating my life. I have a notebook started that says, "Planning for and Living Out 2010".

In it - I have started setting some goals that are somewhat measurable - but need some more specifics. Here are a few of them so far...

Spiritual Life:
Make my quiet times/devotions a priority in my life and develop a routine for having that time
Memorize Scripture again (I do my best at keeping the home tidy when I'm memorizing scripture)

Get bills caught up
Start emergency fund (I also dream of starting a "pass it on" fund so I have money to give to others for special things and they can then pass it on later to someone else)
Go to "cash" system so we don't keep using ATM cards

Continue to monitor my food intake on SparkPeople
Start a walking/exercise routine
Take medications daily

Get a routine down for work (I currently can pretty much set my schedule - not always a good thing)
Study towards becoming a life coach
Get my "work area" (desk and surrounding area) organized

Develop a website for the rabbitry
Finish my novel (finally)
Work on writing children's book about Tiny (writing is fun for me - but this could go in career)

Once a month I'll be setting goals for the month and then once a week I'll be setting goals for that week.

A planner that I really like for this type of organizing isThe Planner Pad and I may break down and buy a new one - I haven't decided yet.

So - how do I do it all? I juggle things carefully and try to decide if the things I'm doing or want to do - match up to my priorities. Yeah - sometimes I get distracted from them and get hooked on a game like Farmville (thanks Ali) - or Sorority Life or something else. Or I'll find myself watching a whole season or series of a particular tv show that I miss or have recently discovered.

But generally - when I follow this system - I stay on track.

Oh - and I still have areas I need to set goals in - like HOMEMAKING! (Yes - I know of Flylady...been there .. done it...several times).

Well Peg I am not too sure where to begin or what to say as a reply to your post. (I did read it

It touched me. I can safely say from this I know u a bit better...I will keep saying u r sane tho lol

You have a very positive outlook and are trying every day to educate and improve yourself. That is saying a lot!!

The devotion u give to u goals is aw inspiring, I fight with myself everyday about so many things and it seems even thought that might be something u do u also can come back to your planner and b re-focused sand grounded.

I like the fact that u have come to terms with yourself and are ok with who and what u r and how ur relationship is.

I am 32 and I have come a long way in life but have a long way to go also. at this point in my life I am in a funk and am trying to work on ways to climb out of it (I always ask myself if I have the strength tho) I am a blessed women with the family and ppl surrounding me, if it wasnt for me holding myself back I would have the quintessential perfect life.

I cant tell u how nice it was to read this post, and it may sound weird but means a lot to me that u spent so much time thinking about how to reply...I appreciate that (I didnt realize how hard replying to u would be tho...I am very emotional right now and I dont know why)

Oh one more thing...u might never b the best home maker...and that doent matter, we all have faults big and small :)

Thx again Peg
I thought that I'd take some time to share a couple of bunny stories with y'all real quick.

First of all - let's start with Zeus. Oh...where oh where do I start?

Well - I'll start with last night. Robin loves to read in our bed sometimes and she went in yesterday and came out and said, "Mom...what were you eating in bed?" I looked at her blankly and she said, "Dad's side of the bed is covered with crumbs..."

I was clueless. She goes back in and a few minutes later I hear "BAD BUNNY....BAD BAD BUNNY".

It seems like Sir Zeus decided to help himself to her rice cakes earlier when she left the room (she'd been in there earlier and thought she'd moved them out of his reach). He didn't exactly eat them...more like work on shredding the bag and destroying them and then getting the crumbs spread on the bed.

I told Zeus that he was going to have to make up for it and replace her rice cakes - that I was going to take money from his treat fund to replace the bag of rice cakes.

So this morning I wake up about 4:30 am to realize I'm getting my hair trimmed - at the scalp - by a bunny. Not good. I tell him no and to let me sleep. I cover my head with the blanket and about 15 minutes later - I get wet! Turns out he decided to knock my can of Joint Juice (mango flavored) off the nightstand and onto the bed - and it had probably 2 ounces left it in - maybe more. He starts licking up the joint juice and is so happy...and I'm fuming.

Finally - I get back to sleep and at 5:45 am - here comes the hair trimmer again.

I finally got up....later....grumbling the whole time.

Then this afternoon/early evening - Robin tells me to eat an apple while she works on supper because I hadn't eaten anything all day. I eat the apple and decide to share the core with Nyx and Sophia who are under the table (Athena is back in her cage per her wishes). They love it - then Nyx grabs it and runs off and Sophia is MAD - VERY mad. So I grab Sophia and bring her in the chair with me (I'd given her the core first and then Nyx came over) and have Robin bring me another apple. I take the first bite and then I let her start eating part of the apple. Before you know it - Nyx is up in my lap eating apple too. (I'm gonna do this again sometime and get a picture of it).

By the way - for those who might become worried - they're used to apple and frequently get a good slice of an apple - and I didn't let them eat the WHOLE apple or anything like that.

Sophia finally decided she'd had enough and got down - and since Nyx would've eaten the whole thing - I took it away from her after a couple more bites.

So that was my day with the bunnies. I need to check on Athena as she's very antisocial right now - and Sophia is definitely becoming a teenager or spoiled or something. She used to come to her cage door when I walked in - now she tells me to take a number and she'll get to me when she can.

Meanwhile - if I sit on the floor and call Nyx - she'll frequently run to me and jump in my lap for pets.

Teenager bunnies - can't live with them - don't wanna live without them!

[align=center] So who is it?




Victor? (ha ha - too big to be Victor)

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